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LODStrips:Continuous Level of Detail using Triangle Strips

In recent years, multiresolution models have progressed substantially. At the beginning, discrete models were employed in graphics applications, due mainly to the low degree of complexity involved in implementing them, which is the reason why nowadays they are still used in applications without high graphics requirements. Nevertheless, the increase in realism in graphics applications makes it necessary to use multiresolution models which are more exact in their approximations, which do not call for high storage costs and which are faster in visualization. This has given way to continuous models, where two consecutive levels of detail only differ by a few polygons and where, additionally, the duplication of information is avoided to a considerable extent, thus improving on the spatial cost offered by most discrete models.Advances have been made in the use of new graphics primitives which minimize the data transfer between the CPU and the GPU, apart from trying to make use of the connectivity information given by a polygonal mesh. For this purpose, graphics primitives with implicit connectivity, such as triangle strips and triangle fans, have been developed. Many continuous models based on this type of primitives have been recently developed. In these last few years, graphics hardware performance has evolved outstandingly, giving rise to new techniques which allow the continuous models to accelerate even more. In this work, we have improved the interactive render of polygonal meshes. To tackle the problem, we firstly studied fundamental techniques to efficiently render polygonal meshes and we later made use of geometry simplification and level of detail techniques. Thus, we defined a multiresolution model that represents a polygonal mesh at any given resolution. This approach is able to manage continuous level-of-detail by smoothly adapting mesh resolution to the application requirements. Moreover, the model was modified to take the maximum advantage of the recent GPU features. We also created a modified version of the model for being used in deforming meshes. Finally, we developed an independent library to integrate our model in real-time applications.
Date29 April 2008
CreatorsRamos Romero, Jose Francisco
ContributorsChover Sellés, Miguel, Universitat Jaume I. Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics
PublisherUniversitat Jaume I
Source SetsUniversitat Jaume I
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
SourceTDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
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