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Promoting provincial interests : the role of the NCOP in the national legislature

Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study's investigation focuses on the role played by the NCOP in the national
legislature as the second chamber of parliament. It looks in particular at how the
NCOP has managed in its deliberations, and as mandated by the Constitution to
represent provinces. Subsection 42 (4) of the Constitution stipulates that; " The NCOP
represent the provinces to ensure that provincial interests are taken into account in
the national sphere of government" (RSA Act 108, 1996).
The question that the study seeks to answer IS: does the National Council of
Provinces in its deliberations work to represent the interests of provinces in the
national legislature rather than those of the party in control of the province? In
answering the research question the study's approach is qualitative in nature. In other
words, data collection methods were confined to documents and other important
sources such as NCOP Publications namely, the NCOP News and the NCOP Review.
Looking at the literature on second chambers, the study found that for second
chambers to play an effective role in the legislature, the Constitution must equip them
with adequate legislative powers. This means that the Constitution must give second
chambers a veto on all Bills affecting their jurisdictions. Where a veto is non existent,
irrespective of what legislative powers a second chamber may posses, if not elected
directly by the electorate, it will suffer the accusations of rubber stamping Bills passed
by the first house.
The NCOP falls in the same category of second houses with no veto over Bills
affecting provinces. Its legislative powers on these Bills are blunted by the NA's twothirds
majority in the legislature and as a result remain a subordinate of the first house
and that of the ruling party. Furthermore, administrative and communication problems
experienced by the institution hinder it in its role of representing provinces. Equally
so, the dominance of the ruling ANC in the provinces makes it difficult to determine
whether mandates delivered by provincial legislatures carry the interests of provinces
or those of the party in power. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie-ondersoek is gerig op die rol wat die NRVP (Nasionale Raad Van
Provinsies), as die tweede huis van die Parlement. Die werk is spesifiek gerig op die
manier hoe die NRVP vaar in hul debatvoerings, asook in hul verteenwoordiging van
provinsies soos voorgeskryf in die Grondwet. Sub-artikel 42 (4) van die grondwet
stipuleer dat "die NRVP verteenwoordig die provinsies om te verseker dat provinsiale
belange in ag geneem word op die nasionale sfeer van die regering." (RSA Wet 108
van 1996).
Die vraag wat hierdie studie poog om te antwoord, is die volgende: werk die NRVP in
hul debatsvoerings om die belange van die provinsies in die nasionale wetgewer te
verteenwoordig inplaas van die belange van die party in beheer van 'n spesifieke
provinsie? In die beantwoording van hierdie navorsings-vraag, is die studie
benadering kwalitatief in aard. Met ander woorde - data invorderings metodes was
beperk tot dokumente en ander belangrike bronne soos NRVP publikasies, naamlik
die "NCOP News" en die "NCOP Review".
Na 'n bestudering van literatuur rondom die tweede huis van Parlement, het hierdie
studie bevind dat vir die tweede huis om 'n effektiewe rol te speel in die wetgewer,
die Grondwet dit moet toerus met genoegsame wetgewende magte. Dit beteken onder
andere dat die grondwet die tweede huis 'n veto-reg gee oor alle wetsontwerpe wat
hulle jurisdiksie raak. Waar 'n veto-reg nie bestaan nie, ongeag die wetgewende mag
wat die NRVP mag hĂȘ, sal dit bieg gebuk gaan onder die beskuldiging dat dit 'n
rubberstempel plaas op wetsontwerpe uitgevaardig deur die Nasionale Vergadering.
Die NRVP val in dieselfde katagorie van tweede huise wat nie 'n veto-reg het oor
wetsontwerpe wat provinsies raak. Die NRVP se wetgewende mag oor hierdie
wetsonwerpe word geskoei op die Nasionale Vergadering se twee-derde meerderheid
en gevolglik bly dit ondergeskik aan die Nasionale Vergadering. Verder,
administratiewe-en kommunikasie-probleme wat ondervind word deur die liggaam,
hinder dit in die rol van verteenwoordiger van die provinsies. Gelykstaande hieraan, is
die dominering van die bewindvoerende party - die ANC. In die provinsies is dit moeilik om vas te stel of die voorskrifte van die provinsiale wetgewer werklik handel
oor die belange van die provinsies self of die is van die party in die meerderheid.
Date03 1900
CreatorsBoskati, Nzwana Eric
ContributorsBreytenbach, Willie, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences. Dept. of Political Science.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Formatix, 76 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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