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Uticaj dužine ekspozicije heroinu na egzekutivne funkcije opijatskih zavisnika / The influence of heroin exposure length on executive functions in opiate addicts

<p>UVOD: Egzekutivne funkcije predstavljaju integrisanu grupu mentalnih sposobnosti, uključenih u proizvodnju, monitoring i kontrolu pona&scaron;anja orijentisanih ka određenom cilju i prevashodno su zadužene za snalaženje u novim situacijama, sme&scaron;tenim izvan domena automatskih psihičkih procesa. Zloupotreba heroina tokom dužeg vremenskog perioda rezultira o&scaron;tećenjem egzekutivnih funkcija, &scaron;to se može značajno reflektovati na lično, profesionalno i socijalno funkcionisanje zavisnika. CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitivanje uticaja zloupotrebe opijata na egzekutivne kontrolne procese, ispitivanje postojanja specifičnog odnosa eventualnih deficita egzekutivne performance opijatskih zavisnika sa dužinom ekspozicije heroinu, kao i definisanje prediktora o&scaron;tećenja egzekutivnih funkcija kod opijatskih zavisnika. MATERIJAL I METODOLOGIJA: Istraživanje je izvr&scaron;eno po tipu studije preseka, a njime je obuhvaćeno 200 ispitanika, podeljenih u dve grupe. <em>Eksperimentalnu grupu</em> činilo je 150 zavisnika od heroina, starosti 18-35 godina, koji su u apstienenciji najmanje 3 nedelje. U<em> kontrolnu grupu</em> uvr&scaron;teno je 50 zdravih subjekata, ujednačenih po polu, obrazovanju i starosti sa ispitanicima eksperimentalne grupe. Za prikupljanje podataka kori&scaron;ćeni su sledeći instrumenti: <em>op&scaron;ti strukturisani upitnik</em> posebno konstruisan za potrebe ovog istraživanja, zasnovan na samoproceni, koji se odnosi na osnovne sociodemografske karakteristike ispitanika i adiktolo&scaron;ka obeležja;<em> test za procenu psihopatije</em>, za procenu (kontrolu) eventualnog uticaja structure ličnosti zavisnika na postignuće na testovima kojima se procenjuju egzekutivne funkcije; za procenu stanja egzekutivnih funkcija:<em> test verbalne fluentnosti - segment fonemska fluentnost, Vekslerov individualni test inteligencije, test praćenja-markiranja traga, Baretova skala za procenu impulsivnosti, Viskonsin test sortiranja karata, Iowa Gambling Task</em>. REZULTATI: Kod heroinskih zavisnika beleže se signifikantni deficiti u egzekutivnim domenima: ažuriranje i monitoring sadržaja radne memorije, inhibitorna kontrola, izmena mentalnog seta i dono&scaron;enje odluka. Faktori na osnovu kojih se može predvideti o&scaron;tećenje egzekutivnih funkcija su: ukupno trajanje konzumiranja heroina, prosečna dnevna doza heroina, broj apstinencija u odnosu na ukupno trajanje heroina i uzrast pri prvom kontaktu sa psihoaktivnim supstancama. ZAKLJUČAK: Konzumiranje heroina dovodi se u vezu sa značajnim o&scaron;tećenjem sistema egzekutivnih funkcija, &scaron;to rezultira te&scaron;koćama zavisnika da prevazilaze habitualne odgovore i prilagođavaju pona&scaron;anje zahtevima koje nudi nova situacija, kao i sklono&scaron;ću da donose visoko rizične odluke, koje rezultiraju trenutnom dobiti, bez obzira na neminovne kasnije negativne posledice.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: Executive functions represent an integrated set of mental abilities involved in the production, monitoring and controlling of the goal-oriented behavior. Primarily, they are responsible for managing new situations which are placed outside the domain of automatic mental processes. Heroin abuse over a longer period of time results in the damage of the executive functions which significantly reflects on personal, professional and social functioning of an addict. THE AIM OF THE STUDY: The aim of this study is investigating the impact of substance abuse on executive control processes, testing the existence of a specific relationship between possible deficits of executive performance of opiate addicts and heroin exposure length, as well as defining the damage predictors of executive functions in opiate addicts. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was conducted by the cross-sectional study and included 200 examinees divided into two groups. <em>The experimental group </em>consisted of 150 heroin addicts, aged from 18 to 35 years, who were abstinent for at least 3 weeks. <em>The control group </em>included 50 healthy examinees of the same sex, age and educational background as the examinees in the experimental group. To collect the data, the following instruments were used: <em>a general structured questionnaire</em> &ndash; specifically designed for the purposes of this study, based on self-assessment, which refers to the basic socio-demographic characteristics and addictological features of examinees; <em>Psychopathy Assessment Questionnaire</em> for evaluation (control) of the possible impact of personality structure of addicts on achievement on tests used to assess executive functions; for the assessment of condition of executive functions: Verbal Fluency Task - phonemic fluency, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Trail Making Test, Barratt impulsiveness Scale, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Iowa Gambling Task Iowa Gambling Task. RESULTS: In heroin addicts significant deficits in executive domains were recorded: updating, inhibition, shiffring and decision making. The damage of executive functions can be predicted on the basis of the following factors: total length of heroin abuse, the average daily dose of heroin, number of&nbsp; abstinence compared to the total duration of heroin abuse and age of addicts at their first contact with psychoactive substances. CONCLUSION: The consumption of heroin is associated with significant impairment of the system of executive functions. This results in addicts having difficulties to overcome habitual responses and adjust behavior to the requirements imposed by new situations, as well as in the tendency to make high-risk decisions that result in current gain, regardless of inevitable later negative consequences.</p>
Date11 December 2015
CreatorsMartinović Mitrović Slađana
ContributorsDickov Aleksandra, Vučković Nikola, Pejović-Milovančević Milica, Semnic Marija, Cvjetković-Bošnjak Mina, Nedić Aleksandra
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Medicinski fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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