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”- Han mår naturligtvis inte bra. Hanhar ju förlorat sin son och självorsakat det.” : En analys av svensk nyhetsmedias framställning avoffer och förövare vid filicid.

Filicide is the term for when a parent kills their child. Filicide is very unusual in Sweden butis nonetheless a crime category that is frequently discussed in the media.The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper insight into how victims and perpetrators areportrayed by the Swedish media in cases of filicide and how perpetrators are portrayed inrelation to their gender. By studying media representations of victims and perpetrators incases of filicide there is a potential opportunity to gain an increased understanding of what thegeneral conversation regarding filicide looks like. The study has a social constructivistapproach where the assumption is that the world is constructed through social interactions. Inaddition, a critical approach to victimology is applied, as victimhood in the study is notunambiguous but complex.The study has been carried out through a qualitative thematic content analysis of 57 articlesregarding cases of filicide between January 1 2018 and April 12 2023 from the Swedish dailypress. It turned out that the Swedish media tends to portray the victims and the perpetrators inrelation to each other, where they are never described completely independently. The way themedia portrays the perpetrators has a major impact on how the victim is portrayed and viceversa. The perpetrators tend to be portrayed as multifaceted and complex individuals at theexpense of the victim's status and focus in the articles. In cases where they are not describedin the mentioned way, the perpetrators are described as vengeful 'monsters', which affects thevictim's status in a way that instead gives the victim more space in the articles.The victims, on the other hand, are portrayed as either pitied and helpless or as one of manychildren who fall victim to society's failure. It is therefore not surprising that Sweden's socialinstitutions, such as the social services and the social board, are often portrayed asperpetrators in cases of filicide.
Date January 2023
CreatorsTörnskog, Emma
PublisherStockholms universitet, Kriminologiska institutionen
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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