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The State of Extraction: A Short History of Space and Extractive Industries in Tanzania, 1885 to 2019

Diese Arbeit skizziert die Geschichte des (Gold-)Bergbaus in Tansania von 1885 bis 2019 anhand vier chronologischer Kapitel (Kolonialzeit, 1885-1961; Sozialismus 1961-1885; Liberalisierung, 1885-2015; Neo-extraktivistische Wende, seit 2015). Dabei werden besonders die bisher vernachlässigte Entstehung der Bergbauindustrie während der deutschen Kolonialzeit (bis 1916) sowie die aktuellsten Entwicklungen seit 2015 hervorgehoben.
Das zentrale Anliegen dieser Arbeit ist es, Kontinuität, Brüche und Veränderungen in Verräumlichungsprozessen und -praktiken im Verlauf der Zeit herauszuarbeiten und zu zeigen, wie das Handeln und die Interessen verschiedener Akteursgruppen diese prägt.:1. Introduction
2. Extraction and space
3. Capitalist frontiers and extractive enclaves in colonial Tanzania, 1885 -1961
4. To mine or not to mine - The Tanzanian mineral economy after independence and under ujamaa, 1961 -1985
5. 'Foreignization', liberalization and commodity frontiers, 1985 to 2015
6. Tearing down fences, building walls - Tanzania's neo-extractivist turn under Magufuli
7. Conclusion - The state of extraction
8. Bibliography / This study provides an historical overview of the (gold-)mining industry in Tanzania between 1885 and 2019, divided into four periods (colonial occupation, 1885 -1961; the socialist period, 1961-1985; liberalization, 1985-2015), the neo-extractist turn, since 2015). The so far neglected history of mining in Tanganyika under German rule (until 1916) and the most recent developments under President Magufuli since 2015 receive special attention here.
At the core, this study seeks to elaborate continuities, junctures and change in practices and processs of spatialization over time and to show, how the agency and interests of certain groups of actors shape them.:1. Introduction
2. Extraction and space
3. Capitalist frontiers and extractive enclaves in colonial Tanzania, 1885 -1961
4. To mine or not to mine - The Tanzanian mineral economy after independence and under ujamaa, 1961 -1985
5. 'Foreignization', liberalization and commodity frontiers, 1985 to 2015
6. Tearing down fences, building walls - Tanzania's neo-extractivist turn under Magufuli
7. Conclusion - The state of extraction
8. Bibliography
Date19 February 2020
CreatorsRoder, Kai
ContributorsUniversität Leipzig
Source SetsHochschulschriftenserver (HSSS) der SLUB Dresden
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersion, doc-type:doctoralThesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis, doc-type:Text

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