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A retrospectiva dos direitos da crian?a e do adolescente : uma an?lise cr?tica perante a m?dia conservadora

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DIS_ANNE_CRISTIAN_ESTEVEM_DE_MENEZES_PARCIAL.pdf: 594543 bytes, checksum: d2ec12b53c92f078ceb4d902902f65f0 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-12-12 / The present study seeks to present a critical analysis of the rights of children and adolescents before and the conservative media, through legal, normative, historical and conceptual aspects about the children and youth public. From this perspective, the historicity of childhood and adolescence will be addressed at the national and global levels, through laws and newspapers that highlight this theme, analyzing critically the mass media used in different periods of this history.
The subject under study is linked to the research line "Social Service and Social Policies", one of the axes of the Postgraduate Program of the Faculty of Social Service of the School of Humanity of PUCRS. The approach of the theme refers to the discussion of the Irregular Situation Doctrine and the Doctrine of Integral Protection, since there are different conceptions, both in the law and in the defense of children and adolescents, as well as in the protection system. The research investigates the changes of conception on the Rights of the Child and Adolescents that are expressed in the Brazilian legislation and in official documents, from 1988 to 2015.
In this process of investigation, the Critical Dialectic method was used to unravel reality. For this, we sought, through historicity and contradictions, to reach the social totality; Recognizing it, however, in its dynamic, unfinished and constantly changing movement. These constant transformations become visible in the analysis of this research, when the social policies in Brazil and the conception of the rights of children and adolescents, regulated by both the Statute of the Child and the Adolescent, as well as other social legislation and policies are addressed. It is understood that these constant transformations are also influenced and manifested through the social movements of the child and juvenile population and their processes of struggle and resistance, for the guarantee and the realization of their rights.
Initially, it was sought to delimit the universe of research in Brazilian legislation, in official publications and in newspapers dating from 1988, contemplating in the research the period from 1988 to 2015. However, this period was broadened, going from 1979 to 2015 , Considering the need to understand
the legal changes introduced in 1979. However, the focus of these changes began in 1988, with the publication of the new Federal Constitution and the conceptual changes on child and adolescent protection, brought and established by the Magna Carta . The sampling of this research takes place with the published legislation from 1979 to 2015 and with the reports and researches on the subjects: institutional reception (shelters); Children and adolescents (children and adolescents); Law, and Juvenile Justice and Juvenile Court (Juvenile Court - before 1989).
The search for journalistic data used a universe that covers the period from 1979 to 2015. The keywords searched in the journalistic data were: "juveniles", Juvenile Court, Juvenile Court and Youth, childhood and youth, children's rights and Adolescents, shelter, institutional shelter, protection of children and adolescents and measures of protection.
The research sample was characterized as non-probabilistic and intentional, aiming at knowing the conception expressed in official documents about the rights of children and adolescents in all spheres of government. The sample focuses on 275 reports between the years 1999 to 2015, in which thematic axes were categorized as: rights of children and adolescents, family and community coexistence, shelter / institutional reception, affective adoption / sponsorship, public policies, violation of rights , Life history, urban violence, violence against children and adolescents, and criminal age. However, emphasis was placed only on the first three axes. The total universe of journalistic material is found in 319 reports, however, due to the lack of some data from other years, it was decided to reduce the sample to 275 reports. The reports of the year 1979 were used to better visualize the themes and forms of manifestation of newspapers at the time.
The research stages consisted, first of all, in the survey and selection of the materials to be analyzed, taking into account that the previously established criteria contemplate the objectives and purpose of the research. In the second stage, the material is read and the categories highlighted as relevant, taking into account the period and historical context in which they were produced. As for the third stage, data collection was performed through the technique of documentary analysis and data interpretation, based on content analysis (Bardin, 1977).
