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Generation Z and brand loyalty: the influence of Gen Z specific expectations on attitudinal and behavioural loyalty

Background - Generation Z is the future larger group of consumers. Members of thisgeneration are key in the strategy of brands to remain competitive in the long-term. Buttheir loyalty is more difficult to get compared to other generations. It is assumed that itis linked to their specific expectations and the way brands handle them. Thus, theobjective of this study is to determine the real influence of these particular expectationson the two dimensions of Gen Z brand loyalty, attitudinal and behavioural.Method - Several hypotheses about the relationships between attitudinal loyalty,behavioural loyalty, ethical position, omnichannel experience, value for money,entertaining content and authenticity have been made. To confirm them, a questionnairetargeting French Gen Z and focusing on fashion brands has been sent via social mediaand answered by 150 respondents.Findings - The results of linear regressions show that value for money has a positiveinfluence on both attitudinal and behavioural loyalty. Also, omnichannel experienceinfluences behavioural loyalty positively while entertaining content influencesattitudinal loyalty positively. On the contrary, entertaining content has a negative impacton behavioural loyalty. So attitudinal loyalty as a moderating effect as its influence onbehavioural loyalty is positive. Ethical position and authenticity did not show anysignificant results.Conclusions - Value for money, omnichannel experience and entertaining content areespecially important to consider when it comes to Gen Z loyalty. Quite the reverse,ethics and authenticity are not as essential as suggested by many researchers andmarketers. Beyond this, the study contributes to knowledge by proving that brandloyalty should not be considered as a unit but as a multi-dimensional concept. Gen Zexpectations do not have the same influence on attitudinal and behavioural loyalty somarketers should be aware of that when building their strategy.
Date January 2022
CreatorsCagnin, Nine, Nicolas, Manon
PublisherUmeå universitet, Företagsekonomi
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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