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Analiza uticaja genetskih, mikroklimatskih i ekoloških faktora na sastav glutena i tehnološki kvalitet sorti pšenice / Analysis of the impact of genetic, microclimatic and environmental factors on the composition of gluten and technological quality of wheat

<p>U okviru disertacije analiziran je uticaj genetskih, ekolo&scaron;kih i mikroklimatskih faktora<br />tokom tri proizvodne godine na sastav glutena i tehnolo&scaron;ki kvalitet 16 sorti p&scaron;enica<br />koje su godinama zastupljene u sortimentu Srbije, a koje su bile proizvedene na istom<br />lokalitetu. Da bi se ispitao tehnolo&scaron;ki kvalitet i sastav glutena, upotrebljene su, kako<br />tradicionalne, tako i savremene metode; urađena je elektroforetska analiza gluteninskih<br />i glijadinskih podjedinica, sadržaj slobodnih &ndash;SH i &ndash;NH grupa, probno pečenje i<br />objektivno je ocenjen kvalitet dobijenog hleba u cilju formiranja baze podataka za<br />statističku analizu. Zbog obimnosti rezutata i činjenice da su pokazatelji određeni u<br />različitom broju ponavljanja uslovljenim potrebnom količinom uzorka, uobičajenim<br />brojem ponavljanja, reproduktivno&scaron;ću metoda, urađena je PCA analiza na osnovu koje<br />je izvr&scaron;en odabir najvažnijih pokazatelja. Dodatno, primenjena je Analiza značajnosti u<br />odnosnu na: klimatske faktore koji su uslovljeni proizvodnom godinom, genetske<br />faktore koji su uslovljeni genetskom slično&scaron;ću ispitivanog sortimenta p&scaron;enice, kao i<br />ekolo&scaron;kim faktorima koji se ogledaju preko različitog nivoa neodvojivih primesa koji<br />su definisani frekvencionom analizom. Cilljevi istraživanja omogućili su da se:<br />&ndash;utvrdi kako i na koji način mikroklimatski uslovi koji su vladali u tri proizvodne<br />godine, a pogotovo ki&scaron;no i nestabilno vreme u periodu od cvetanja p&scaron;enice pa sve do<br />pune zrelosti, utiču na sastav glutena i tehnolo&scaron;ki kvalitet ispitivanih sorti p&scaron;enice,<br />&ndash;utvrdi kako i na koji način ekolo&scaron;ki faktori, definisani prisutvom tri različita nivoa<br />proklijalih, steničavih, fuzarioznih i tamnokličnih zrna, utiču na sastav glutena i<br />tehnolo&scaron;ki kvalitet ispitivanih sorti p&scaron;enice<br />&ndash;utvrdi kako genetski faktori, definisani preko razlika u HMW&ndash;GS koje ispitivane<br />sorte sadrže, odnosno ne sadrže na Glu A1, Glu D1 lokusu i identičnom HMW&ndash;GS<br />sastavu, utiču na sastav glutena i tehnolo&scaron;ki kvalitet ispitivanih sorti p&scaron;enice.<br />Dobijeni rezultati predstavljaju jednu kompleksnu analizu koja je obuhvatila veliku<br />bazu ispitivanih pokazatelja i bliže odredila kako pojedinačni genetski, mikroklimatski<br />i ekolo&scaron;ki faktori utiču na sastav glutena i tehnolo&scaron;ki kvalitet p&scaron;enice.</p> / <p>In the Ph. D. Thesis was analyzed the impact of genetic, environmental and<br />microclimatic factors that prevailed during the three production years on gluten<br />composition and technological quality of 16 wheat varieties that are present in the<br />assortment of Serbia. Also, all wheat varieties were produced at the same location. The<br />traditional and sofisticated methods are used, electrophoretic analysis of glutenin and<br />gliadin subunits was performed, the content of free-SH and-NH groups are determined,<br />baking test and objective quality of the obtained bread are evaluated to examine the<br />technological quality of wheat and composition of gluten. The gained results are used<br />to established a database for statistical analysis. Due to the numerous data and the fact<br />that the properties measured in different number of repetitions which are qualifed by<br />sample amount, the usual number of repetitions, reproductivity method PCA was<br />performed toward the selection of the most important properties. After that was done<br />ANOVA in the respective to climatic factors that charatcterized the production year,<br />the genetic factors that are caused by genetic similarity of the exmined cultivars of<br />wheat and environmental factors that are reflected through the different levels of<br />inseparable impurities, which are defined by frekvency analysis. Specific objectives of<br />the study enable to:<br />&ndash;determine how microclimatic conditions that prevailed in the three production<br />years, especially the rainy and instable weather that prevailed from wheat flowering<br />until full maturity of wheat kernel influence on the composition of gluten and wheat<br />processing quality tested,<br />&ndash;determine how environmental factors that are defined by the presence of three<br />different levels of germinate kernels, kernels damaged by wheat bug, kernels infested<br />by Fussarium molds and kernels infested by Alternaria alternata molds affect on the<br />composition of gluten and technological quality of wheat cultivar and<br />&ndash;determine how genetic factors which are defined through differences in HMW-GS<br />on the Glu A1 and Glu D1 locus that cultivars contain or do not contain and identical<br />HMW-GS composition which examined cultivars possess affect on the gluten<br />composition and technological quality of tested wheat varieties.</p><p>The achieved results represent a complex analysis of the impact of various factors on<br />the composition of gluten and technological quality of wheat, which included a<br />enormous database of properites and closely determine how individual microclimatic,<br />genetic and environmental factors influence on the gluten composition and<br />technological quality of wheat.</p>
Date21 February 2014
CreatorsŽivančev Dragan
ContributorsMastilović Jasna, Malbaša Radomir, Lončar Eva, Hristov Nikola, Torbica Aleksandra
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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