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Green labelling : investigation into the marketing of FSC certified timber along the domestic timber value chain in South Africa

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Green consumerism is on the increase, especially in developed countries. Green
labels plays a key role in informing and assuring consumers about the environmental
credibility of the products that they purchase. Within the global forestry industry
green label certification schemes have also had a large impact.
More than 80% of the 1.3 million hectares of plantations in South Africa are certified
under the Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) green label standard. A research
survey was undertaken amongst growers, processors and retailers of timber products
in South Africa to assess the current FSC domestic market situation. The survey
indicated that although growers and processors support FSC certification, as a way
of improving the quality of forestry in South Africa, they receive very limited market
benefits for FSC certified products and do not market FSC products actively.
Hardware retailers were found to be unaware of FSC certification. Reports from
other developing countries indicate similar trends.
This raises the question if it is worth marketing FSC products to domestic
consumers? The marketing of FSC certified products might not yield direct financial
gains but it can help to improve the image of forestry companies and the forestry
industry in general. FSC certification can be used as a way of showing corporate
social responsibility towards consumers and in raising the profile of the South African
forestry industry.
Based on the results from the research survey a number of recommendations can be
made regarding the marketing of FSC as a green label certification system in South
Africa. A marketing campaign for FSC certified timber products should ideally focus
on the social benefits of buying high quality timber products. This marketing
message should be targeted at individual and corporate consumers.
Individual consumers could be educated about the benefits of buying green label
products while corporate consumers could be encouraged to use and sell FSC
certified products as part of their corporate social responsibility. The promotion of
FSC certification could also be boosted if it can be included in activities related to the
2010 Soccer World Cup.
The different role players in the domestic timber value chain can each playa role in
marketing FSC certified products. These roles differ from creating a promotional
push in the timber value chain by growers, processors and retailers to a promotional
pull amongst consumers by the FSC, NGO's, certification bodies, industry
representatives and government. A marketing campaign for FSC products should
ideally be coordinated and driven by the South African FSC National Initiative / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Groen verbruikersdruk is aan die toeneem, veral in ontwikkelde lande. Groen
etikette speel 'n sleutelrol in die verskaffing van inligting en 'n versekering aan
verbruikers oor die omgewingsgeloofwaardigheid van die produkte wat hulle koop.
Groen sertifiseringskemas het ook 'n groot impak op die globale bosbou-industrie
Meer as 80% van die 1.3 miljoen hektaar plantasies in Suid Afrika is gesertifiseer
volgens die "Forestry Stewardship Council" (FSC) groen etiket standaard. 'n
Navorsingsopname is onderneem onder kwekers, verwerkers en kleinhandelaars van
houtprodukte in Suid Afrika. Die doel was om die huidige binnelandse marksituasie
van FSC gesertifiseerde houtprodukte te ontleed. Die opname het getoon dat,
alhoewel kwekers en verwerkers FSC sertifisering ondersteun as 'n manier om
bosbou se kwaliteit in Suid Afrika te verbeter, hulle baie min markvoordeel uit FSC
gesertifiseerde produkte kry en dat hulle nie FSC produkte aktief bemark nie. Daar is
bevind dat hardeware kleinhandelaars onbewus is van FSC sertifisering. Verslae
vanaf ander ontwikkelende lande dui op soortgelyke tendense.
Dit laat ontstaan die vraag of dit die moeite werd is om FSC produkte aan
binnelandse verbruikers te bemark? Die bemarking van FSC gesertifiseerde
produkte mag dalk nie direkte finansieHe voordele inhou nie, maar kan help om die
beeld van bosboumaatskappye en die bosboubedryf in die algemeen te verbeter.
FSC sertifisering kan gebruik word om korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid aan
verbuikers te demonstreer en om die profiel van die Suid-Afrikaanse bosbou industrie
te verbeter.
'n Aantal aanbevelings, gebaseer op die resultate van die navorsingsopname, kan
gemaak word oor die bemarking van FSC as 'n groen etiket sertifiseringstelsel in
Suid Afrika. 'n Bemarkingsveldtog vir FSC gesertifiseerde houtprodukte behoort te
fokus op die sosiale voordele van die koop van hoe kwaliteit houtprodukte.
Individuele en korporatiewe verbruikers behoort geteiken te word met die
Individuele verbruikers kan opgelei word in die voordele van die koop van groen
etiket produkte, terwyl korporatiewe verbruikers aangemoedig kan word om FSC
produkte te gebruik en te verkoop as deel van hulle korporatiewe sosiale
verantwoordelikheid. Die promosie van FSC sertifisering kan ook aangehelp word
deur dit in te sluit by aktiwiteite wat betrekking het op die 2010 Sokker Wereldbeker.
Die verskillende rolspelers in die binnelandse hout waardeketting kan elk 'n rol speel
in die bemarking van FSC gesertifiseerde produkte. Hierdie rolle kan wissel vanaf
die skepping van 'n promosie stootkrag in die hout waardeketting deur kwekers,
verwerkers en kleinhandelaars tot die skepping van 'n promosie trekkrag onder
verbruikers deur die FSC, nie-regeringsorganisasies, industriele verteenwoordigers
en die regering. 'n Bemarkinsgveldtog behoort deur die Suid-Afrikaanse FSC
Nasionale Inisiatief gedryf en geko6rdineer te word
Date03 1900
CreatorsHam, Cornelis
ContributorsLoubser, Stephanus, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
RightsStellenbosch University

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