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Protocoles cryptographiques pour les réseaux ad hoc

Mobile Ad hoc networks are a step closer to the vision of pervasive computing where all devices dynamically discover each other, organize communication networks between themselves and share resources/information to provide seamless service to the end-user. But providing any reliable service over such a network requires a secure and well-functioning network. Lack of infrastructure, energy-constrained nature of devices and high dynamism in the network makes the task of securing such networks quite challenging. In this thesis we propose cryptographic protocols, which are a stepping stone to a secure ad hoc network. In particular, we contribute to the areas of key establishment and secure routing in ad hoc networks. Key establishment is concerned with making available cryptographic keys to the devices, necessary for participating in the security services of the network. On the other hand routing needs to be secured in such networks as almost all nodes need to participate in the routing process (for eciency reasons) and presence of one malicious node could easily have drastic consequences on the routing performance of the whole network. Thus security checks are required to prevent such malicious nodes from hampering the routing process and to recover from it in case they do succeed. Our rst result is a new group key agreement protocol which is especially suitable for ad hoc networks but also outperforms most known protocols for traditional networks as well. The protocol adapts well to the dynamics of the network and is robust enough to deal with message losses and link failures. It requires little self-organization by the nodes in the network. We present some modied versions of the same and vii tel-00469429, version 1 - 1 Apr 2010 security proofs showing that the security of these protocols is tightly related to the security of the Decisional Die-Hellman problem. We also discuss issues related to implementation of this protocol in real scenarios. Our second result is the introduction of the notion of an Aggregate Designated Verier Signature (ADVS) scheme. An ADVS scheme allows ecient aggregation of multiple signatures on dierent messages designated to the same verier. We show how this primitive can be eciently utilized to secure reactive routing protocols in ad hoc networks. We provide a security model to analyze such schemes and propose an ADVS scheme which aggregates signatures more eciently than existing schemes.
Date03 July 2006
CreatorsBhaskar, Raghav
PublisherEcole Polytechnique X
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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