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Barns upplevelse av lustgasbehandling : En intervjustudie

Syftet med denna deskriptiva kvalitativa intervjustudie var att beskriva barns upplevelser av lustgasbehandling. Urvalet består av sex barn i åldern sex till fjorton år som behandlats med lustgas vid procedursmärta, akut eller planerat, på barnsjukhusets akutmottagning eller allmänna specialistmottagning. Intervjuerna analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Alla barnen upplevde annorlunda kroppskänslor eller abstrakta känslor som inte nödvändigtvis var obehagliga under lustgasbehandlingen. Samtidigt som flera av barnen beskrev en typ av frånvaro var de flesta medvetna om omgivningen och till viss del händelseförloppet. Vidare framkom att hörsel- och synintryck kunde förvrängas där ljud ibland förstärktes och kunde störa och påverka fokuseringen. Olika grader av smärta beskrevs. I barnens egen sammanfattning uttryckte fyra av barnen positiva upplevelser. Fem av barnen var positiva till att få lustgasbehandling igen om så behövdes medan ett barn svarade "kanske" och önskade i så fall en mindre mängd lustgas nästa gång. Behandlingen kan ytterligare utvecklas genom kombination med andra smärtstillande läkemedel. / The aim of this descriptive, qualitative interview study was to describe children´s experiences of treatment with nitrous oxide. The sample consists of six children aged six to fourteen who were treated with nitrous oxide for procedural pain, acute or planned, in the emergency room or special surgery of the Children´s hospital. The interviews were analyzed by qualitative content analysis. All children experienced different feelings in the body or intangible feelings that were not necessarily unpleasant during the treatment with nitrous oxide. Although some of the children described some kind of absence, most of them were aware of the surroundings and to some part what happened during the treatment. Further it appeared that hearing and sight impressions could be distorted and sounds were sometimes amplified and could disturb and affect the focusing. Varying degrees of pain were described. In their own summary four of the children expressed positive experiences. Five of the children were positive to receive nitrous oxide in the future if needed, while one child answered "perhaps" and in that case wanted less amount of nitrous oxide next time. The treatment could be developed further by combining with other analgesics.
Date January 2009
CreatorsAlmblad, Ann-Charlotte, Kassa, Ann-Marie
PublisherUppsala universitet, Vårdvetenskap, Uppsala universitet, Vårdvetenskap
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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