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Malo a quibusdam de loquacitate redargui, quam veritatem memorabilis rei per me omnibus occultari : "Encomium Emmae Reginae" : continuidad y ruptura del discurso historiográfico clásico

Este trabajo estudia el llamado
Encomium Emmae Reginae , atendiendo a la
tradición retórica e historiográfica que nutre el discurso, buscando, a partir de las
reflexiones hechas por su autor en el prólogo, verificar los límites e interferencias de
ambas disciplinas en el discurso. Partiremos para ello del compromiso tópico que
el autor asume con la verdad, contraponiendo las dos posibilidades disyuntivas que
tradicionalmente enfrenta el historiador: apegarse a la verdad o servirse del ars . El
encomiasta afirma, sin embargo, que la loquacitas propia de la retórica es una forma
válida de expresar la verdad histórica y el panegírico, un modelo viable de discurso
histórico. Esto constituye, si no un alejamiento de la tradición historiográfica clásica,
al menos una consideración en la que vale la pena detenerse, pues debería
obligarnos a reconsiderar el título con el que conocemos la obra y la situación de la
misma en la historiografía anglo normanda del siglo XI. / This work studies the
Encomium Emmae Reginae , attending to the rhetorical
and historiographical tradition that nourishes it and starting from the
considerations made by its author regarding his undertaking --, it aims to verify the
limits and intereferences of both disciplines in his work. The start
limits and intereferences of both disciplines in his work. The starting point of our ing point of our research is the topical compromise assumed by the encomiast assumes in the research is the topical compromise assumed by the encomiast assumes in the prologue regarding the truth, opposing two disjunctive possibilities that prologue regarding the truth, opposing two disjunctive possibilities that traditionally any historian must face: sticking to the traditionally any historian must face: sticking to the veritasveritas or making use of the or making use of the arsars. . The author, however, claims that he author, however, claims that loquacitasloquacitas, quintessencially atributed to oratory, is , quintessencially atributed to oratory, is a valid way of expressing the historical truth, and so, he argues that a panegyric is a valid way of expressing the historical truth, and so, he argues that a panegyric is a viable model of historical speech. If not an open disruption of the classical a viable model of historical speech. If not an open disruption of the classical histhistoriographical traditionoriographical tradition--, the assertion should at least compel us to reconsider the , the assertion should at least compel us to reconsider the title by which now we know title by which now we know Encomium Emmae ReginaeEncomium Emmae Reginae and to reasses its situation and to reasses its situation within the 11th cenuryAnglowithin the 11th cenuryAnglo--Norman historiography.Norman historiography. / TEXTO PARCIAL en período de teletrabajo
Date02 November 2020
CreatorsHerrera Delgado, Victoria A.
ContributorsFlorio, Rubén, Gayoso, Andrea
PublisherUniversidad Nacional del Sur
Source SetsUniversidad Nacional del Sur
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic Thesis or Dissertation, Text

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