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The effect of graduated compression socks on calf muscle oxygenation of endurance athletes

Thesis (M Sport Sc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Compression socks (CS) are used as an ergogenic aid during and after exercise by many athletes
of elite and recreational status. The exact mechanism whereby CS affect performance and postexercise
recovery is not yet elucidated. Some research ascribes the beneficial effects to improved
lactate removal rates with CS. One hypothesis is that CS improve venous return and thereby
remove the lactate from the tissue to other tissues such as the liver, and the second hypothesis is
that the CS cause retention of the lactate within the muscle and therefore improve the oxidation of
the lactate within the muscle (Berry & McMurray, 1987).
The current study endeavoured to test the hypothesis set by Berry and McMurray (1987) by
measuring the effect of CS as well as flight socks (FS) on muscle oxygenation during exercise and
recovery in endurance trained runners and triathletes.
Eleven male endurance trained runners and triathletes (age = 34.8 ± 3.8 years, VO2max = 52.4 ± 7.1 participated in the study. They completed an incremental exercise test to exhaustion
to determine their maximal aerobic capacity (VO2max) and peak treadmill velocity (PTV). Then they
completed two 10 km treadmill running tests at 80 % of their PTV. During these two trials
participants wore either CS or FS; the order of treatment was randomly selected. A subset of the
study sample (n = 5) also completed a control test wearing only their ankle length sport socks
(NS). After these trials, participants completed a 60 minute passive recovery period in the seated
position while muscle oxygenation was measured.
Compression under the socks was measured at several anatomically determined measurement
points prior to the commencement of the exercise test, along with the determination of blood
haemoglobin concentration ([Hb]). During the exercise trials, blood lactate concentration ([BLa]),
skin temperature (ST),oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), heart rate
(HR), and muscle oxygenation variables (oxy-haemoglobin (O2Hb), deoxy-haemoglobin (HHb),
tissue oxygenation index (TOI) and total haemoglobin index (nTHI)) was measured . During the 60minute passive recovery period, [BLa], ST, O2Hb, HHb, TOI, and nTHI measurements were
The results showed that there were differences in the pressure exerted between the two pressure
condition (CS and FS) at the posterior ankle, and under the elastic of the sock as well as on the
anterior calf at the level of greatest calf circumference. Differences in ST between the CS and NS
and the FS and NS conditions were found between the first four 2 km intervals of the exercise
protocol, but not during recovery.
No differences were found in [BLa] between the three different compression conditions during
either the exercise (p = 0.19) or recovery period (p = 0.63), as well as no differences in the
cardiorespiratory variables during exercise between the three different compression conditions
(VO2, p = 0.06; VCO2, p = 0.12; HR, p = 0.36). With regard to the muscle oxygenation variables, no
differences were found between the three compression conditions during exercise, however there
was a trend for lower oxygen utilization (HHb) during exercise in the NS condition (p = 0.57,
medium to large practical significance). There were also no differences in these variables (O2Hb, p
= 0.65; HHb, p = 0.57; TOI, p = 0.39; nTHI, p = 0.22) during recovery, although oxygen utilization
(HHb) showed a faster recovery rate with increasing external pressure.
From the results obtained, it seems that external compression caused a decrease in the blood flow
velocity within the muscle, thereby increasing oxygen diffusion rate. During exercise this did not
facilitate differences in [BLa], however, after the first 10 minutes of the recovery period, large
practical differences were found between the NS and both sock conditions, suggesting that the
increase in oxygen diffusion improved lactate clearance. This could support the hypothesis set by
Berry and McMurray (1987). / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kompressie sokkies (CS) word gereeld deur beide rekreasie- en elite atlete gebruik as ‘n
ergogeniese hulpmiddlel tydens oefening en herstel. Die presiese meganisme waardeur CS
prestasie en post-oefening herstel beïnvloed is nog nie volledig verklaar nie. Sommige navorsing
skryf die voordelige effekte toe aan die vinniger herstel van laktaat in die sirkulasie. Daar is tans
twee hipoteses vir die meganisme waardeur CS laktaat verwydering verbeter. Die eerste hipotese
is dat CS die veneuse terugvoer verbeter en daardeur die laktaat van die weefsel verwyder en na
ander weefsels soos die lewer vervoer vir verwydering. Die tweede hipotese is dat CS veroorsaak
dat die laktaat in die spierweefsel teruggehou word wat dan tot gevolg het dat die laktaat in die
spier self deur middel van oksidasie verwyder word (Berry & McMurray, 1987).
