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Exercise preferences and expectations of young female students in a university environment

Thesis (M Sport Sc (Sport Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study investigated the exercise preferences of female university students
participating in exercise modes presented at the local gymnasium and their
expectations of the outcomes of such participation. Secondly, the study aimed
to determine the most important reason for their participation and whether this
was satisfied by their choice of exercise mode. A third aim was to determine
other reasons that contributed to the selection of exercise environment and
The size of the research group of the pilot study was 210 (n=210). For the final
longitudinal study, over a period of three years, it was 985 (N=985). The study
population was selected on a basis of convenient sampling, availability and
interest among young female gymnasium members, (aged 18 to 27 years).
Their participation was voluntary. Original questionnaires were constructed for
the purpose of the study to provide general demographic and physical
characteristic information of the participants, their exercise preference and
choice of exercise mode, reasons for participation in particular exercise modes,
time spent on physical activity, frequency of attendance of exercise sessions,
exercise motivators, barriers to exercise, medication and supplementation
prevalence, health problems and smoking. The questionnaire was completed in
a five to 10 minute time slot before the commencement of exercise classes at
the gymnasium. Information required on the questionnaire was verbally
explained to the participants during the initial few minutes of data capturing.
Guidance was given for each section of the questionnaire during the five to 10
minute period allocated for completion. Data was captured on Microsoft Excel
spreadsheets and the analysis was performed using Statistica for Windows
(Statsoft SA-2008). Descriptive statistics were used to analyse and present the
data. The results of the study indicated that most (34.4%) young female
students who regularly attended group exercise sessions at the gymnasium
preferred participating in the exercise modality punchline (a boxing aerobic
modality), with the aim of losing weight (45%) and improving their general
fitness (24%). / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om die oefenvoorkeure en oefenverwagtinge van
jong damestudente wat gereeld by die plaaslike universiteitgimnasium oefen,
vas te stel. Tweedens wou die studie die belangrikste redes vir deelname
bepaal, en of hierdie verwagting gerealiseer het met die keuse van
oefenmodaliteite in hierdie oefenomgewing. 'n Derde doel was om vas te stel
watter ander redes 'n bydrae sou maak tot die keuse van 'n oefenomgewing en
Die navorsingspopulasiegroep was jong dames in 'n universiteitsomgewing.
Tydens die verkennende studie was die getal kandidate 210 (n=210). Vir die
finale longitudinale studie, oor ’n tydperk van 3 jaar, was dit 985 (N=985). Die
jong dames by die spesifieke universiteitgimnasium is geselekteer op grond van
beskikbaarheid en belangstelling in die navorsing en was tussen die ouderdom
van 18 en 27 jaar. Hul deelname was vrywillig. 'n Vraelys is spesiaal vir hierdie
navorsing opgestel. Die vraelys het inligting ingewin oor algemene
demografiese aspekte en fisieke kenmerke van die deelnemers,
oefenvoorkeure en verwagtings van oefenmodaliteite, redes vir die seleksie en
deelname in oefenmodaliteite, tyd bestee aan oefening, frekwensie van
deelname, motiveerders vir oefening, beperkende faktore ten opsigte van
gereelde deelname aan fisieke aktiwiteit, medikasie en supplementasie gebruik,
gesondheidsprobleme en rook. Die vraelyste is voltooi in die eerste vyf tot 10
minute van oefenklasse, voor die aanvang van die gereelde
gimnasiumprogram. Inligting op die vraelys is verbaal aan die teikengroep
verduidelik in die eerste paar minute van elke klas. Tydens hierdie tydperk is
gereeld inligting oor elke vraag verskaf vir kontrole en akkuraatheid van
voltooiing van die vraelys. Data oor die veranderlikes is in die rekenaarprogram
Microsoft Excel gekodeer en die statistiese ontleding is deur middel van
Statistica vir Windows (Statsoft SA 2008) gedoen. Beskrywende data is gebruik
om die resultate te ontleed en aan te bied.
Date12 1900
CreatorsVan Niekerk, Estelle
ContributorsBarnard, J. G., University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Sport Science.
PublisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsUniversity of Stellenbosch

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