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The learning organisation and productivity : a case study of the Athlone detective service

Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The transformation of the South African Police Service (SAPS) did not simply brought about
a change in name; it meant a different new style of policing. A completely new concept of
how a police service should function within a democratic society, had to be developed and
learnt. One of the significant changes was the transformation of the old South African Police
Force into the SAPS. Included in this process was the amalgamation of the eleven police
agencies into one organisation.
The transformation process had a major impact on productivity in the different components of
the SAPS, as evidence suggests that change is difficult and that resistance may be expected
whenever change involves a significant impact on the traditional behaviour, power, authority,
culture and structure within an organisation. The objective of training is to achieve a change
in the behaviour of those employees who are undergoing training. The SAPS therefore had to
start using training programmes to ensure that all employees accept the change process easier.
The researcher attended the Station Management Programme (SMP) at Stellenbosch
University in 1999. The first module presented at the SMP comprised the concept of a
learning organisation. After successfully completing the SMP, this management mechanism
was implemented at Athlone Detective Service. This detective service is one of the
components at the Athlone po lice station, which in turn forms part of 1096 po lice stations in
South Africa. The high volume of cases on hand was one of the main reasons why it was
decided to experiment there with the five disciplines of the learning organisation, as proposed
by Peter Senge, at the beginning of July 1999.
In Chapter one the research problem is identified, namely whether a learning organisation can
be used to improve productivity at detective services. The objectives of this study are firstly
to prove how the five disciplines of a learning organisation were implemented at Athlone
detective service in order to increase productivity. Secondly, this study will give guidance to
the other detective services in the SAPS on how to improve their own productivity.
Related literature is reviewed in Chapter two, and these references are made applicable on the
SAPS, and more specifically on the Athlone detective service in Chapter three. The gathering, analysis and interpretation of data are discussed in Chapter four. The data for this
research has been gathered by means of computerised data, which has been collected from the
Criminal Administration System (CAS) of the SAPS, and by means ofa questionnaire, which
was distributed among the personnel at Athlone detective service. The collected data is
analysed statistically and interpreted in this chapter to establish whether the disciplines of a
learning organisation had an impact on productivity.
The main focus points of each chapter are firstly summarised, while recommendations are
made on the effective management thereof in Chapter five. A conclusion is also given in this
last chapter. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die transformasie van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) het nie slegs 'n verandering
in naam beteken nie, maar 'n totale verskillende manier van polisiering. 'n Algehele nuwe
konsep van hoe 'n polisiediens binne 'n demokratiese samelewing behoort te funksioneer,
moes ontwikkel en aangeleer word. Een van die vernaamste veranderings was die
omskakeling van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiemag na die SAPD. Ingesluit in hierdie proses
was die samesmelting van die elf verskillende polisieagentskappe in een organisasie.
Hierdie proses het 'n negatiewe invloed op produktiwiteit in die verskillende afdelings van die
SAPD gehad, aangesien daar al bewys is dat verandering moeilik is en dat weerstand verwag
kan word wanneer hierdie verandering met tradisies, mag, gesag, kultuur en struktuur binne 'n
organisasie te make het. Die doel van opleiding is om 'n verandering in die gedrag van
werknemers te bereik; gevolglik het die SAPD met opleidingsprogramme begin om te
verseker dat alle werknemers die veranderingsproses makliker aanvaar.
Gedurende 1999 het die navorser die Stasiebestuursprogram (SBP) aan die Universiteit van
Stellenbosch deurloop. Die eerste module wat gedurende die SBP aangebied is, was die
konsep van lerende organisasie. Na die suksesvolle voltooiing van die SBP, is hierdie
bestuursinstrument te Athlone speurdiens in gebruik geneem. Hierdie speurdiens is een van
die afdelings van die Athlone polisiestasie, wat op sy beurt deel uitmaak van 'n totaal van
1096 ander polisiestasies in Suid-Afrika. Die vernaamste rede waarom besluit was om die vyf
dissiplines van die lerende organisasie, soos deur Peter Senge voorgestel op die proef te stel
was die groot aantal sake wat ondersoekbeamtes voorhande gehad het gedurende 1999.
In hoofstuk een word die navorsingsprobleem geformuleer as: kan die lerende organisasie
gebruik word om produktiwiteit in die speurdiens te verbeter? Die doel van hierdie
navorsingsprojek is eerstens om te bewys hoe die lerende organisasie gebruik is om
produktiwiteit te Athlone speurdiens te verbeter. Ten tweede is die doel van die navorsing om
ander speurdienste, binne die SAPD, van riglyne te voorsien oor hoe om hulle eie
produktiwiteit te verbeter. Hoofstuk twee bestaan uit 'n oorsig oor die toepaslike literatuur, terwyl die literatuur in
hoofstuk drie op die SAPD van toepassing gemaak word. Die insameling, ontleding en
vertolking van data word in hoofstuk vier bespreek. Vir die doeleindes van hierdie navorsing
is van gerekenariseerde data gebruik gemaak wat vanaf die Misdaad-Administrasiestelsel
(MAS) van die SAPD verkry is en uit vraelyste wat onder die Athlone speurdiens versprei is.
Die data wat ingesamel is, word in hierdie hoofstuk statisties ontleed en vertolk, ten einde vas
te stel of die dissiplines van die lerende organisasie weI 'n invloed op produktiwiteit gehad
In hoofstuk vyf word die vernaamste bevindings eerstens opgesom en daarna word
aanbevelings oor die doeltreffende bestuur daarvan gemaak. Laastens word 'n gevolgtrekking
Date03 1900
CreatorsBrand, J. J. (Johannes Jurgens)
ContributorsSchwella, E., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic & Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format78 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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