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An evaluation of a proposed framework to facilitate organisational strategic execution

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study project for a proposed framework to facilitate strategic execution aims to
formulate a methodology with a set of standard tools, to enable organisations to be
successful in strategy execution on a continuous basis. The framework is to be
implemented within a team in the Honeywell site office structure, which is responsible
for delivering support services in the hydrocarbon processing industry.
The framework is based on a six step process to facilitate continuous alignment to
strategy, by following the continuous improvement methodology of the Deming wheel.
The components of the framework are "landscapinq", "team maturity", "gap analysis",
"alignmenf, "action plan" and "review". The first four components represent the "pian",
the second to final component represent the "do", and the last component represents
the "check" or "study" section of the Deming wheel's PDSA (plan, do, study, act) cycle.
These main components in the framework are fixed, but the tools utilised in the
execution of the components are flexible. This is to allow the implementers to choose
the tools that they are most comfortable with and that will have the greatest chance of
success in their environments. Tools that are used in this study include a change cycle
assessment and objective setting tools. The implementation also relies on specific
assumptions and existing methodologies. These include value based management,
performance management that is based on focussing on strengths and not
competencies, as well as the assumption that similar methodologies are used
throughout the organisation.
The components of the framework are explained in chapter two and then implemented
in chapter four. The process is followed from landscaping through to the review
section, where all alignment plans are evaluated against the specified definitions of
victory and its related critical success factors. The most important section is arguably
the team maturity component. This determines maturity in terms of skill levels, team
effectiveness and readiness for change and ultimately whether the implementation can
continue or whether the status quo should be improved before continuation.
During this implementation the framework continues through the team maturity
component to the execution of four identified priority action plans. The priority plans include a communication and information delivery infrastructure, complete
organisational restructuring, performance management and skills development.
The results from the implementation based on statistical matched pair experiments and
the interpretation of the p-values concludes that the framework is a successful
methodology, that ensures continuous alignment and ultimately strategic execution.
The study concludes by recommending further additions to the framework that include
a feedback loop to senior management, that will serve as input for future strategy
formulation. Finally, the study also recommends the expansion of success metries to
include the skills assessment and ultimately the metries that will measure success or
failure of the high level objectives set by senior management. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie projek vir 'n voorgestelde belynings raamwerk om strategiese uitvoering te
fasiliteer mik daarna om 'n metodologie te formuleer met 'n stel standaard hulpmiddels
om maatskappye met suksesvolle strategiese uitvoering op 'n volhoudbare basis te
help. Die raamwerk word dan geimplementeer op 'n span binne die organisasie
struktuur van die Honeywell aanleg kantoor wat verantwoordelik is vir ondersteunings
dienslewering in die hidro-koolstof verwerkings industrie.
Die raamwerk is op 'n ses stap proses gebaseer om aanhoudende belyning tot stratgie
te fasiliteer en volg 'n aanhoudende verbeterings metodologie van die Deming wiel.
Die komponente van die raamwerk is "uitlegging" I "span volwassenheid", "gaping
analisse", "belyning", "implementeer plan" en "hersien". Die eerste vier komponente
verteenwoodig die "beplan", die tweede laaste komponent verteenwoordig die "doen"
en die laaste komponent verteenwoordig die "hersien" of "studeer" gedeelte van die
Deming wiel se SDSA (beplan, doen, studeer, aksie) siklus. Die hoof raamwerk
komponente in die metodologie is vas, maar die hulpmiddels wat gebruik kan word in
die uitvoering van die komponente is aanpasbaar om sodoende die implementeerders
toe te laat om die hulpmiddels te kies waarmee hulle die gemaklikste is en wat die
beste resultate in hulomgewing sal lewer. Hulpmiddels wat in hierdie studie gebruik
word sluit in 'n veranderingsiklus evaluering en doelstelling hulpmiddels. Die
implementasie steun ook op spesifieke aannames en bestaande metodologieë. Hierdie
sluit in waarde gebaseerde bestuur, prestasie bestuur wat gebaseer is op sterkpunte
en nie bevoegdhede nie, sowel as die aaname dat soortgelyke metodologieë regdeur
die organisasie gebruik word.
Die komponente van die raamwerk word verduidelik in hoofstuk twee en word daarna
in hoofstuk vier geïmplementeer. Die proses word gevolg vanaf uitlegging regdeur tot
die hersien afdeling waar al die belynde planne ge-evalueer word teen die spesifieke
definisies van sukses en die verwante kritieke sukses faktore. Die mees belangrikste
afdeling kan gesien word as die span volwassenheids komponent wat volwassenheid
in terme van vaardigheidsvlakke, span effektiwiteit en gereedheid vir verandering
bepaal en uiteindelik of die implementasie kan voortgaan of die staus quo eers
verbeter moet word. Gedurende hierdie implementasie duur die raamwerk voort van die span
volwassenheid komponent tot die uitvoering van vier geïndentifiseerde prioriteit aksie
planne. Die prioriteit planne sluit in 'n kommunikasie en informasie infrastruktuur
voorsiening, volledige organisasie herstruktuering, prestasie bestuur en
Die uitkoms van hierdie implementasie, gebaseer op statistiese ooreenstemmende
paar eksperimente en die intrepetasie van die p-waardes, tref die gevolgtrekking dat
die raamwerk 'n suksesvolle metodologie is wat volhoubare belyning en uiteindelikke
strategie uitvoering verseker. Hierdie studie kom tot 'n gevolg deur verdere byvoegings
tot die raamwerk voor te stel. Byvoegings sluit in 'n terugvoerings meganisme na
senior bestuur wat as insette vir toekomstige strategie formulering kan dien. Ten slotte
stel hierdie studie voor dat sukses metings uitgebrei word om die
vaardigheidsevaluering in te sluit en uiteindelik ook die metings te gebruik wat die
sukses of mislukking van hoë vlak doelstellings deur senior bestuur daar gestel, te
Date12 1900
CreatorsKrynauw, Pieter (Pieter Lourens)
ContributorsDenton, Mario, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic & Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format129 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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