The data were analyzed through the coding, classification and categorization procedures, resulting in reference frames that will serve as the basis for the realization of the inferences.Nevertheless, the explanatory categories found to better understand the installed reality are articulated and referenced in a conjuncture around the theme: children's and adolescents' rights, social policies - Social Assistance and the media. Nevertheless, for a better interpretation and analysis of this study, the methodology used to analyze the social theory of mass communication was used John Thompson (1995), in the face of interpretation methodology. Firstly, it refers to socio-historical analysis, in which the social and historical conditions of production, circulation and reception of symbolic forms, as well as contextualized social phenomena (empirical, observational and documentary methods) will be analyzed. Subsequently, the methodology of interpretation, stands out the analysis, formal or discursive, which means to analyze the symbolic forms and their complex construction. And finally the interpretation methodology includes the interpretation and reinterpretation of the results of the data analysis. This is done through explanations and analysis of socio-historical reflections and discursive analysis around the category and the realization of social rights. It is proposed to construct a concept that articulates all the categories that have been used, to explain it, among the aspects of contradiction, historicity, alienation and totality. The concept of guaranteeing the rights of children and adolescents permeates all this work, as it is established within a precise theoretical, political and ideological referential, that is, the Marxist dialectic. This apprehension of the concept is based on a critical political formation, differentiated by reason of being a social process guided by a political culture, based on values that affirm democracy and human rights, from the processes of participation, organization and social policy. Finally, social policies and their variations on social protection, especially the rights of children and adolescents, are addressed, and this has repercussions in the media and in the mass society. / O presente estudo busca apresentar uma an?lise cr?tica dos direitos da crian?a e do adolescente perante e a m?dia conservadora, atrav?s de aspectos legais, normativos, hist?ricos e conceituais acerca do p?blico infanto-juvenil. Nessa perspectiva se abordar? a historicidade da inf?ncia e adolesc?ncia no ?mbito nacional e mundial, atrav?s de leis e jornais que salientam essa tem?tica, analisando de forma cr?tica os meios de comunica??o de massa utilizados em diferentes per?odos dessa hist?ria.
O tema em estudo est? vinculado ? linha de pesquisa ?Servi?o Social e Pol?ticas Sociais?, um dos eixos do Programa de P?s-gradua??o da Faculdade de Servi?o Social da Escola de Humanidade da PUCRS. A abordagem do tema remete ? discuss?o da Doutrina de Situa??o Irregular e ? Doutrina de Prote??o Integral, pois h? concep??es diferenciadas, tanto no direito e na defesa de crian?as e adolescentes, quanto no sistema de prote??o. A pesquisa indaga as mudan?as de concep??o sobre os Direitos da Crian?a e do Adolescentes que se expressam na legisla??o brasileira e em documentos oficiais, no per?odo de 1988 a 2015.
Nesse processo de investiga??o, utilizou-se o m?todo Dial?tico Cr?tico, para desvendar a realidade. Para isso, buscou-se, atrav?s da historicidade e de contradi??es, chegar-se ? totalidade social; reconhecendo-a, por?m, em seu movimento din?mico, inacabado e em constante transforma??o. Essas constantes transforma??es tornam-se vis?veis na an?lise desta pesquisa, quando s?o abordadas as pol?ticas sociais no Brasil e a concep??o dos direitos de crian?as e adolescentes, normatizadas, tanto pelo Estatuto da Crian?a e do Adolescente, quanto pelas demais legisla??es e pol?ticas sociais. Entende-se que essas constantes transforma??es tamb?m s?o influenciadas e manifestadas atrav?s dos movimentos sociais da popula??o infanto-juvenil e dos seus processos de luta e resist?ncia, para a garantia e a efetiva??o de seus direitos.
Inicialmente, buscou-se a delimita??o do universo da pesquisa na legisla??o brasileira, nas publica??es oficiais e em jornais datados a partir do ano de 1988, contemplando na pesquisa o per?odo de 1988 a 2015. Todavia esse per?odo foi ampliado, indo de 1979 a 2015, considerando a necessidade de
se compreender as mudan?as legais instauradas em 1979. Por?m o foco dessas mudan?as ocorreu a partir de 1988, com a publica??o da nova Constitui??o Federal e das mudan?as conceituais sobre prote??o ? crian?a e ao adolescente, trazidas e estabelecidas pela Carta Magna. A amostragem dessa pesquisa se d? com as legisla??es publicadas no per?odo de 1979 a 2015 e com as reportagens e pesquisas sobre os temas: acolhimento institucional (abrigos); crian?as e adolescentes (popula??o infanto-juvenil); direito, justi?a e Juizado da Inf?ncia e da Juventude (Juizado de Menores ? antes de 1989).
A pesquisa de dados jornal?stico utilizou um universo que compreende o per?odo de 1979 a 2015. As palavras-chave pesquisadas nos dados jornal?sticos foram: ?menores?, Juizado de Menores, Juizado da Inf?ncia e Juventude, inf?ncia e juventude, direitos das crian?as e dos adolescentes, abrigo, acolhimento institucional, prote??o de crian?as e adolescentes e medida de prote??o.
