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Paul's discourse for the Corinthians' edification :a socio-rhetorical interpretation of 2 Corinthians 10-13

Thesis (D. Th.)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The difficulties attending the reading 2 Cor 10-13 are widely recognized. This dissertation
aims to interpret the text by means of socio-rhetorical analysis and to investigate what its real
purpose is. Our hypothesis is that this Pauline discourse aims at the Corinthians’ edification
by defending his apostolic lifestyle and so giving them a good example of imitatio Christi,
imitatio Pauli (Chapter 1).
Chapter 2 surveys the recent studies of 2 Cor 10-13 from various approaches, viz. literary
historical approach, historical approach, rhetorical approach, and ethical and social-scientific
approach. Because of the limited results of each approach used alone, we need a multidimensional
and multi-disciplinary method is required. Chapter 3 reconfigures the sociorhetorical
approach developed by Robbins into a fourfold dimensional analysis for a more
adequate reading of 2 Cor 10-13: a rhetorical analysis; an analysis of intertexture and
rhetorolect; an analysis of social, cultural and ideological texture; and an analysis of sacred
Chapter 4 analyzes the rhetoric of 2 Cor 10-13. The four realities of the rhetorical situation
are the invasion of the outsiders against Paul, the discontent of the insiders with Paul, the
conflict concerning Paul’s support, and the plan of Paul’s upcoming visit. The rhetorical
arrangement, as a deliberative argumentation but including judicial and epideictic elements, is
summarized as follows: exordium and propositio (10:1-11); narratio (10:12-18);
argumentatio (11:1-13:4); peroratio (13:5-10). The argumentatio marshals four arguments:
what is the true character of the intruders? (11:1-21a); what is the servant of Christ like?
(11:21b-12:10); who is whose benefactor? (12:11-19); what sort of man do they expect with
Paul’s upcoming visit? (12:20-13:4).
Chapter 5 discusses the intertexture and rhetorolect of 2 Cor 10-13. The discourse is thickly
intertextured providing the vivid picture and the persuasive rationale for his arguments, and is
woven of various rhetorolects. The main rhetorolect is prophetic, which focuses on Paul
whom God has chosen to take leadership in the production of righteousness. By blending this
rhetorolect with priestly, our text manifests that Paul, in weakness and sufferings, according
to God’s call, is following the example of Christ.Chapter 6 explores the social, cultural and ideological textures in 2 Cor 10-13. In social
texture, the discourse has a vision of acquiring cognitive abilities for the aim of transforming
people so they may build a Christian community in faith until God transforms all. In cultural
texture, the discourse utilizes the conventions of dominant culture, but rejects its central
values and creates an antithetical set of values based on the crucified Christ. In ideological
texture, the discourse presents the social ethos that opposes the dominant social order: it
represents rather the interests of the socially weak. The Pauline discourse, however,
legitimises his position of primary authority over the Corinthian Christians.
Chapter 7 investigates the sacred texture in 2 Cor 10-13. The discourse establishes a theology
which is balanced by the crucified and resurrected Christ. Christ’s crucifixion and
resurrection is recapitulated in Paul’s apostleship, discipleship and servant-ship in the form of
imitatio Christi, and must be reproduced in the Corinthian church in the form of imitatio Pauli.
In the final assessment, the main purpose of 2 Cor 10-13 is defined as the edification of the
Corinthian church through defending Paul’s apostolic lifestyle, which is characterized by the
imitatio Christi. Paul’s lifestyle is derived from Christ who was crucified and resurrected by
the power of God, demonstrating God’s power manifested in human weakness. Now it is the
Corinthians’ turn to demonstrate the divine power manifested in their imitatio Pauli. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar word algemeen aanvaar dat daar probleme is met die lees van 2 Kor. 10-13. Hierdie
verhandeling probeer om deur middel van sosiaal-retoriese analise die teks te ontleed en die
ware oogmerk daarvan te ondersoek. Die hipotese waarvan uitgegaan word, is dat die
Pauliniese diskoers ingestel is op die geestelike opheffing van die Korintiërs deur sy
verdediging van die apostoliese lewenstyl en deur vir hulle ’n goeie voorbeeld van imitatio
Christi, imitatio Pauli te stel (Hoofstuk 1).
