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Neotectonics and Paleoseismology of the Central Alpine Fault, New Zealand

The Alpine Fault is a major plate boundary structure, which accommodates up to 50-80% of the total plate boundary motion across the South Island of New Zealand. The fault has not ruptured historically although limited off-fault shaking records and on-fault dating suggest large to great (~ Mw 8) earthquakes (every ~100-480 years; most recently in 1717), making it potentially one of the largest onshore sources of seismic hazard in New Zealand. The central section of the Alpine Fault, which bounds the highest elevations in the Southern Alps, is one of the most poorly characterised sections along the fault. On-fault earthquake timing in addition to the amount of dextral slip during major earthquakes was unknown along a 200-km-long section of the central Alpine Fault, while the amount of co-seismic hanging wall uplift was poorly known, prior to the present work.
In this thesis I address these knowledge gaps through a combination of light detection and ranging (lidar), field, and stratigraphic mapping along with sample dating to constrain earthquake timing, style of faulting, and hanging wall rock uplift rates. Using lidar data coupled with field mapping I delineated the main trace of the Alpine Fault at Gaunt Creek as a north-striking fault scarp that was excavated and logged; this is part of a 2-km-wide restraining bend dominated by low-angle thrust faulting and without the clear strike-slip displacements that are present nearby (<5 km distant along strike in both directions). Where exposed in this scarp, the fault-zone is characterized by a distinct 5-50 cm thick clay fault-gouge layer juxtaposing hanging wall bedrock (mylonites and cataclasites) over unconsolidated late-Holocene footwall colluvium. An unfaulted peat at the base of the scarp is buried by post-most recent event (MRE) alluvium and yields a radiocarbon age of A.D. 1710–1930, consistent with sparse on-fault data, validating earlier off-fault records that suggest a 1717 MRE with a moment magnitude of Mw 8.1 ± 0.1, based on the 380-km-long surface rupture.

Lidar and field mapping also enabled the identification and measurement of short (<30 m), previously unrecognized dextral offsets along the central section of the Alpine Fault. Single-event displacements of 7.5 ± 1 m for the 1717 earthquake and cumulative displacements of 12.9 ± 2 m and 22 ± 2.7 m for earlier ruptures can be binned into 7.1 ± 2.1 m increments of repeated dextral (uniform) slip along the central Alpine Fault. A comparison of these offsets with the local paleoseismic record and known plate kinematics suggests that the central Alpine Fault earthquakes in the past 1.1 ka may have: (i) bimodal character, with major surface ruptures (!Mw 7.9) every 270 ± 70 years (e.g. the 1717 event) and with moderate to large earthquakes (!Mw 7) occurring between these ruptures (e.g. the 1600 event); or (ii) that some shaking data may record earthquakes on other faults. If (i) is true, the uniform slip model (USM) perhaps best represents central Alpine Fault earthquake recurrence, and argues against the applicability of the characteristic earthquake model (CEM) there. Alternatively, if (ii) is true, perhaps the fault is “characteristic” and some shaking records proximal to plate boundary faults do not necessarily reflect plate-boundary surface ruptures. Paleoseismic and slip data suggest that (i) is the most plausible interpretation, which has implications for the understanding of major plate-boundary faults worldwide.

Field mapping, geological characterisation, geophysical mapping, and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of on-fault hanging wall sediments were used to better constrain the geometry and kinematics of Holocene deformation along the rangefront of the Southern Alps at the Alpine Fault near the Whataroa River. The fault here is dextral-reverse, although primarily strike-slip with clear fault traces cutting across older surfaces of varying elevations. Deformational bulges are observed along these traces that are likely thrust-bounded. A terrace of Whataroa River sediments was found on the hanging wall of the Alpine Fault approximately ~ 55-75 m (when considering uncertainties) above the floodplain of the Whataroa River. OSL ages for a hanging wall sediments of 10.9 ± 1.0 ka for the aforementioned terrace, 2.8 ± 0.3 ka for Whataroa River terrace deposits in a deformational bulge, and 11.1 ± 1.2 ka for a rangefront derived fan indicate Holocene aggradation along the rangefront and hanging wall uplift rates of 6.0 ± 1.1 mm/yr. The sub-horizontal, laterally continuous, and planar-bedded Whataroa-sourced terrace deposits suggest that the adjacent bounding faults are steeply-dipping faults without geometries in the shallow subsurface that would tend to cause sedimentary bed rotation and tilting.

Using data from the approximately 100-m deep pilot DFDP boreholes together with lidar and field mapping, I present a review of the Quaternary geology, geomorphology, and structure of the fault at Gaunt Creek, and estimate new minimum Late-Pleistocene hanging wall rock uplift rates of 5.7 ± 1.0 mm/yr to 6.3 ± 1.1 mm/yr (without considering local erosion) that suggest that the Southern Alps are in a dynamic steady state here. GPS-derived “interseismic” vertical uplift rates are < 1 mm/yr at the Alpine Fault, so the majority of rock uplift at the rangefront happens during episodic major earthquakes, confirming with on-fault data that slip occurs coseismically. Notably the uplift rates from both Mint and Gaunt Creek are consistent between the two sites although the primary style of faulting at the surface is different between the two sites, suggesting consistent coseisimc uplift of the Southern Alps rangefront along the Alpine Fault in major earthquakes.

This thesis collected new on-fault datasets that confirm earlier inferences of plate-boundary fault behaviour. This study of the high-uplift central section of the Alpine Fault provides the first on-fault evidence for the MRE (i.e. 1717) and repeated of dextral slip during the MRE and previous events as well as new hanging wall uplift data which suggests that the majority of rangefront uplift occurs in earthquakes along the Alpine Fault. Because the fault has not ruptured for ~300 years, it poses a significant seismic hazard to southern New Zealand.
Date January 2014
CreatorsDe Pascale, Gregory Paul
PublisherUniversity of Canterbury. Geological Sciences
Source SetsUniversity of Canterbury
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic thesis or dissertation, Text
RightsCopyright Gregory Paul De Pascale,

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