A amostra da pesquisa se caracterizou como n?o probabil?stica e intencional, tendo em vista que se busca conhecer a concep??o expressa nos documentos oficiais, acerca dos direitos das crian?as e dos adolescentes em todas as esferas do governo. A amostra se concentra em 275 reportagens entre os anos de 1999 a 2015, em que foram categorizados eixos tem?ticos como: direitos de crian?as e adolescentes, conviv?ncia familiar e comunit?ria, abrigo/acolhimento institucional, ado??o/apadrinhamento afetivo, pol?ticas p?blicas, viola??o de direitos, hist?ria de vida, viol?ncia urbana, viol?ncia contra crian?as e adolescentes e maioridade penal. Todavia e ?nfase recaiu somente sobre os tr?s primeiros eixos. O universo total da mat?ria jornal?stica encontra-se em 319 reportagens, contudo, diante da falta de alguns dados dos demais anos, optou-se por afunilar a amostra para 275 reportagens. As reportagens do ano de 1979 foram utilizadas para melhor visualizar as tem?ticas e as formas de manifesta??o dos jornais na ?poca.
As etapas da pesquisa consistiram, primeiramente, no levantamento e na sele??o dos materiais a serem analisados, levando em conta que os crit?rios estabelecidos anteriormente contemplem os objetivos e finalidade da pesquisa. Na segunda etapa, ? realizada a leitura do material e o destaque de categorias consideradas relevantes, levando em conta o per?odo e o contexto hist?rico em
que foram produzidos. Quanto ? terceira etapa, foi realizada a coleta de dados, atrav?s da t?cnica de an?lise documental e interpreta??o dos dados, com base na an?lise de conte?do (Bardin,1977).
Os dados foram analisados atrav?s dos procedimentos de codifica??o, classifica??o e categoriza??o, resultando em quadros de refer?ncia que servir?o de base para a realiza??o das infer?ncias. (Trivi?os, 1987). Ainda assim, as categorias explicativas encontradas para melhor compreender a realidade instalada est?o articuladas e referenciadas numa conjuntura em torno do tema: direitos de crian?as e adolescentes, pol?ticas sociais ? Assist?ncia Social e a m?dia.
N?o obstante, visando a uma melhor interpreta??o e an?lise desse estudo, a metodologia utilizada para analisar a teoria social da comunica??o de massa utilizou-se John Thompson (1995), diante da metodologia de interpreta??o. Primeiramente, se refere ? an?lise s?cio-hist?rica, em que ser?o analisadas as condi??es sociais e hist?ricas da produ??o, circula??o e recep??o das formas simb?licas, assim como os fen?menos sociais contextualizados (m?todos emp?ricos, observacionais e documentais). Posteriormente, a metodologia de interpreta??o, se destaca a an?lise, formal ou discursiva, que significa analisar as formas simb?licas e sua constru??o complexa. E por fim da metodologia de interpreta??o se inserem a interpreta??o e a reinterpreta??o dos resultados da an?lise de dados. Isso ? feito atrav?s de explica??es e an?lise das reflex?es s?cio-hist?ricas e da an?lise discursiva em torno da categoria e da efetiva??o dos direitos sociais. Prop?e-se a constru??o de um conceito que articule todas as categorias que v?m sendo utilizadas, para explic?-lo, dentre os aspectos da contradi??o, historicidade, aliena??o e totalidade.
O conceito de garantia de direitos da crian?a e do adolescente permeia todo esse trabalho, ? medida que se estabelece dentro de um referencial te?rico, pol?tico e ideol?gico preciso, qual seja, a dial?tica marxista. Essa apreens?o do conceito tem como base uma forma??o pol?tica cr?tica, diferenciada em raz?o de ser um processo social orientado por uma cultura pol?tica, calcada em valores que afirmam a democracia e os direitos humanos, a partir dos processos de participa??o, organiza??o e pol?tica social.
Por fim, abordam-se as pol?ticas sociais e suas varia??es no que se refere ? prote??o social e em especial aos direitos de crian?as e adolescente e como isso repercute na m?dia e na sociedade de massa.
Date12 December 2016
CreatorsMenezes, Anne Cristian Estevem de
ContributorsFernandes, Idilia
PublisherPontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Servi?o Social, PUCRS, Brasil, Escola de Humanidades
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_RS, instname:Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, instacron:PUC_RS
Relation-5042336829439580540, 500, 500, 600, -6557531471218110192, -8796676102858938039

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