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Guidelines for transforming a service organisation to a customer relationship management enterprise

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has been referred to as the new
"mantra" of marketing management (Winer, 2001: 89), however CRM is a business
strategy that calls for the establishment, development, maintenance and optimisation
of long-term profitable and mutually beneficial relationships between organisations
and their customers. It is a journey of strategic, structural, process, organisational
and technological change through which an organisation can manage its enterprise
better around customer behaviour.
CRM as a business strategy was thought necessary due to stronger and rapidly
changing forces that influence business. Forces include globalisation, mature
markets, emerging markets, deregulation, convergence of industries and continuous
changes in customer behaviour. These changes forced business to realise that
customers are an organisation's only sure revenue source and that building
relationships with its customers is the best source of profitable and sustainable
revenue growth (Brown, 2000: xii).
Organisations worldwide spent almost US$44bn in 2000 on CRM initiatives and it is
estimated to grow to US$125bn by 2004. The promise of CRM is enchanting,
however many organisations will quickly point out that in practise it can be extremely
costly to implement and it can be disastrous for building relationships with customers.
One of the biggest mistakes that were made when organisations implemented CRM
programmes is that CRM was regarded as a technology intervention or solution that
would enable any organisation to build long-lasting and profitable relationships with
its customers. Not all CRM programmes succeed or achieve the strategic objectives
organisations want it to achieve. It is therefore necessary to develop a framework that
can assist organisations in their efforts to develop and implement a CRM programme.
This thesis provides a system approach and assessment toolkit to guide and assist
service organisations to develop and implement CRM programmes and through this
to become a CRM enterprise. A CRM enterprise holds the customer-driven vision
necessary to succeed in the ever changing environment of the global economy. A system approach was chosen as the preferred method to develop and implement a
CRM programme for two reasons. First, CRM programmes are extremely complex as
it is a business strategy that impact organisation wide when it is developed and
implemented. And secondly, a system approach requires a person to think systemic
about systems like CRM. It forces the developer and implementer of a CRM
programme to consider the whole impact of the changes across an organisation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kliënte verhouding bestuur is beskryf as die nuwe deuntjie bemarking bestuur
(Winer, 2001: 89), maar kliënte verhouding bestuur is veel meer 'n besigheids
strategie was vrae oor die vestiging, ontwikkeling, onderhoud en optimaliseering van
lang termyn winsgewende en wedersydse begunstigde verhoudings tussen
organisasies en hul kliënte. Dit is 'n reis van strategiese, strukturele, proses,
organisatoriese en tegnologiese verandering waardeer 'n organisasie sy besigheid
beter kan bestuur rondom kliënte gedrag.
Kliënte verhouding bestuur is nodig as 'n besigheid strategie as gevolg van sterker
en vinniger kragte wat besigheid beinvloed. Kragte sluit in globalisering, ontwikkelde
markete, ontwikkelende markte, deregulering, samesmelting van industrieë, en die
alewige verandering in kliënte behoeftes. Hierdie kragte forseer besigheid om te
besef dat kliënte 'n organisasie se sekerste bron van inkomste is en dat 'n
organisasie verhoudinge moet bou met hul kliënte om 'n bron van volhoubare
inkomste te verseker (Brown, 2000: xii).
Organisasies wêreldwyd het ongeveer US$44bn in 2000 spandeer op kliënte
verhouding bestuur initiatiewe en dit is vooruit geskat dat dit kan groei tot US$125bn
teen 2004. Die belofte van kliënte verhouding bestuur is betowerend, maar verskeie
organisasies sal dit vinnig uitwys dat kliënte verhouding bestuur in die praktyk baie
duur wees om in werking te stel en dat dit rampsoedig kan wees vir die bou van
verhoudings met kliënte.
Een van die groostste foute wat organisasies gemaak het met die implementering
van 'n kliënte verhouding bestuur program was om dit te beskou as 'n tegnologiese
intervensie wat die organisasie in staat sou stelom lang termyn winsgewende
verhoudinge te bou met hul kliënte. Nie alle kliënte verhouding bestuur programme is
suksesvol nie. Dit is daarvoor nodig om 'n raamwerk te ontwikkel wat organisasies
sal help on 'n kliënte verhouding bestuur program te ontwikkel en te implementeer.
Hierdie tesis verskaf 'n sisteembenadering en 'n evalueringprogram wat organisasies
kan help om 'n kliënte verhouding bestuur program te ontwikkel en te implementeer en deur middel hiervan In kliënte-organisasie te word. In Kliënte-organisasie het die
kliënte-aangedrewe visie wat nodig is om in vandag se al veranderde omgewing
volhoubaar en suksesvol te wees.
In Sisteem benadering was gekies as die voorkeur metode om In kliënte verhouding
bestuur program te ontwikkel en te implementeer vir twee redes. Die eerste rede is
dat In kliënte verhouding bestuur program baie kompleks is aangesien dit In
organisasie wyd impak het wanneer dit ontwikkel word en geïmplementeer word. Die
tweede rede is dat In sisteem benadering die beplanner en implementeerder forseer
om die hele impak van verandering in ag te neem oor die hele organisasie.
Date03 1900
CreatorsPienaar, Wiloma
ContributorsLoubser, S. S., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic & Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format129 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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