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Enumerating functional substructures of genome-scale metabolic networks : stories, precursors and organisations

In this thesis, we presented three different methods for enumerating special subnetworks containedin a metabolic network: metabolic stories, minimal precursor sets and chemical organisations. Foreach of the three methods, we gave theoretical results, and for the two first ones, we further providedan illustration on how to apply them in order to study the metabolic behaviour of living organisms.Metabolic stories are defined as maximal directed acyclic graphs whose sets of sources and targets arerestricted to a subset of the nodes. The initial motivation of this definition was to analyse metabolomicsexperimental data, but the method was also explored in a different context. Metabolic precursor setsare minimal sets of nutrients that are able to produce metabolites of interest. We present threedifferent methods for enumerating minimal precursor sets and we illustrate the application in a studyof the metabolic exchanges in a symbiotic system. Chemical organisations are sets of metabolites thatare simultaneously closed and self-maintaining, which captures some stability feature in the
Date19 December 2012
CreatorsVieira Milreu, Paulo
PublisherUniversité Claude Bernard - Lyon I
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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