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Determina??o das propriedades da torta de filtra??o de fluido de perfura??o e estima??o de par?metros / Determination of filter-cake properties of drilling fluid and parameter estimation

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2016 - Leandro Azevedo Silva.pdf: 63779080 bytes, checksum: f77d63d9585271a492573ca45c79e4b8 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-01-25 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The undesirable fluid invasion into the reservoir rock can cause irreversible damage
to the rock formation. In order to avoid such problems, solid particles are used as
bridging and weighting agent in drilling fluid formulations. The physico-chemical
characteristics of these materials have a strong influence on cake formation and
therefore on filtration rate and mud-filtrate invasion in rock formations. Thus, the
control of filter-cake properties is critical in the oil well drilling process. The focus of
this research was to evaluate the effect of calcium carbonate particle size and the
concentration of two different types of polymeric viscosifier on static filtration tests.
The experiments were performed in a HTHP cell (High Temperature, High Pressure)
manufactured by OFI Testing Equipment?. This apparatus was previously used by
Calabrez (2013), Martins (2013), and Ferraz (2014). The filter cake parameters
evaluated were: porosity, permeability, cake thickness, filtrate volume, growth rate,
and compressibility index. The particle size distribution of calcium carbonate, the
viscosifier and its respective concentration influenced the rheology of the fluids and
the filtration process. Equations that describe the filtration phenomenon and which
allow the calculation of the filtration parameters were evaluated. Experimental data
obtained in other studies were assessed in order to validate the studied model. Based
on literature models, the simulation of drilling fluid filtrate invasion was performed
in an oil well connecting the filtration and filtrate invasion equations. Using the
simulation result of each fluid behavior it was possible to predict the characteristics
of the fluid which will cause less damage to the oil well in this context. / A invas?o indesej?vel de fluido na rocha reservat?rio pode causar danos irrevers?veis
? forma??o rochosa. Com o intuito de mitigar tais problemas, part?culas s?lidas s?o
utilizadas como material obturante e adensante na composi??o de fluidos de
perfura??o. As caracter?sticas f?sico-qu?micas destes materiais t?m forte influ?ncia na
forma??o da torta de filtra??o e consequentemente na taxa de filtra??o e invas?o de
filtrado nas forma??es rochosas. Desta forma, o controle das propriedades da torta ?
fundamental no processo de perfura??o de po?os de petr?leo. O objetivo deste
trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do tamanho das part?culas de Carbonato de C?lcio e da
concentra??o de dois tipos de viscosificantes polim?ricos distintos em testes de
filtra??o est?tica. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em uma c?lula HTHP (High
Temperature, High Pressure) produzida pela OFI Testing Equipments?. Os
par?metros da torta avaliados foram: porosidade, permeabilidade, espessura da torta,
volume de filtrado, fator de crescimento e ?ndice de compressibilidade. A
distribui??o granulom?trica do carbonato de c?lcio, o viscosificante e sua respectiva
concentra??o influenciaram na reologia dos fluidos e no processo de filtra??o. Foram
avaliadas equa??es que descrevem o fen?meno de filtra??o e permitem o c?lculo de
par?metros de filtra??o. Dados experimentais obtidos na literatura foram usados com
o objetivo de validar o modelo estudado. Com base em modelos da literatura foi
realizada a simula??o da invas?o de filtrado de fluido de perfura??o em um po?o de
petr?leo conectando as equa??es de filtra??o e invas?o. Com o resultado da
simula??o do comportamento de cada fluido pode-se prever quais as caracter?sticas
do fluido que causar? menor dano ao po?o.
Date25 January 2016
CreatorsSilva, Leandro Azevedo
ContributorsScheid, Cl?udia miriam, Cal?ada, Lu?s Am?rico, Meleiro, Luiz Augusto da Cruz, Medronho, Ricardo de Andrade
PublisherUniversidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Engenharia Qu?mica, UFRRJ, Brasil, Instituto de Tecnologia
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRRJ, instname:Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, instacron:UFRRJ
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