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Peacebuilding in Mozambique with special reference to the UN policy on landmine removal

Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The end of the Cold War had a profound impact on the qualitative and quantitative nature of the
UN's peace and security agenda, representing a shift from traditional peacekeeping to a broader,
more ambitious and intrusive notion of peacekeeping. This evolution was marked by an expanded
UN engagement in a broad range of intra-state conflicts and characterised by UN undertakings
towards aspects of national political and socio-economic reconstruction including the evolution
of humanitarian action.
Responding to the expanded United Nations agenda for international peace and security and at
the request of the UN Security Council (UNSC) Boutros Boutros-Ghali prepared the conceptual
foundations of the UN's role in global peace and security in his seminal report, An Agenda for
Peace (July, 1992). The Secretary General outlined five inter-connected roles that he projected
the UN would play in the fast changing context of post-Cold War international politics, namely:
preventive diplomacy, peace enforcement, peacemaking, peacekeeping and post-conflict peacebuilding.
The UNSG described the newly defined concept of post-conflict peacebuilding as action organised
"(to) foster economic and social co-operation with the purpose of developing the social,
political and economic infrastructure to prevent future violence, and laying the foundations for a
durable peace."
With specific reference to landmines in An Agenda for Peace the UNSG stressed that peacebuilding
following civil war and internal strife must address the serious problem of landmines, which
remained scattered in present or former combat zones. The UNSG underscored that mine action
(demining) should be emphasised in terms of reference of peacekeeping operations which is
crucially important in the restoration of activity when peacebuilding is under way.
The United Nations involvement in the Mozambican peace process (1992-1995) has been interpreted
as the culmination of a major success story in wider peacekeeping in Africa under UN auspices
- a category of peace operation, which included peacemaking, peacekeeping, humanitarian
assistance, peacebuilding and electoral assistance. Mozambique's peace process has subsequently
been cited as a model UN peacekeeping operation which could be adapted to post-conflict situation
Within the context of landmines as a threat to post-conflict peacebuilding as articulated by the
UNSG in An Agenda for Peace, the study focuses on how the United Nations implemented mine
action initiatives in operationalising the concept of peacebuilding in Mozambique. In this context,
the study reviews the UN operation in Mozambique (ONUMOZ) and its capacity, responsiveness
and vision in implementing mine action initiatives, both in terms of the operational requirements
of the ONUMOZ peacekeeping mission and the development oflonger-term humanitarian mine
action programmes in Mozambique. To this end, the study views the establishment of a sustainable
indigenous mine action capacity as a sine que non for post -conflict peacebuilding.
From this perspective, the study interprets the 1999 Mine Ban Treaty Prohibiting the Use, Stockpile,
Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction and the rights
and obligations of Mozambique as a State Party to the Treaty as the most appropriate instrument
towards the creation of an indigenous Mozambican mine action capacity to address the long-term
effects oflandmines on post-conflict peacebuilding.
In terms of methodology the approach was historical-analytical and in essence a deductive
method of research was followed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die einde van die Koue Oorlog het diepgaande verandering teweeggebring ten opsigte van die
Verenigde Nasies se vredes en sekuriteits regime ter handhawing van internasionale vrede en
sekuriteit. Hierdie periode is gekenmerk deur 'n skerp toename in intra-staatlike konflikte en
gevolglik in die kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe aard en omvang van Verenigde Nasies vredesoperasies
in terme van die VN Handves.
Ten einde die verantwoordelikhede van die Verenigde Nasies met betrekking tot die handhawing
van vrede en sekuriteit in die snel - veranderende konteks van die post - Koue Oorlog periode
aan te spreek, het die Sekretaris - Generaal van die Verenigde Nasies, Boutros Boutros - Gali,
in opdrag van die Veiligheidsraad die konseptuele fundering van die VN se rol verwoord in sy
pioniersverslag - Agenda vir Vrede (1992).
In sy verslag van Julie 1992 identifiseer en omskryf die Sekretaris-Generaal vyf verbandhoudende
konsepte wat sou dien as meganismes ter beslegting van internasionale konflik, naamlik
voorkomende diplomasie (preventive diplomacy), vredesingryping (peace enforcement),
maak van vrede (peacemaking), vredesoperasies (peacekeeping) en post-konflik vredeskonsolidasie
(post-conflict peacebuilding).
Die Sekretaris-Generaal het post-konflik vredeskonsolidasie omskryf as die "vestiging van
sosio-ekonomiese samewerking met die oogmerk om die sosiale, politieke en ekonomiese infrastruktuur
te ontwikkel ten einde hernude konflik te voorkom en ter grondlegging van langdurige
Met spesifieke verwysing na die korrelasie tussen landmyne en post-konflik vredeskonsolidasie
het die Sekretaris-Generaal benadruk dat landmyne 'n bedreiging inhou vir die konsolidasie van
vrede na burgeroorlog en interne konflik, en veral binne die raamwerk van 'n VN vredesoperasie
in terme van 'n VN Veiligheidsraad mandaat.
Die VN se vredesrol in Mosambiek word allerweë beskou as een van die mees suksesvolle
VN vredesoperasies ooit. Die doel van die studie is gevolglik om ondersoek in te stel na die
toepassing van die konsep van post-konflik vredeskonsolidasie met spesifieke verwysing na
die Mosambiekse vredesproses en die rol van die Verenigde Nasies se Operasie in Mosambiek
(ONUMOZ). In die opsig fokus die studie spesifiek op die rol van ONUMOZ (1992-1995) en
suksesse en tekortkomings in sy vredesmandaat ten opsigte van die implementering van aksies
om die kort-en-langtermyn impak van landmyne in terme van post-konflik vredeskonsolidasie
in Mosambiek aan te spreek.
Vanuit hierdie konteks, vertolk die studie die Landmyn Verdrag (1999) en die totale verbod op
die aanwending, opgaar, produksie en oordrag van landmyne en die vernietiging daarvan as die
mees geskikte raamwerk waarbinne Mosambiek 'n inheemse vermoë tot stand kan bring ten
einde die langtermyn impak van landmyne op post-konflik vredeskonsolidasie effektief aan te
Vanuit 'n metodologiese oogpunt word in hierdie studie histories analities te werk gegaan en
die benadering is beskrywend - verklarend van aard. Verder is die metode van ondersoek in
wese deduktief van aard.
Date12 1900
CreatorsVan Tonder, Delarey
ContributorsBreytenbach, W. J., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Economics.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format110 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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