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本研究應用G.B.Sproles 與E.L.Kendall(1986)兩位學者之論文發展出消費者決策特性的量表;同時為了測量消費者對服務品質的重視程度,依照了 Parasuraman、Zeithaml、及Berry(1988)三位學者所建構的SERVQUAL量表來做為ICP內容查詢服務特性的20個變項的尺度;然後再選擇廣為採用的四種線上收費模式來進行偏好的實證分析。而整個研究架構的支撐是以消費行為學者Del.I. Hawkins, Roger J. Best & Kenneth A. Coney(1992)所發展的行為研究模式來建立。期望能於研究結果發現網路族群心中最偏好的收費方式。


1. 網路族群對ICP內容新聞資料庫收費模式偏好有顯著差異。
2. 網路族群對ICP內容新聞資料庫服務品質所重要的程度不同,對收費模式偏好有顯著差異。
3. 不同網路消費決策特性對收費模式偏好有不同看法。
4. 不同網路消費決策特性所偏好的收費模式,在服務品質重視度上的看法有顯著差異。
5. 年齡與教育程度是影響收費模式偏好之重要因素。
6. 人口統計變數之不同,會影響樣本對小額付費制與預付制之偏好程度。網路族群的人口統計變數對收費模式偏好的顯著相關之中,對小額付費制與預付制有明顯的看法。不同的個人屬性會有不同偏好。其中只有年齡與教育程度有明顯相關,年齡越輕越偏好小額付費,年齡越長(多於年輕者)則偏好預付制;而教育程度高的人有部份會偏好小額制。其它的變項則無明顯差異。
7. 網路族群可接受新聞內容查詢資料庫多元化設計的收費模式。
8. 網路族群較偏好預付制收費模式並期望所享折扣應較多。
9. 因素分析後的三大服務品質因子與四大消費決策特性對收費模式皆呈顯著相關,收費模式對上述二類因子也呈現部份的差異性。
10. 網路族群對ICP內容新聞資料庫服務品質重要性的重視程度經因素分析後,分別為:重視內容品質、使用互動便利性、即時時效性等三大因子。
11. 網路族群在ICP新聞內容查詢服務的消費決策類型可歸納為:理性經濟型、感性衝動型、低價傾向型及基本功能接受型四種類型。
12. 樣本最偏好固定會費者,對服務品質沒有強烈偏好,比較重視內容。最偏好預付制的人最重視內容品質。最偏好小額付費的人最不重視新聞即時性。他們也是最不偏好預付制的人。內容品質及即時性都對小額付費的人不重要。
13. 本研究得出兩個收費模式偏好預測模式,可預測消費者選取固定年費制與預付制之機率。兩個收費模式偏好預測模型,分別如下:


關鍵字:ICP新聞內容查詢、服務品質、消費決策特性、收費模式偏好 / The Analysis on
the Internet Consumers' Decision-Making Behavior and their Preferences to the Service Quality and Pricing Models in News-related Online Database
& A Case Study on

Adviser: Dr. Chu Fongkang

Tung-Ju Yang


As consumers vastly search, read and use Taiwan's Internet news and database,the research purpose is to exam the online news content search service, udndata. com.

The first dimension of the research is based on the models of consumer’s decision-making behaviors which were developed by G.B. Sproles and E.L. Kendall (1986). The other dimension is based on the models from the SERVQUAL scale by Parasuraman、Zeithaml and Berry. The scale was constructed in 1988 and was proved effective. The research use the consumer’s behavior model invented by Del. I Hawkins , Roger J. Best & Kenneth A. Coney in 1992.

The research's questionnaireswas posted on which randomly allowed average internet consumers to complete. The first dimension of the questionnaire is using ICP content search service's 20 variables to measure the degrees of consumers' regards; the second dimension is about four available online pricing models and let consumers select their own preference model; the third dimension is to look into online consumers' buying behaviors. The methodology of the research is including descriptive statistics, factory analysis, chi-square, ANOVA and regression analysis, to exam online consumers' regards, consuming behaviors and pricing preferences toward search news data service. The findings of the research can be references to future marketing strategies.

There are 2,817 effective samples over the, and the findings are as below:
1. For online users, there are significant differences to the content search pricing models.
2. For online users, the different degrees of regards to content search quality service will significantly affect their preferences toward pricing models.
3. Different online consuming decision-making behaviors will affect their preferences toward pricing models.
4. For on-line users , different demographics will affect the preferences toward pricing models. The variables of age and education will affect the preferences toward the micro payment and prepaid payment. The youths and high education status prefer the micro payment and the old prefer the prepaid payment.
5. There are significant differences to the pricing models' preference of different online consuming characteristics and the degrees of regards to content service quality.
6. For online users, it is possible for them to choose the multiple pricing models which are close to their personal demographic characteristics.
7. For online users, they prefer to the prepaid pricing model and expect more discounts choices.
8. The 3 groups of the quality services and 4 groups of the consumers’ decision-making behaviors through the factor analysis significantly affect the preferences toward the pricing models.
9. Through factors’ analysis, the online users put the emphasis on 3 characteristics as follows: 1.content quality 2.the convenience of interaction with users 3.the real time effect.
10. After factors’ analysis, the online users of the content search can be categorized as follows: 1. the economic type 2.the impulsive type 3.the low-price oriented type 4.the basic need type.
11. The people prefer the fixed-payment subscription are without strong liking to quality service, however, they pay more attention to the content. The people who prefer the prepaid payment concern the content quality more than others. The people who pay the least on the instant services prefer the micro-payment.

The research also finds that the available pricing practice of ICP news content search is single and fixed, it's not consumers’ first choice. Because the online consumers' preferences are varied by their different degrees of regards.

In future, the online marketers should emphasize more on different humanity attributes to customize pricing models for different consumer groups, and also take good care of their first service dimension priority to offer more multiple and flexible pricing strategies to enhance their online competitiveness.

Key Words: Internet Content Providers’ Service, Pricing Model, News Database, Consumer’ Decision-Making Behavior
Creators楊東如, Yang, Tung-Ju
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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