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Asymptotic properties of the dynamics near stationary solutions for some nonlinear Schrödinger équations

The present thesis is devoted to the investigation of certain aspects of the large time behavior of the solutions of two nonlinear Schrödinger equations in dimension three in some suitable perturbative regimes. The first model consist in a Schrödinger equation with a concentrated nonlinearity obtained considering a {point} (or contact) interaction with strength $alpha$, which consists of a singular perturbation of the Laplacian described by a self adjoint operator $H_{alpha}$, and letting the strength $alpha$ depend on the wave function: $ifrac{du}{dt}= H_alpha u$, $alpha=alpha(u)$.It is well-known that the elements of the domain of a point interaction in three dimensions can be written as the sum of a regular function and a function that exhibits a singularity proportional to $|x - x_0|^{-1}$, where $x_0$is the location of the point interaction. If $q$ is the so-called charge of the domain element $u$, i.e. the coefficient of itssingular part, then, in order to introduce a nonlinearity, we let the strength $alpha$ depend on $u$ according to the law $alpha=-nu|q|^sigma$, with $nu > 0$. This characterizes the model as a focusing NLS with concentrated nonlinearity of power type. In particular, we study orbital and asymptotic stability of standing waves for such a model. We prove the existence of standing waves of the form $u (t)=e^{iomega t}Phi_{omega}$, which are orbitally stable in the range $sigma in (0,1)$, and orbitally unstable for $sigma geq 1.$ Moreover, we show that for $sigma in(0,frac{1}{sqrt 2}) cup left(frac{1}{sqrt{2}}, frac{sqrt{3} +1}{2sqrt{2}} right)$ every standing wave is asymptotically stable, in the following sense. Choosing an initial data close to the stationary state in the energy norm, and belonging to a natural weighted $L^p$ space which allows dispersive stimates, the following resolution holds: $u(t) =e^{iomega_{infty} t +il(t)} Phi_{omega_{infty}}+U_t*psi_{infty} +r_{infty}$, where $U_t$ is the free Schrödinger propagator,$omega_{infty} > 0$ and $psi_{infty}$, $r_{infty} inL^2(R^3)$ with $| r_{infty} |_{L^2} = O(t^{-p}) quadtextrm{as} ;; t right arrow +infty$, $p = frac{5}{4}$,$frac{1}{4}$ depending on $sigma in (0, 1/sqrt{2})$, $sigma in (1/sqrt{2}, 1)$, respectively, and finally $l(t)$ is a logarithmic increasing function that appears when $sigma in (frac{1}{sqrt{2}},sigma^*)$, for a certain $sigma^* in left(frac{1}{sqrt{2}}, frac{sqrt{3} +1}{2sqrt{2}} right]$. Notice that in the present model the admitted nonlinearities for which asymptotic stability of solitons is proved, are subcritical in the sense that it does not give rise to blow up, regardless of the chosen initial data. The second model is the energy critical focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation $i frac{du}{dt}=-Delta u-|u|^4 u$. In this case we prove, for any $nu$ and $alpha_0$ sufficiently small, the existence of radial finite energy solutions of the form$u(t,x)=e^{ialpha(t)}lambda^{1/2}(t)W(lambda(t)x)+e^{iDeltat}zeta^*+o_{dot H^1} (1)$ as $tright arrow +infty$, where$alpha(t)=alpha_0ln t$, $lambda(t)=t^{nu}$,$W(x)=(1+frac13|x|^2)^{-1/2}$ is the ground state and $zeta^*$is arbitrarily small in $dot H^1$
Date18 February 2013
CreatorsOrtoleva, Cecilia Maria
PublisherUniversité Paris-Est
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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