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Propuesta de actualización de directiva “Normas para la ejecución de obras por la modalidad de ejecución presupuestaria directa (administración directa) en el Gobierno Regional de Moquegua”

valuate and make a proposal consisting of the execution of public works under the direct administration modality, because in recent years, despite being the most recurrent modality under which projects are executed in the state, it is the one that has legislation pretty old frame. Propose the update of the directive of norms and procedures for the execution of works by the modality of budget execution direct-ad, that allows to reduce the sobretimes and cost overruns in the construction stage through the standardization of information and procedures. / Trabajo de investigación
Date23 February 2018
CreatorsDeza Condori, Erick Paul, Diaz Valencia, Juan Carlos, Peña Carbajal, Robinson, Rosado Franco, Renzo Francisco, Vela Delgado, Maribel Patricia
ContributorsVon Torres, Roberto Eduardo
PublisherUniversidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Source SetsUniversidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Detected LanguageEnglish
Formatapplication/pdf, application/epub, application/msword
SourceUniversidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), Repositorio Académico - UPC

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