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ecoBUDGET - ett implementeringsperspektiv på införandet av ett miljöledningssystem

<p>The aim of the study has been to explore certain aspects of implementation perspectives and to analyse the introduction of an environmental management system called ecoBUDGET in the Municipality of Växjö. A framework has been developed through thorough studying of earlier research in the field of policy implementation in public administrations. The framework is made up of the steering relationship between politicians and public administrators, decision making and implementation and the ability, want and understanding of how and why decisions should/could be implemented. By using this framework in combination with interviews held with individuals that host valuable knowledge and experience of the system these questions were to be answered:</p><p>-What factors in the implementation process of ecoBUDGET can be seen to have facilitated alternativly hindred the integration of the environmental management system within the municipalitys administration and companies?</p><p>- In what direction has the integration of a sustainable devleopment thinking for the environment thru ecoBUDGET evolved within the organisation?</p><p>The result came to be that sustainable development and the strive for this is more and more amalgamated in to the everyday work within the municipal organisation and that the environmental management system is likely to have played a part in this.</p>
Date January 2006
CreatorsNielsen, Anna
PublisherVäxjö University, School of Social Sciences
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, text

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