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Application of spatial resource data to assist in farmland valuation

Thesis (MScAgric) -- Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In South Africa more than 80 percent of the total land area is used for agriculture and
subsistence livelihoods. A land transaction is generally not a recurring action for
most buyers and sellers, their experience and knowledge are limited, for this reason
the services of property agents and valuers are sometimes used, just to get more
information available. The condition of insufficient information and the inability to
observe differences in land productivity gives rise to the undervaluation of good land
and overvaluation of poor land. The value of a property plays an important role in the
acquisition of a bond, in this context farm valuations are essential and therefore
commercial banks make more use of specialist businesses that have professional
valuers available.
The advent of the Internet made access to comprehensive information sources
easier for property agents and valuers whose critical time and resources can now be
effectively managed through Geographic Information System (GIS) integrated
workflow processes. This study aims to develop the blueprint for a farm valuation
support system (FVSS) that assists valuers in their application of the comparable
sales method by enabling them to do the following: (1) Rapid identification of the location of the subject property and transaction properties on an electronic map. (2)
Comparison of the subject property with the transaction properties in terms of value
contributing attributes that can be expressed in a spatial format, mainly a) location
and b) land resource quality factors not considered in existing valuation systems that
primarily focus on residential property.
Interpretation of soil characteristics to determine the suitability of a soil for annual or
perennial crops requires specialized knowledge of soil scientists, knowledge not
normally found among property valuers or estate agents. For this reason an
algorithm, that generates an index value, was developed to allow easy comparison
of the land of a subject property and that of transaction properties. Whether this
index value reflects the soil suitability of different areas sufficiently accurate was
confirmed by soil suitability data of the Breede and Berg River areas, which were
obtained by soil scientists by means of a reconnaissance soil survey. This index
value distinguishes the proposed FVSS from other existing property valuation
systems and can therefore be used by valuers as a first approximation of a
property’s soil suitability, before doing further field work.
A nationwide survey was done among valuers and estate agents that provided
information for the design of the proposed FVSS and proved that the need for such a
system does exist and that it will be used by valuers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Meer as 80 persent van die totale grondoppervlakte in Suid-Afrika word gebruik vir
landbou en bestaansboerdery. 'n Grondtransaksie is oor die algemeen nie 'n
herhalende aksie vir die meeste kopers en verkopers nie, hul ervaring en kennis is
beperk, om hierdie rede word die dienste van eiendomsagente en waardeerders
soms gebruik om meer inligting beskikbaar te kry. Die toestand van onvoldoende
inligting en die onvermoë om verskille in grondproduktiwiteit te identifiseer gee
aanleiding tot die onderwaardering van goeie grond en oorwaardering van swak
grond. Die waarde van 'n eiendom speel 'n belangrike rol in die verkryging van 'n
verband. In hierdie konteks is plaaswaardasies noodsaaklik en daarom maak
kommersiële banke meer gebruik van gespesialiseerde maatskappye wat oor
professionele waardeerders beskik.
Die koms van die Internet het toegang tot omvattende inligtingsbronne makliker
gemaak vir eiendomsagente en waardeerders wie se kritiese tyd en hulpbronne nou
effektief bestuur kan word deur middel van Geografiese Inligtingstelsel (GIS)
geïntegreerde werksprosesse. Hierdie studie poog om die bloudruk vir 'n
plaaswaardasie ondersteuningstelsel te ontwikkel wat waardeerders sal help in hul
toepassing van die vergelykbare verkope metode deur hul in staat te stel om die
volgende te doen: (1) Vinnige identifisering van die ligging van die betrokke
onderwerp eiendom en transaksie eiendomme op 'n elektroniese kaart. (2)
Vergelyking van die onderwerp eiendom met transaksie eiendomme in terme van
waardedraende eienskappe wat in 'n ruimtelike formaat uitgedruk word, hoofsaaklik
a) ligging en b) bodem gehaltefaktore wat nie oorweeg word in bestaande
residensieel georiënteerde waardasiestelsels nie.
Interpretasie van grondeienskappe om die geskiktheid van grond vir eenjarige of
meerjarige gewasse te bepaal vereis gespesialiseerde kennis van grondkundiges,
kennis wat nie normaalweg gevind word onder eiendomswaardeerders of
eiendomsagente nie. Om hierdie rede is 'n algoritme ontwikkel sodat die grond van
‘n onderwerp eiendom d.m.v. ‘n indekswaarde met transaksie eiendomme vergelyk
kan word. Die indekswaarde is akkuraat genoeg bevestig toe dit vergelyk is met grond geskiktheidsdata wat deur grondkundiges in die Breede- en Bergrivier gebiede
ingesamel is. Hierdie indekswaarde onderskei die voorgestelde plaaswaardasie
ondersteuningstelsel van ander bestaande eiendom waardasiestelsels en kan dus
deur waardeerders gebruik word as 'n eerste bepaling van 'n eiendom se grond
geskiktheid, voordat verdere veldwerk gedoen word.
'n Landwye opname is gedoen onder waardeerders en eiendomsagente wat inligting
voorsien het vir die ontwerp van die voorgestelde plaaswaardasie
ondersteuningstelsel, asook bewys gelewer het dat daar ‘n behoefte aan so 'n stelsel
bestaan en dat dit deur waardeerders gebruik sal word.
Date12 1900
CreatorsNaude, Stephanus David
ContributorsKleynhans, T. E., Van Niekerk, Adriaan, Ellis, F., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of AgriSciences. Dept. of Agricultural Economics.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format79 p. : ill., map
RightsStellenbosch University

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