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Spirituality in the workplace : the emerging role of meaning in the workplace, and how spirituality addresses this need

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study report addresses the emerging role of meaning in the workplace,
and how spirituality meets this need. The conclusion is drawn that each
person's interpretation of meaning is informed by their unique experience of
reality, and that the path of self-actualisation gives a sense of purpose to the
lives of individuals. More particularly, Frankl's concept of logotherapy
proposes that people find meaning when they are future-orientated. The
absence of meaning leads to an existential vacuum, a phenomena
experienced individually, and collectively by whole societies. The latter causes
a state of boredom or meaninglessness, a malaise that so profoundly inflicts
the modern age.
Numerous management surveys report that the majority want to find meaning
in their work. However at times this seems at odds with the organisation's
aims. This is partly the result of contending worldviews: scientific rationality
versus non-physical models of the universe. The former suggests that the
universe is made of separate physical matter, while the latter encourages
interconnectedness. The paradigm of separateness pits employers against
employees and does not entertain or prioritise individual aspirations to
meaning within the workplace environment. Consequently employees become
dispirited as evidenced in low productivity, rising absenteeism and low morale.
The argument is made for a fundamental societal transition that embraces a
spiritual perspective of reality.
Consensus is reached that spirituality refers to a feeling of
interconnectedness between all things underpinned by a basic harmony in the
design of the universe. Some ascribe transcendence or divinity to this
process. Individuals use spirituality to integrate their inner self to the known
world and beyond. Spirituality itself is purposeful and therefore is an end in
itself. As such it is the antidote to meaninglessness. Studies have shown that
a new generation of first world people, particularly Americans, ascribe to new
values of work, success, consumption and spirituality, rejecting the hedonism
and materialism of the X generation. From this informal movement come new terms like Spiritual Intelligence (SQ). Altruism and self-actualisation are
eagerly embraced in a new sense of the sacred that incorporates personal
growth psychology, the spiritual realm and service to others.
Sweeping social and economical changes, including downsizing, mergers,
globalisation, the threat of terrorism since the 9/11 attacks, and Enron-type
debacles are all contributing to business's spiritual awakening. In order to
cope with increased stress and alienation, both managers and employees
seek meaning and purpose in the workplace. Bringing spirituality into the
workplace benefits all stakeholders as productivity improves and multiple
bottom lines improve. This process is occurring rapidly in many different
guises in orqanisations across the first world. Both individual and
organisation-centred approaches towards transformation predominate. The
end result is organisations that align personal and workplace spirituality,
providing meaning and fulfilment to many.
This study report provides numerous examples and brief case studies from
across the world, including practical guidance for implementing and
measuring workplace spirituality. The conclusion speculates on whether the
movement is a passing fad or a real attempt at genuine transformation based
on universal spiritual principles. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studieprojek spreek die tevoorskynkoming van sinrykheid in die
werksplek aan en hoe dit die behoefte spiritueël tegemoetkom word. Die
gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat elke persoon se interpretasie van sinrykheid
gevorm word deur hulle unieke ervaring van realiteit en dat die pad van
selfaktualisering 'n gevoel van sin toevoeg tot die lewens van individue. In die
besonder stel Frankl se konsep van logoterapie voor dat mense doel vind
sodra hulle toekomsgerig is. Die afwesigheid van doel lei tot 'n eksistensiële
vakuum, 'n verskynsel wat individueel ervaar word, en gesamentlik deur
gemeenskappe. Die laasgenoemde veroorsaak 'n staat van verveligheid of
doelloosheid, 'n onbehaaglikheid wat die moderne gang diepsinnig kwel.
Talle bestuursopnames doen verslag dat die meerderheid sin wil vind in hulle
werk. Nietemin staan dit somtyds in stryd met die organisasie se oogmerke.
Dit is deels die gevolg van strydende wêreld opvattinge: wetenskaplikke
rasionaliteit teenoor die nie-fisiese wêreldmodelle. Die eersgenoemde stel
voor dat die wêreld bestaan uit afsondelike fisiese materie, terwyl die
laasgenoemde interverbinding voorstaan. Die paradigma van afsonderlikheid
kuil werkgewer en werknemer teen mekaar op en trakteer of prioritiseer nie
individuele aspirasies tot sin in die werkplek omgewing nie. Gevolglik raak
werknemers ontmoedig soos bewys deur lae produktiwiteit, toenemende
afwesigheid en lae moraal. Die argument ontstaan ten gunste van 'n
fundementele gemeenskaplike oorganklikheid wat 'n spirituele perspektief van
realiteit omvat.
Daar bestaan konsensus dat spiritualiteit verwys na 'n gevoel van
interverbintenis tussen alle dinge onderstut deur 'n basiese harmonie in die
wêreldbestel. Sommige skryf voortreflikheid of geestelikheid toe tot hierdie
proses. Individue gebruik spiritualiteit om die innerlike self te integreer tot die
bekende en verby. Spiritualiteit is doelgerig en is in sigself 'n doel. Dit is dus 'n
teenmiddel tot doelloosheid. Studies het bewys dat 'n nuwe generasie van
eerste-wêreld mense, bepalend die Amerikaners, toeskryf tot nuwe waardes
van werk, sukses, verbruik en spiritualiteit, wat die hedonistiese en materialisme van die X-generasie verwerp. Deur hierdie informele beweging
kom nuwe terme soos Spirituele Intelligensie tot stand. Altruisme en
selfaktualisering word gretig ontvang in 'n nuwe gewaarwording van die
heilige wat persoonlike sielkundige groei, die spirituele realm en diens tot
andere inkorporeer.
Verrykende sosiale en ekonomiese verandering, insluitende
personeelvermindering, samesmeltings, globalisering, bedryging van
terrorisme sedert die 9/11 aanval en die Enron-tipe fiasco dra alles by tot
spirituele ontwaking van besighede. Ten einde by te hou met die vergrotende
stres en vervreemding, word beide werkgewer en werknemer genoop tot die
soeke na sinrykheid en doel in die werkplek. Die totstandbrenging van
spiritualiteit in die wekplek bevoordeel alle insethouers en produktiwiteit
verhoog en die multi onderlyne vergroot. Hierdie proses kom vinnig onder
verskeie maskers in organisasies oor die eerste wêreld voor. Beide
individuele en organisatories-sentreerde benaderings tot die transformasie
heers. Die eindresultaat is organisasies wat persoonlike en werkplek
spiritualiteit spoor en sinrykheid en bevrediging aan die menigte voorsien.
Hierdie studieprojek voorsien menige voorbeelde en kort gevallestudies
vanoor die wêreld, insluitende praktiese voorligting vir implementering en
maatstawwe vir werkplek spiritualiteit. Die slotsom spekuleer of die beweging
'n verbygaande gier is of 'n ware poging tot opregte transformasie is gebaseer
op universele spirituele beginsels.
Date03 1900
CreatorsDe Witt, Stephen
ContributorsDenton, M., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic & Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format162 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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