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Do registered South African dietitians require standardised ethics update courses to comply with CPD requirements for ethics points

Thesis (MNutr)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is a tool to develop and maintain professional competence and to facilitate lifelong learning. CPD is compulsory for health professionals in South Africa, and has an additional mandatory requirement that five Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) must be obtained annually on human rights, ethics and medical law.
A literature search yielded limited information on ethics education specifically for South African dietitians. As a result a cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on all dietitians registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) for the year 2010 – 2011 to determine whether dietitians feel that there is a need or demand for standardised ethics update courses, and if so, the format in which dietitians would prefer these courses. All data was collected via self-administered questionnaires that sought demographic data, data on dietitians’ awareness of ethics aspects, and the format/s preferred for standardised ethics update courses. The questionnaires were distributed electronically or via the postal system. The response rate to the study was 4.5%, which was low.
The results indicated that 58.7% of dietitians obtain the minimum requirement of 5 ethics CEU’s per year. Only 21.7% feel that there are sufficient opportunities to gain 5 ethics CEU’s and 40.2% are satisfied with the content of current CPD activities related to ethics. There are very low levels awareness and knowledge of existing guidance documents on conduct and ethics aspects available on the HPCSA’s website, and only 9.8% of respondents have carefully read and studied this information. Dietitians prefer lectures and Internet-based activities for courses on ethics.
The study concluded there is a definite demand amongst respondents for standardised ethics update courses and an urgent demand for support with conduct and ethics issues. Recommendations are focused on ways to raise awareness of existing supportive documents available from the HPCSA on conduct and ethics issues as well on the formation of sub-committees dealing with ethics aspects and possible development of standardised update courses on ethics. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Voortgesette Professionele Ontwikkeling (VPO) is ’n instrument om professionele bevoegdheid te ontwikkel en te handhaaf, en om lewenslange leer te fasiliteer. VPO is verpligtend vir professionele gesondheidspersoneel in Suid-Afrika, en stel ’n bykomende verpligting om jaarliks vyf VPO-eenhede oor menseregte, etiek en mediese reg te verwerf.
’n Literatuurstudie het beperkte inligting oor etiekonderwys, spesifiek vir Suid-Afrikaanse dieetkundiges, opgelewer. ’n Kruisdeursnee beskrywende studie is uitgevoer op alle dieetkundiges wat by die Raad vir Gesondheidsberoepe van Suid-Afrika (RGBSA) vir die jaar 2010-2011 geregistreer is, om te bepaal of daar by hulle ’n behoefte bestaan of vraag is na nuwe gestandaardiseerde kursusse oor etiese aspekte, en, indien wel, die formaat waarin dieetkundiges hierdie kursusse sal verkies. Alle data is deur middel van selfgeadministreerde vraelyste versamel wat inligting ingewin het oor demografiese data, data oor dieetkundiges se bewustheid van etiese aspekte en die formaat wat vir nuwe gestandaardiseerde kursusse oor etiek verkies word. Die vraelyste is elektronies of via die posstelsel versprei. Die reaksieskoers op die studie was 4.5%, wat laag is.
Die resultate dui aan dat 58.7% van die dieetkundiges die minimum vereiste van vyf VPO-eenhede oor etiek per jaar behaal. Slegs 21.7% voel dat daar voldoende geleenthede is om vyf eenhede in etiek te verwerf en 40.2% is tevrede met die inhoud van huidige VPO-aktiwiteite wat met etiek verband hou. Daar is baie lae vlakke van bewustheid en kennis van bestaande rigsnoerdokumente oor optrede en etiese aspekte op die RGBSA se webtuiste beskikbaar, en slegs 9.8% van die respondente het die inligting deeglik gelees en bestudeer. Dieetkundiges verkies lesings en Internet-gebaseerde aktiwiteite vir kursusse oor etiek. Die studie kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat daar ’n definitiewe aanvraag onder respondente is na nuwe gestandaardiseerde kursusse oor etiek en ’n dringende vraag na ondersteuning ten opsigte van etiese kwessies en optrede. Aanbevelings fokus op maniere om ’n bewustheid te kweek van bestaande ondersteuningsdokumente oor etiese kwessies wat by die RGBSA beskikbaar is, asook oor die vorming van subkomitees wat werk met etiese aspekte en die moontlike ontwikkeling van gestandaardiseerde bygewerkte kursusse oor etiek.
Date03 1900
CreatorsCraucamp, Elizabeth Adriana
ContributorsHarmse, B., Koornhof, H. E., Nel, D. G., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Health Sciences. Dept. of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Human Nutrition.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format69 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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