Hoofstuk 2 bestudeer onlangse ondersoeke na 2 Kor. 10-13 vanuit verskillende
benaderingshoeke, naamlik die literêrhistoriese benadering, die historiese benadering, die
retoriese benadering, en etiese en sosiaalwetenskaplike benaderings. Die beperkte resultate
wat die afsonderlike gebruik van elke benadering sou oplewer, vereis dat ’n
multidimensionele en multidissiplinêre metode gebruik moet word. Hoofstuk 3 rekonfigureer
die sosiaal-retoriese benadering wat deur Robbins ontwikkel is, tot ’n viervoudige
dimensionele ontleding vir ’n vollediger lees van 2 Kor. 10-13: ’n retoriese analise; ’n analise
van intertekstualiteit en reterolek; ’n analise van sosiale, kulturele en ideologiese
intertekstualiteit; en ’n analise van gewyde tekstualiteit.
Hoofstuk 4 ontleed die retoriek in 2 Kor. 10-13. Die vier realiteite van die retoriese situasie is
die inval van die buitestanders teen Paulus, die ontevredenheid van lede van die binnekring
jeens Paulus, die konflik met betrekking tot Paulus se ondersteuning, en die plan met
betrekking tot Paulus se voorgenome besoek. Die retoriese skikking, as ’n beraadslagende
betoog, maar met inbegrip van forensiese en epideiktiese elemente, word soos volg opgesom:
exordium en propositio (10:1-11); narratio (10:12-18); argumentatio (11:1-13:4); peroratio
(13:5-10). Die argumentatio behels leiding vir vier argumente: wat is die ware karakter van
die indringers? (11:1-21a); waaraan ken ’n mens die dienaar van Christus uit? (11:21b-12:10;
wie is wie se weldoener? (12:11-19); watter soort man verwag hulle met Paulus se
voorgenome besoek? (12:20-13:4).
Hoofstuk 5 bied ’n bespreking van die intertekstualiteit en reterolek van 2 Kor. 10-13. Die
diskoers is ryklik voorsien van intertekste en verskaf so ’n duidelike prentjie en die grondrede
vir sy argumente, wat uit verskeie reterolekte ineengeweef is. Die belangrikste reterolek isprofeties, en fokus op Paulus wat deur God uitgekies is om leierskap te aanvaar vir die
voortbrenging van regverdigheid. Deur hierdie reterolek met die priesterlike te vermeng, gee
ons teks blyke daarvan dat Paulus, in swakheid en lyding, volgens God se roeping, die
voorbeeld van Christus volg.
Hoofstuk 6 ondersoek die sosiale, kulturele en ideologiese tekstualiteit in 2 Kor. 10-13. In
sosiale tekstualiteit het die diskoers ’n visie van die verkryging van die kognitiewe vermoëns
wat nodig is vir die oogmerk van hervorming van mense sodat hulle ’n Christen-gemeenskap
in die geloof kan bou totdat God almal nuut sal maak. In kulturele tekstualiteit gebruik die
diskoers die konvensies van die dominante kultuur, maar verwerp die sentrale waardes
daarvan en skep ’n stel antitetiese waardes gebaseer op die gekruisigde Christus. In
ideologiese tekstualiteit bied die diskoers die sosiale ethos wat teen die dominante
maatskaplike orde in verset is: dit verteenwoordig eerder die belange van dié wat maatskaplik
swak is. Die Pauliniese diskoers legitimeer egter sy posisie as primêre gesag oor die Christene
in Korinte.
In hoofstuk 7 word die gewyde tekstualiteit van 2 Kor. 10-13 ondersoek. Die diskoers
bring ’n teologie tot stand wat in ewewig is met die gekruisigde en opgestane Christus.
Christus se kruisiging en opstanding word weergegee in Paulus se apostelskap, dissipelskap
en dienaarskap in die vorm van imitatio Christi, en moet ook weergegee word in die kerk in
Korinte in die vorm van imitatio Pauli.
Ten slotte word die hoofdoel van 2 Kor 10-13 gedefinieer as die geestelike opheffing van die
kerk in Korinte deur die verdediging van Paulus se apostoliese lewenstyl wat deur die imitatio
Christi gekenmerk word. Paulus se lewenstyl is van Christus oorgeneem, wat gekruisig en
weer opgewek is deur die krag van God, wat God se mag wat in menslike swakheid na vore
kom, demonstreer. Nou is dit die Korintiërs se beurt om bewys te lewer van die goddelike
krag deur hulle imitatio Pauli.
Date12 1900
CreatorsMoon, Jang-Hwan
ContributorsCombrink, H.J.B., University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Old and New Testament.
PublisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Formatv, 261 leaves
RightsUniversity of Stellenbosch

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