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Traditioning and reinterpretation : the quest for a methodology of faith-formation

Thesis (DTh)--University of Stellenbosch, 1999. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study argues that faith formation takes place when the tension between traditioning
and reinterpretation is maintained.
In Chapter 1 the state of affairs pertaining to faith formation is explored. A number of
aspects of the crisis in faith formation in the church and society is stated: The need for
forming values, the changing South African situation, the influence of Modernism and
Post-Modernism, and the significant shift in the influence and membership of mainline
Starting from the various historical positions in the epistemological debate, Chapter 2
seeks an answer to the question: How do we come to reliable knowledge? Groome
ascribes an important function to rationalism and experiential knowledge in the formation
of faith. Three important guidelines for faith formation are distinguished in this chapter:
a) The importance of active remembrance of tradition.
b) The importance of engaging people as agent-subjects-in-relationship.
c) The importance of mystery, art and poetry.
The second question that is of historical importance in the debate on faith formation is:
What is the formative influence of our social context? In Chapter 3 we review the
historical debate on the context of faith formation. Here three more guidelines for faith
formation are formulated:
a) The importance of formation in a relating community
b) The importance of transformation through social reconstruction
c) The importance of immersion through mystery, art and poetry
In Chapter 4 the outcome of the historic debate on faith formation is compared to the
thoughts of Martin Luther and John Calvin on the teaching ministry of the church. The
outcome of this comparison confirms that faith is formed in the tension field between
traditioning and reinterpretation.
In Chapter 5 the insights of the previous chapters lead to a constructive proposal that
stresses the importance of the interdependence of the formative processes and calls for the
facilitation of five faith formation processes. In this chapter the guidelines formulated in
Chapters 2 and 3, the tensions between traditioning and reinterpretation, and teaching methods, are all integrated. This results in five movements. Linked to each of these
movements a recommendation is made with regard to different educational methods. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie betoog dat geloofsvorming plaasvind wanneer die spanning tussen
tradisionalisering en herinterpretasie gehandhaaf word.
In Hoofstuk 1 word die besonderhede wat te doen het met geloofsvorming, ondersoek. 'n
Aantal aspekte wat krisisse in geloofsvorming in die kerk en gemeenskap tot gevolg het,
word genoem: Die behoefte aan waarde-vorming, die veranderende Suid-Afrikaanse
situasie, die invloed van Modernisme en Post-Modernisme, en die betekenisvolle
verandering ten opsigte van die invloed en lidmaatskap van die vernaamste kerke.
Vanuit verskillende historiese perspektiewe in die epistomologiese debat, soek Hoofstuk 2
'n antwoord op die vraag: Hoe verkry ons betroubare kennis? Groome ken aan sowel
rasionalisme as ervaringskennis belangrike funksies toe. Drie belangrike riglyne vir
geloofsvorming word in hierdie hoofstuk onderskei:
a) Die belangrikheid van aktiewe herinnering van die tradisie.
b) Die belangrikheid van die inskakeling van mense as agent-subjekte-in-verhouding.
c) Die belangrikheid van misterie, kuns en poesie.
Die tweede vraag van historiese belang in die debat oor geloofsvorming is: Wat is die
vormende invloed van ons sosiale konteks? In Hoofstuk 3 gee ons 'n oorsig van die
historiese debat oor die konteks van geloofsvorming. Hier word 'n verdere drie riglyne vir
geloofsvorming omskrywe:
a) Die belangrikheid van vorming in 'n gemeenskap gebasseer op verhoudings.
b) Die belangrikheid van transformasie vir sosiale rekonstruksie.
c) Die belangrikheid wat aan verdieping in misterie, kuns en poesie geheg word.
In Hoofstuk 4 word die resultate van die historiese debat oor geloofsvorming vergelyk met
die gedagtes van Martin Luther en Johannes Calvyn oor die kategese van die kerk. Die
resultaat van hierdie vergelyking bevestig dat geloof in die spanningsveld tussen
tradisionalisering en herinterpretasie gevorm word.
In Hoofstuk 5 lei die insig van die vorige hoofstukke tot 'n konstruktiewe voorstel wat die
belangrikheid van interafhanklikheid van die vormende prosesse beklemtoon en die
fasilitering van die vyf vormende prosesse vereis. In hierdie hoofstuk is die riglyne wat in Hoofstuk 2 en 3 geformuleer is, die spanning tussen tradisionalisering en herinterpretasie,
onderrigmetodes, alles tot 'n geheel saamgevoeg. Hiervolgens is daar vyf bewegings. By
elk van hierdie bewegings is 'n aanbeveling oor die verskillende onderwysmetodes gedoen.
Date03 1900
CreatorsSimpson, Nicolaas Willem, Hendriks, H. J.
ContributorsUniversity of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology, A-6024-2012
PublisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsUniversity of Stellenbosch

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