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The evolution from plant maintenance to physical asset management : an analysis of the Sasol Synfuels roadmap for change

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The change management approach followed during the installation of a new
maintenance work management process (termed SAMI Stage1) in Sasol Synfuels is
assessed. A framework and a set of change management principles are derived
from literature relevant to the topic and are used as a basis to assess the
implemented change. The concept of physical asset management is also reviewed
and incorporated into the overall framework.
The assessment reveals the following positive aspects of the change management
process followed:
• Excellent executive sponsorship throughout the implementation of SAMI Stage
• The use of one team of Sasol Synfuels personnel to develop the strategic plan
and another team to perform the design of the new maintenance work
management process has resulted in a core group of change advocates within
Sasol Synfuels.
• Sasol Synfuels business units were declared SAM I Stage 1 competent, which
included the achievement of outcome indicators as well as behavioural
• The SAMI Stage 1 change is reinforced through further changes such as
SAMI Stage 2, SAM PI (production initiative), as well as the creation of a new
department, OPEX, to facilitate operational excellence within Sasol Synfuels.
• The overall SAMI roadmap, commencing with maintenance work
management, is found to be an effective vehicle to achieve the future
integrated state of asset management.
However, the following negative aspects of the implemented change are also
• The concept of physical asset management as the ultimate objective of the
SAMI process was inadequately explained and coached to the organisation.
Although maintenance work management efficiency has improved, the
organisation has not made the mental transition from a cost centre mentality to
a profit centre mentality.
• Production personnel were initially excluded to a large extent, since SAM I
Stage 1 was installed as a predominantly maintenance-focussed initiative.
However, production personnel are required to play a large role in the
maintenance work management process and their initial exclusion required
significant stakeholder management during the advanced stages of the
• There have not been significant changes to the recognition and reward
systems in Sasol Synfuels in order to enhance the integration of specifically
the maintenance and production functions. The organisation is thus still very
much focused on functional excellence as opposed to the integrated concept
of asset management.
The effectiveness of installing a maintenance work management process first and
then addressing equipment failures is also reviewed. It is concluded that this
approach of firstly establishing discipline in the execution of maintenance work is
indeed a viable approach. However, the overall objective of asset management must
be considered from the onset and the organisation must be continuously aligned to
that objective.
Based on the above observations, recommendations are made on futu re Sasol
implementations of maintenance work management processes. In essence there
should be more focus on the concept of physical asset management before and
during such an implementation.
It is also recommended that a post SAM I Stage 1 project analysis should be
performed (using appropriate questionnaires andlor interviews) to assess the positive
and negative aspects as encountered by the organisation. These learning pOints
should be documented and used for future, similar interventions. It should also be
established whether the changes in behaviour and outcome are due to predominantly
compliance to the work management process, or whether there is significant
commitment to the process. Commitment to the process by the majority of the
organisation is required to ensure sustainability there of. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die benadering soos gevolg ten opsigte van veranderingsbestuur gedurende die
implementering van 'n nuwe instandhoudingswerk bestuursproses in Sasol Synfuels
(genaamd SAM I Fase 1), word ondersoek. 'n Raamwerk en 'n stel beginsels met
betrekking tot veranderingsbestuur word uit die relevante nagevorste literatuur
ontwikkel en word gebruik as 'n basis waarteen die geimplementeerde verandering
geevalueer word. Die beginsel van fisiese batebestuur word ook ondersoek en in die
oorhoofse raamwerk geinkorporeer.
Die volgende positiewe aspekte van die veranderingsbestuur proses wat gevolg was,
word deur die ondersoek openbaar:
• Uitstekende borgskap deur uitvoerende bestuur tydens die verloop van die
implementering van SAMI Fase 1.
• Die gebruik van een span Sasol Synfuels personeel om die strategiese plan te
ontwikkel en 'n ander span om die ontwerp van die nuwe
instandhoudingswerk bestuursproses te behartig, het gelei tot die ontstaan
van 'n kern groep in die organisasie wat die verandering ondersteun.
• Besigheidseenhede in Sasol Synfuels is SAM I Fase 1 bedrewe verklaar, wat
die behaling van uitkomsindikators, sowel as gedragsveranderinge insluit.
• Die SAMI Fase 1 verandering word versterk deur verdere veranderings soos
SAMI Fase 2, SAMPI (produksie inisiatief), sowel as die daarstelling van 'n
nuwe afdeling, OPEX, om operasionele uitnemendheid in Sasol Synfuels te
• Die algehele SAMI proses, beginnende met die bestuur van
instandhoudingswerk, is effektief bevind om die toekomstige, geintegreerde
toestand van batebestuur te verwesenlik.
Die volgende negatiewe aspekte van die geimplementeerde verandering word egter
ook uitgelig:
• Die beginsel dat fisiese batebestuur die uiteindelike doelwit van die SAMI
proses is, was nie voldoende verduidelik en oorgedra aan die organisasie nie,
Alhoewel die effektiwiteit van instandhoudingswerk bestuur verbeter het, het
die organisasie nie die paradigma skuif gemaak van 'n kostegesentreerde
denkwyse na 'n winsgesentreerde denkwyse nie.
• Aanvanklik was produksiepersoneel grootliks uitgesluit uit die proses,
aangesien SAMI Fase 1 hoofsaaklik as 'n instandhoudingsinisiatief aangepak
is. Produksiepersoneel het egter 'n groot rol om te speel in die
instandhoudingswerk bestuursproses en hulle aanvanklike uitsluiting het gelei
tot aansienlike bestuur van belanghebbendes gedurende die gevorderde
stadiums van die verandering.
• Daar is nog nie betekenisvolle veranderinge gemaak aan die vergoedings -en
erkenningssisteme in Sasol Synfuels om sodoende die integrasie van
spesifiek die instandhouding en produksiefunksies te bevorder nie. Daar is
dus nog steeds 'n sterk fokus in die organisasie op funksionele uitnemendheid
in teenstelling met die geintegreerde beginsel van batebestuur.
Daar word ook gekyk na hoe effektief dit is om eers 'n instandhoudingswerk
bestuursproses te installeer voordat toerustingfalings ondersoek word. Die
gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat hierdie benadering om eers dissipline in die
uitvoering van instandhoudingswerk daar te stel, inderdaad 'n haalbare benadering
is. Die oorhoofse doelwit van batebestuur moet egter vanaf die begin oorweeg word
en die organisasie moet gedurig op koers gehou word rakende daardie oogmerk.
Voorstelle, gegrond op bogenoemde waarnemings, word gemaak vir die toekomstige
implementering van instandhoudingswerk bestuursprosesse in Sasol. In wese moet
daar meer gefokus word op die beginsel van batebestuur voor en gedurende so 'n
Daar word ook aanbeveel dat 'n nabetragting gehou word rondom die
implementering van SAMI Fase 1 (met behulp van gepaste vraelyste en/of
onderhoude) om die positiewe en negatiewe aspekte, soos ondervind is deur die
organisasie, te evalueer. Hierdie inligting moet dan gedokumenteer word en gebruik
word vir toekomstige, soortgelyke intervensies. Daar moet ook bepaal word of die
verandering in gedrag en resultate die gevolg is van oorwegend die navolging van
die proses of toewyding aan die proses. Die meerderheid van die organisasie moet
toegewyd wees aan die proses om volhoubaarheid te verseker.
Date12 1900
CreatorsBotes, Hein
ContributorsCoetzee, S. F., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format224 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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