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Evaluating liberal multiculturalism : what could political theory offer in accommodating diversity?

Liberal multiculturalism, at least in the lines of some of its advocates, is vulnerable to
serious critiques. This paper lists all major critiques directed to liberal multiculturalism
without necessarily agreeing with all. Yet, this is not a sufficient reason to drop it from
the intellectual agenda. In contrast, it still stands as the most promising theory to solve
the problems stemming from cultural diversity. The position taken in this report sees
liberal multiculturalism insufficient in accommodating all the interests of all the parties
involved (e.g., different minority groups, political positions, theoretical approaches). Yet,
a flexible and contextual formulation of liberal multiculturalism is able to accommodate
the broadest range of demands involved in the debate without any serious damage to
the core liberal premises such as respecting freedom of choice and basic human rights.
What is achieved with such a formulation is not an entirely consistent philosophical truth
project, but a relatively flexible guide to solve public policy issues in the face of cultural
diversity. / text
Date05 January 2011
CreatorsAlptekin, Huseyin
Source SetsUniversity of Texas
Detected LanguageEnglish

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