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Semi-automatic Classification of Remote Sensing Images

A huge effort has been made in the development of image classification systemswith the objective of creating high-quality thematic maps and to establishprecise inventories about land cover use. The peculiarities of Remote SensingImages (RSIs) combined with the traditional image classification challengesmake RSI classification a hard task. Many of the problems are related to therepresentation scale of the data, and to both the size and therepresentativeness of used training set.In this work, we addressed four research issues in order to develop effectivesolutions for interactive classification of remote sensing images.The first research issue concerns the fact that image descriptorsproposed in the literature achieve good results in various applications, butmany of them have never been used in remote sensing classification tasks.We have tested twelve descriptors that encodespectral/color properties and seven texture descriptors. We have also proposeda methodology based on the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) classifier for evaluationof descriptors in classification context. Experiments demonstrate that JointAuto-Correlogram (JAC), Color Bitmap, Invariant Steerable Pyramid Decomposition(SID), and Quantized Compound Change Histogram (QCCH) yield the best results incoffee and pasture recognition tasks.The second research issue refers to the problem of selecting the scaleof segmentation for object-based remote sensing classification. Recentlyproposed methods exploit features extracted from segmented objects to improvehigh-resolution image classification. However, the definition of the scale ofsegmentation is a challenging task. We have proposedtwo multiscale classification approaches based on boosting of weak classifiers.The first approach, Multiscale Classifier (MSC), builds a strongclassifier that combines features extracted from multiple scales ofsegmentation. The other, Hierarchical Multiscale Classifier (HMSC), exploits thehierarchical topology of segmented regions to improve training efficiencywithout accuracy loss when compared to the MSC. Experiments show that it isbetter to use multiple scales than use only one segmentation scale result. Wehave also analyzed and discussed about the correlation among the useddescriptors and the scales of segmentation.The third research issue concerns the selection of training examples and therefinement of classification results through multiscale segmentation. We have proposed an approach forinteractive multiscale classification of remote sensing images.It is an active learning strategy that allows the classification resultrefinement by the user along iterations. Experimentalresults show that the combination of scales produces better results thanisolated scales in a relevance feedback process. Furthermore, the interactivemethod achieves good results with few user interactions. The proposed methodneeds only a small portion of the training set to build classifiers that are asstrong as the ones generated by a supervised method that uses the whole availabletraining set.The fourth research issue refers to the problem of extracting features of ahierarchy of regions for multiscale classification. We have proposed a strategythat exploits the existing relationships among regions in a hierarchy. Thisapproach, called BoW-Propagation, exploits the bag-of-visual-word model topropagate features along multiple scales. We also extend this idea topropagate histogram-based global descriptors, the H-Propagation method. The proposedmethods speed up the feature extraction process and yield good results when compared with globallow-level extraction approaches.
Date25 March 2013
CreatorsDos santos, Jefersson Alex
PublisherUniversité de Cergy Pontoise
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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