Hierdie studie poog om Berry en McMurray (1987) se hipotese te toets deur die effek wat CS
sowel as vlugsokkies (FS) op spieroksigenasie het gedurende oefening en herstel in geoefende
uithouvermoë hardlopers en driekamp atlete vas te stel.
Elf ingeoefende langafstand hardlopers en driekampatlete (mans) (ouderdom = 34.8 ± 3.8 jaar;
VO2maks = 52.4 ± 7.1 het aan hierdie studie deel geneem. Die deelnemers het ‘n
inkrementele toets tot die punt van uitputting voltooi om hul maksimale aërobiese kapasiteit
(VO2maks) en piek trapmeul snelheid (PTV) vas te stel. Die elf deelnemers het ook twee 10 km
hardlooptoetse teen 80 % van hul PTV voltooi. Gedurende hierdie twee toetse het die deelnemers
óf CS óf FS gedra; die volgorde van die intervensie was lukraak aan hulle toegeken. ‘n Subgroep
van die steekproef (n = 5) het ook ‘n kontrole toets voltooi waartydens hulle hul eie enkelhoogte
sport sokkies (NS) gedra het. Aan die einde van die hardloop protokol het die deelnemers ‘n 60
minuut passiewe herstel periode in die sittende posisie voltooi terwyl spieroksigenasie gemeet is.
Kompressie onder die sokkies is voor die aanvang van die hardloop protokol by verskeie
anatomies gedefinieerde punte gemeet. Verder was die bloed hemoglobien konsentrasie ([Hb])
ook gemeet voor die hardloop protokol. Tydens die oefeningtoets is bloedlaktaat konsentrasie ([Hb]), veltemperatuur (ST), suurstof verbruik (VO2), koolstofdioksied produksie (VCO2), harttempo
(HR), sowel as spieroksigenasie veranderlikes (oksi-hemoglobien (O2Hb), deoksi-hemoglobien
(HHb), weefsel oksigenasie indeks (TOI), en totale hemoglobien indeks (nTHI)) gemeet.
Gedurende die 60 minuut passiewe hersteltydperk is [BLa], ST, O2Hb, HHb, TOI en nTHI metings
Die resultate toon dat daar ‘n verskil is in die druk wat uitgeoefen word in die onderskeie
druktoestande (CS en FS) op die been by die posterior enkel en onder die rek van die sokkie,
sowel as op die anterior kuit waar die kuit die grootste omtrek het. Verdere verskille tussen die CS
en NS en die FS en NS toestande is in ST gevind in the eerste vier 2 km intervalle van die
oefeningtoets, alhoewel geen verskille tydens die herstelperiode gevind is nie.
Tydens beide die oefening (p = 0.19) en herstel (p = 0.63) protokol is geen verskille tussen die drie
kompressie toestande met betrekking tot [BLa] gevind nie. En so ook is daar geen verskille tussen
die onderskeie kompressie toestande in kardiorespiratoriese veranderlikes (VO2, p = 0.06; VCO2, p
= 0.12; HR, p = 0.36) tydens oefening gevind nie. Met betrekking tot spieroksigenasie
veranderlikes was daar geen verskil gevind tussen die drie kompressietoestande gedurende
oefening nie, alhoewel daar ‘n tendens was vir die NS toestand om tydens oefening minder
suurstofverbruik (HHb) (p = 0.57, medium tot groot praktiese effek) te lewer. So ook gedurende
herstel is daar geen verskil in hierdie veranderlikes (O2Hb, p = 0.65; HHb, p = 0.57; TOI, p = 0.39;
nTHI, p = 0.22) gevind nie, alhoewel die suurstofverbruik (HHb) vinniger na die basislyn herstel het
met ‘n toename in druk.
Die resultate toon dat eksterne kompressie ‘n afname in die bloedvloei tempo in die spier
veroorsaak wat dan ‘n verlengde suurstof diffusie tyd veroorsaak. Hierdie verlengde suurstof
diffusie tyd het geen effek op [BLa] tydens oefening gehad nie, alhoewel daar na die eerste 10
minute van die herstelperiode ‘n groot praktiese verskil tussen die NS en sokkie toestande gevind
was in [BLa]. Hierdie verskil kan daarop dui dat die toename in suurstof diffusie verbeterde laktaat
verwydering tot gevolg het, wat dan die hipotese van Berry en McMurray (1987) ondersteun.
Date12 1900
CreatorsGrobler, Lara
ContributorsTerblanche, E., Welman, K. E., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Sport Science.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format175 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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