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Freq??ncia populacional de Dermatobia hominis (Linneaus Jr., 1781) (D?ptera: Cuterebridae) e sua correla??o com vari?veis clim?ticas em duas propriedades rurais no sudeste do Brasil / Frequency of population Dermatobia hominis and its correlation with variable climate in two rural properties in southeastern Brazil

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2015 - William Soares Medeiros.pdf: 2112015 bytes, checksum: 79b821090426baeb106b29b980b2ad18 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-07-31 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Dermatobia hominis (Linneaus Jr., 1781) (Diptera, Cuterebridae), popularly known in English as the Human Botfly or Warble fly, the only species of this genus and endemic to the neotropical region, is a holometabolous insect with an independent phase of life in its adult form and an obligatory parasitic phase in its larval form. In its parasitic phase, the larva is the cause of furuncular myiasis occurring in a large variety of endothermic animals, with most frequent occurrence in cattle, dogs and humans. The lack of information concerning dermatobiosis creates difficulties in its diagnosis. By means of a systematic review of the literature on the subject, it can be verified that this fly shows versatility in its phoresis and has a vast list of phoretic records. Field studies are restricted to observation of its larval form, because its adult form is difficult to observe, making this a rare event. With the intention of evaluating and comparing fluctuation in the population of D. hominis, searching for correlations between the incidence of Botfly larval infestations and climatic factors and their distribution on the body surface of cattle, two areas of study were selected, in which field collections were carried out twice monthly for counting the number of larvae in the herds. Discrepancies were discovered in the average number of larval nodes in cattle between these areas of study. These nodules showed variation in their bodily distribution on the cattle, with a higher incidence in the anterior region, compromising the quality of the animals? skins for economic purposes. In one of the areas, there was a correlation between the average number of larvae and the temperature and precipitation. These climatic factors are related to edaphic characteristics, influencing the penetration of the L3 larvae and the pupal period. For a greater understanding of the dynamics and fluctuations in the population of D. hominis in these areas, ample monitoring is needed to determine if the results encountered in this study are atypical or influenced by local characteristics. Currently, the demand for research is for methods of controlling the dermatobiosis, with emphasis on integrated plague management. Other deficiencies include following the Botfly?s complete life cycle in the laboratory and understanding certain peculiar adaptations, such as atrophied oral apparatus / A Dermatobia hominis (Linneaus Jr., 1781) (Diptera, Cuterebridae), popularmente conhecida como mosca do berne, ?nica esp?cie do g?nero e end?mica da regi?o Neotropical, ? um inseto holomet?bolo com uma fase de vida livre na sua forma adulta e uma fase parasit?ria obrigat?ria em sua forma larval. Em sua fase parasit?ria, a larva ? causadora da mi?ase furuncular ocorrendo em uma grande variedade de animais endot?rmicos, com ocorr?ncia mais frequente em bovinos, c?es e no homem. A falta de informa??o sobre a dermatobiose gera dificuldade em seu diagn?stico. Atrav?s de uma revis?o sistem?tica da literatura sobre o assunto, verifica-se que a mosca apresenta versatilidade para a foresia e conta com vasta lista de registros de for?ticos. Os estudos em campo se restringem a observa??es sobre sua forma larval, pois sua forma adulta ? de dif?cil observa??o tornando este evento raro. Visando avaliar e comparar a frequ?ncia populacional de D. hominis, buscando correla??o entre a incid?ncia do berne e fatores clim?ticos e a sua distribui??o na superf?cie corporal de bovinos, foram selecionadas duas ?reas de estudo, as quais foram realizadas coleta de campo quinzenalmente para o levantamento do n?mero de bernes no rebanho. Foram encontradas diverg?ncias no n?mero m?dio de n?dulos de berne em bovinos entre as ?reas de estudo. Os n?dulos apresentaram varia??o na distribui??o corporal dos bovinos, tendo maior incid?ncia na regi?o anterior, comprometendo a qualidade da pele do animal para fins econ?micos. Em uma das ?reas houve correla??o entre o n?mero m?dio de bernes e a temperatura e precipita??o. Esses fatores clim?ticos est?o relacionados ?s caracter?sticas ed?ficas, influenciando a penetra??o das larvas L3 e o per?odo pupal. Para o maior entendimento da din?mica e frequ?ncia populacional da D. hominis nessas ?reas, h? necessidade de amplo monitoramento para averiguar se os resultados encontrados neste estudo s?o at?picos ou influenciados por caracter?sticas locais. Atualmente a demanda de pesquisa est? em m?todos para controle da dermatobiose, com destaque para o manejo integrado de pragas. Outras lacunas est?o na realiza??o de seu ciclo completo em laborat?rio e compreens?o de adapta??es peculiares, tais como aparelho bucal atrofiado.
Date31 July 2015
CreatorsMedeiros, William Soares
ContributorsMoya Borja, Gonzalo Efrain, Queiroz, Jarbas Mar?al, Carvalho, Ac?cio Geraldo de, Mallet, Jacenir Reis dos Santos
PublisherUniversidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Biologia Animal, UFRRJ, Brasil, Instituto de Ci?ncias Biol?gicas
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRRJ, instname:Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, instacron:UFRRJ
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