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A ocupaçao do espaço na fronteira Brasil-Uruguay: A construçao da cidade de Jaguarao

Esta investigación tiene como objeto central de estudio la formación del mundo urbano en la zona de frontera del Brasil y Uruguay, abordando como caso de estudio la ciudad de Jaguarão.Se trata de una área geográfica de colonización y urbanización vinculada a la fijación de la frontera, articulada con la economía brasileña. La política expansionista y colonizadora portuguesa de la segunda mitad del siglo 18 es el punto de arranque de la tesis y tiene, como interés especial, las diversas etapas que se suceden a partir de la Independencia. El estudio se desarrolla en dos planes diferentes: uno de carácter regional, que sirve de encuadramiento y otro que enfoca la formación y consolidación de Jaguarão, ciudad que ejemplifica bien las vicisitudes de esta área de frontera.El origen militar, el puerto, el control aduanero, la creación de ganado, las difusiones de las nuevas formas de urbanismo, se encuentran en la base de la formación y consolidación de una ciudad que permite establecer cuestiones de interés de orden general y también de carácter mas específico. / The central focus of this investigation is the Brazil-Uruguay border urbanization process taking as case of study the city of Jaguarão. This is an area consideredonly when one examines the powerful transformation of Brazilian urban world occurred in the second half of the nineteenth century and first decades of the twentieth century.In this geographic area, the urbanization process is pushed by Portuguese expansionism and colonialism of eighteenth century second half, where this study starts, and not by economical forces. Its late urbanization results from a colonization process pushed towards the definition of the borderline and, by the end of the nineteenth century, when it was possible for Brazil to progressively become part of the international economic system, the extensive exploration of the region will make it play a clearly peripheral role in the Brazilian economy. Therefore, this region will gather many borderland characteristics. The cattle and the constant presence of smuggling will dominate an economy that will depend on political criteria that are decided very far away. On the other hand, the region will be shaken by borderland crises as well as political and revolutionary convulsions. The research has been developed in two different levels: one of regional character and other that focuses on the formation and consolidation of Jaguarão, a city that well exemplifies the vicissitudes of this borderland, starting by its late foundation and its progressive consolidation in the turbulent period between 1800 and 1870. Jaguarão is XI born as a nucleus to serve a frontier fortress and takes the advantage of a colonization process stimulated by the consolidation of this area. Its military and fiscal function, with the corresponding personnel, together with Jaguarão River's navigability conditions and its commercial possibilities, are in the basis of an economy that will eventually depend on cattle exploitation surplus and the exportation of its derivatives, mainly "charque" (salty and dry meat) and leather.Jaguarão's late urbanization and its borderland condition
Date29 October 2002
CreatorsDuarte Martins, Roberto
ContributorsGuàrdia i Bassols, Manuel, 1949-, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Composició Arquitectònica
PublisherUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Source SetsUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
SourceTDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
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