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Regional Spatial Planning for Coordination : A case study on the strategic structural picture of Skåne

Giving a spatial structure to the regional development strategies in order to achieve a balanced use of lands and resources for a more sustainable development is not a straightforward task for the regions in Sweden. The reason is the planning monopoly of the municipalities and lack of planning power at the regional level based on the Planning and Building Act. Therefore, using a strategic spatial planning process as a coordination process is a controversial issue in the Swedish planning system. This thesis is dedicated to a case study (Structural picture of Skåne) in order to achieve a better and deeper understanding of the various aspects of such process. This purpose has been followed through collecting quantitative data (semi structured interviews and documents) and analyzing them according to a conceptual framework. The findings demonstrate that in order to meta-governing the network of municipalities in a region, strategic spatial planning process includes meta-governance mechanisms (network design, network framing and network management). The network design mechanism is heavily depends on the legitimacy of the spatial planning process and the initiator (here Region Skåne) is required to increase this legitimacy by working on different aspects of legitimacy. The network framing is to interactively build a consensus among all the actors by developing a common vision for the region and concretize it through common strategies. The scenarios for the future of the region must be developed through discussions and joint interpretation of the facts and analysis rather than being made merely by technical spatial analysis. Otherwise, making the strategies would face lots of misunderstandings, ambiguities and oppositions. Finally, since a complete consensus is not possible, questions and disagreements always exist. In addition, the weaker actors (municipalities) which have limitations and barriers to implement the strategies or put themselves in line with them need constant support from the stronger actors and the Region. Hence, the strategic spatial planning calls for a continuous discussion and support in order to manage the network of municipalities and keep the created picture alive in the background of their comprehensive plans.
Date January 2016
CreatorsShahsavarian, Mahsa
PublisherBlekinge Tekniska Högskola, Institutionen för fysisk planering
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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