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Morphology and Thermal Behavior of Single Crystals of Polystyrene-Poly(ethylene oxide) Block Copolymers

In the present work, we have undertaken a structural study of PS-b-PEO single crystals to elucidate the influence of the state of the PS block on crystallization from dilute solution and on subsequent thermal annealing at elevated temperature. It is noteworthy that the interest in these systems has been recently renewed in the perspective of using them as a model of grafted amorphous brushes with variable grafting density. Indeed, during crystallization of PEO, the amorphous block, i.e. PS, is rejected from the crystal accumulating on its basal surfaces. Since the crystal thickness formed during isothermal crystallization is a sharply selected value, the grafting density of the resulting PS brush is also well defined. Therefore by varying the crystal thickness one can obtain the PS brushes with grafting density varying in a broad range.In our study, a combination of reciprocal and direct-space techniques such as SAXS/WAXS and AFM was employed. While AFM experiments were performed on isolated single crystals, the SAXS investigation was carried out on oriented mats of single crystals slowly sedimented from the "mother" solution. In this case, the one-dimensional two-phase system model was used for the data interpretation where the thickness of the amorphous (La) and crystalline (Lc) layers are conventionally determined following the correlation fonction and interface distribution fonction approaches.
Date26 April 2010
CreatorsHamie, Houssam
PublisherUniversité de Haute Alsace - Mulhouse
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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