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Developing a sourcing strategy in the South African Police Service Garages

Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: research study was about finding the right sourcing strategy that would work effectively for the South African Police Service (SAPS) garages. Its purpose was to help the SAPS garages deal strategically and effectively with their work load while repairing the SAPS vehicles, as the current evidence indicated that the garages might not have sufficient capacity to cope with the volume of repairs they were receiving.
The research was structured as a case study design, in which personal interviews were held with SAPS garage managers, SAPS strategy drivers (Head Office) and executive managers at the City of Cape Town, Western Cape Provincial Government Fleet, and Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA). To follow up on these initial one-on-one interviews, a further questionnaire comprising similar, information-gathering questions was sent out to various SAPS garage managers to elicit more detailed information on the circumstances of their individual garages.
A literature review, which formed the basis of the study, explains the sourcing strategy, and explores different sourcing options including how to make the best sourcing decision. In this study, three models of sourcing strategy were considered, and were supported by the case study of the City of Cape Town, Western Cape Provincial fleet management, and PRASA. This study has proved that what the different authors have written and recommended about in-sourcing and outsourcing can still be considered in conjunction with the current legislative and policy framework. The cost analysis was conducted in order to be able to assess which option would be the more expensive between in-sourcing and outsourcing.
The fundamental finding of this research was that the SAPS garages could not handle all the work they were receiving, as they did not have the capacity, for various reasons, to deal with the volume of vehicle repairs that were coming in, and that the variety of sourcing strategies at the different garages were not effectively reducing the backlog.
There was no clear sourcing strategy in place from the National office to guide the garages. From these findings, the recommendation is that the big garages should handle all the services and minor repairs including some major repairs, with the majority of the major repairs being outsourced to service providers, while the smaller garages should focus on services and minor repairs only, and outsource all major repairs. The vehicles that are not within a 30km radius of the SAPS garages must be directly outsourced to providers using the RT46 contract, or similar arrangement.
Further research studies are needed regarding the demographic structure of the garages, and also regarding the effectiveness and efficiency of the actual running of the garages. A balance then needed to be found between in-sourcing and outsourcing, whilst ensuring that the garages were operating efficiently and outsourcing responsibly. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsingstudie is gedoen om die effektiefste en geskikste verkrygingstrategie vir die voertuigwerkswinkels van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) te bepaal. Die doel was om die werkswinkels te help om strategies en effektief te werk gegewe hulle werkslading, aangesien huidige bewyse getoon het dat hulle nie voldoende kapasiteit daarvoor het nie.
Die navorsing is gestruktureer as ’n gevallestudie, waartydens persoonlike onderhoude met SAPD-werkswinkelbestuurders, SAPD- strategiese drywers (Hoofkantoor), en uitvoerende bestuurders van die Stad Kaapstad, die Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Regering-vloot en die passasier-spooragentskap van Suid-Afrika (PRASA) gevoer is. Ter opvolging van die oorspronklike individuele onderhoude is ’n verdere vraelys gebruik waarin soortgelyke vrae aan SAPD-werkswinkelbestuurders gestel is om meer inligting aangaande die toestand van hulle werkswinkels te bekom.
’n Literatuuroorsig, wat die basis gevorm het van die studie, verduidelik die verkrygingstrategie en ondersoek verskillende verkrygingsopsies, asook hoe om die beste verkrygingsbesluite te neem. In hierdie studie is drie verkrygingstrategiemodelle oorweeg, wat ondersteun is deur die gevallestudie van die Stad Kaapstad, die Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Regering-vlootbestuur en PRASA. Die studie het bewys dat dít wat die onderskeie outeurs oor in- en uitkontraktering bevind en aanbeveel het, steeds oorweeg behoort te word, aangevul deur die bestaande wetgewing en beleidsraamwerk. Die kosteontleding is gedoen om te bevestig watter in- of uitkontrakteringsopsies die effektiefste sou wees.
Die fundamentele bevinding van hierdie navorsing is dat die SAPD se voertuigwerkswinkels tans nie al die werk wat hulle ontvang, kan hanteer nie, omdat hulle om verskeie redes nie die nodige kapasiteit het om die groot aantal voertuie wat inkom, te herstel nie. Die uiteenlopende strategieë wat die onderskeie werkswinkels volg sover dit uitkontraktering betref, verminder ook nie die agterstand nie.
Daar is nie ’n duidelike verkrygingstrategie van die nasionale kantoor wat riglyne aan die werkswinkels verskaf nie. Die aanbeveling na aanleiding van hierdie bevindinge is dat die groot werkswinkels al die versienings en kleiner herstelwerk, met inbegrip van sekere groot herstelwerk, moet hanteer, terwyl die kleiner werkswinkels moet fokus op versienings en kleiner herstelwerk, en alle groot herstelwerk moet uitkontrakteer. Indien voertuie buite ’n 30 km-radius van ’n SAPD-werkswinkel is, moet sodanige herstelwerk uitgekontrakteer word deur gebruik te maak van die RT46-kontrak, of ’n soortgelyke reëling.
Verdere navorsingstudies is nodig oor die demografiese struktuur van die werkswinkels, asook die doelmatigheid en effektiwiteit betreffende die werklike bedryf van die werkswinkels. ’n Balans moet gevind word tussen in- en uitkontraktering, terwyl daar verseker moet word dat die werkswinkels effektief bedryf word en uitkontraktering op ’n verantwoordelike wyse geskied.
Date03 1900
CreatorsVanto, Zacharia
ContributorsNdevu, Zwelinzima, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
RightsStellenbosch University

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