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Characterisation of a high copy number mutant pAL5000 origin of replication

Thesis (MScMedSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The plasmid pAL5000 is a mycobacterial plasmid isolated from Mycobacterium
fortuitum. It is a low copy number plasmid, which replicates in both fast growing (e.g.
M. smegmatis) and slow growing (e.g. M. bovis BCG) mycobacteria. Most
mycobacterial-E. coli shuttle vectors utilise the pAL5000 origin of replication. The
minimum replicon consists of ORF1 (RepA), ORF2 (RepB) and the origin of
Dr W.R. Bourn created an E. coli-mycobacterial vector based on the pAL5000 origin
of replication (pORI) and then subjected it to semi-random mutagenesis. A high copy
number mutant was identified (pHIGH) and the causative mutation was tentatively
identified as a 3bp deletion situated just upstream of repB. This work describes the
further characterisation of the mutant plasmid.
Firstly, it was shown by retransforming M. smegmatis with both the original and
mutant plasmids (pORI and pHIGH), that the mutation causing the increased copy
number was plasmid-encoded and not on the chromosome. Following this, it was
demonstrated by simple subcloning of the region that carries the 3 bp deletion, that
other pAL5000-based vectors could be converted to high copy number. In addition to
this, the subcloned region was sequenced and the nature of the mutations was
confirmed. The subcloning experiment confirmed that the 3bp deletion caused the
high copy number phenotype.
Following this, the exact copy number of pHIGH and the relative increase in copy
number was determined. From this, the copy number of pORI could also be
determined. The plasmid pHIGH has a copy number of approximately 54, compared
to the 8 of pORI (a relative increase by a factor of 7).
Because it is important for researchers to know the characteristics of the vectors that
they use, especially the influence it will have on its host, stability tests and growth
curves were also performed. It was seen that the higher copy number did not
markedly increase the stability, however, this is because pORI is already extremely, and unexpectedly, stable in the host M. smegmatis. According to the growth curves,
the increased copy number has little effect on the growth of the host M. smegmatis.
Possible mechanisms for the increased copy number were then investigated. By using
a promoter probe vector, the possible existence of a promoter situated between the
two open reading frames of pAL5000 (repA and repB) was investigated. It was
thought that the mutation might have created, or changed an existing promoter,
situated between repA and repB. The results showed, however, that in both pORI and
pHIGH there might be a very weak promoter upstream of repB, but the mutation did
not cause any change that was measurable by the method that was used.
A further possibility was that the mutation caused a change in the RNA secondary
structure, which might then have an effect on the translational efficiency of RepB. It
was found that the 3bp deletion in pHIGH causes a change in the local RNA
secondary structure around the ribosomal binding site and the start codon, when
compared to pORI (wild type). This change may cause the translation initiation rate of
RepB to be different between pHIGH and pORI. Ultimately it would lead to a
different ratio of RepA and RepB in the cell. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die plasmied pAL5000 is ‘n mikobakteriele plasmied wat vanuit Mycobacterium
fortuitum gei'soleer is. Dit is ‘n lae kopie-getal plasmied wat in beide vinnig groeiende
(bv. M. smegmatis) en stadig groeiende (bv. M. bovis BCG) mikobakteriee kan
repliseer. Die meeste mikobakteriele-E. coli shuttle vektore gebruik die pAL5000
oorsprong van replisering. Die minimum replikon bestaan uit ORF1 (RepA), ORF2
(RepB) en die oorsprong van replisering.
Dr. W.R. Bourn het ‘n E. coli-mikobakteriele vektor gemaak wat gebaseer is op die
pAL5000 oorsprong van replisering (pORI), en dit onderwerp aan semi-random
mutagenese. ‘n Hoë kopie-getal mutant is gei'dentifiseer (pHIGH) en die mutasie
hiervoor verantwoordelik was tentatief gei'dentifiseer as ‘n 3bp delesie, net stroomop
van repB. Die projek beskryf die verdere karakterisering van die mutante plasmied.
Eerstens, deur M. smegmatis te hertransformeer met die plasmied DNA (pORI en
pHIGH), is dit bewys dat dit mutasie wat die toename in kopie-getal veroorsaak, deur
die plasmied gekodeer word, en dat dit nie ‘n mutasie op die chromosoom is nie.
Hierna is dit deur eenvoudige subklonering bewys dat die gedeelte wat die 3bp delesie
dra, ander pAL5000-gebaseerde vektore ook kan verander in ‘n hoër kopie-getal. Die
sub-klonerings eksperiment het ook bewys dat die 3 bp delesie die oorsaak is vir die
hoë kopie-getal fenotipe.
Volgende is die presiese kopie-getal van pHIGH en die relatiewe toename in kopiegetal
bepaal. Die kopie-getal van pORI kon vanaf hierdie data bepaal word. Die
plasmied pHIGH het ‘n kopie-getal van ongeveer 54 in M. smegmatis, in vergelyking
met die 8 van pORI (‘n relatiewe toename met ‘n faktor van 7).
Aangesien dit vir navorsers belangrik is om die eienskappe van die vektore wat hulle
gebruik, te ken, en veral die invloed wat dit op die gasheer sal hê, is stabiliteits toetse,
en groeikurwes gedoen. Die hoër kopie-getal het nie die stabiliteit werklik verbeter
nie, maar dit is omdat pORI alreeds uiters stabiel is in die gasheer M. smegmatis. Volgens die groeikurwes het die toename in kopie-getal ‘n minimale effek op die
groei van die gasheer M. smegmatis.
Moontlike meganismes vir die hoër kopie-getal is ook ondersoek. Die moontlike
bestaan van ‘n promoter tussen die twee oop-leesrame van pAL5000 (repA en repB)
is ondersoek deur gebruik te maak van ‘n “promoter probe” vektor. Die mutasie kon
moontlik ‘n promoter geskep het, of ‘n bestaande een tussen repA en repB verander
het. Die resultate het gewys dat daar in beide pORI en pHIGH moontlik ‘n baie swak
promoter stroomop van repB is, maar die mutasie het nie enige veranderinge
veroorsaak wat meetbaar was met die metode wat gebruik is nie.
‘n Verdere moontlikheid was dat die mutasie ‘n verandering in die RNA sekondere
struktuur kon veroorsaak het, en dit mag ‘n effek hê op die translasie effektiwiteit van
RepB. Daar is gevind dat, in vergelyking met pORI, het die 3bp delesie in pHIGH ‘n
verandering in die lokale RNA sekondere struktuur rondom die ribosomale bindings
posisie en die begin-kodon veroorsaak. Die verandering mag veroorsaak dat die
translasie inisiasie tempo van RepB verskillend is vir pORI en pHIGH. Uiteindelik sal
dit lei tot ‘n heeltemal ander verhouding van RepA en RepB in die sel.
Date12 1900
CreatorsJansen, Yvette
ContributorsBourn, W. R., Van Helden, P. D., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Biomedical Sciences. Molecular Biology and Human Genetics.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format139 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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