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Élaboration et évaluation d'une stratégie d'application des connaissances pour les professionnels de la santé sur la détermination des objectifs de soins avec les personnes malades

Pour les personnes atteintes d’une maladie grave, la détermination des objectifs de soins (DOS), qui consiste à identifier les soins appropriés à leur condition de santé en cohérence avec leur projet de fin de vie, est sans doute l’une des décisions les plus difficiles auxquelles elles seront confrontées. La DOS implique nécessairement une discussion entre le médecin et la personne malade (ou son représentant). Elle s’avère souvent complexe, puisque l’orientation des soins privilégiée pour une personne doit tenir compte de sa situation de santé, tout en étant adaptée à l’ensemble de ses besoins, de même que ceux de ses proches. Pour aborder ces situations complexes, la contribution d’une équipe interprofessionnelle est requise afin d’accompagner la personne dans sa globalité. Or, il existe un écart à combler pour intégrer la contribution de l’équipe interdisciplinaire afin que les discussions sur la DOS puissent s’inscrire dans des pratiques interprofessionnelles et qu’elles ne reposent plus seulement sur un échange entre le médecin et le patient. Afin d’atténuer cet écart, une stratégie d’application des connaissances visant à optimiser les pratiques de collaboration interprofessionnelle centrée sur la personne et ses proches en contexte de DOS a été proposée. Co-construite et déployée en milieu clinique en collaboration avec des professionnels de la santé et des services sociaux, la stratégie d’application des connaissances a été évaluée en trois phases successives, soit au moment de son développement, lors de sa mise en œuvre et enfin, après celle-ci afin d’en apprécier les retombées sur les pratiques cliniques. Vingt-six professionnels de la santé de disciplines différentes en exercice au CHU de Québec- Université Laval et au CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale ont participé à la stratégie d’application des connaissances dont l’activité principale consistait à une formation interprofessionnelle qui s’est tenue à l’hiver 2018. L’analyse des données recueillies lors de chacune des phases de développement et d’implantation mettent en lumière : 1) la pertinence de mobiliser les différents acteurs visés par la stratégie d’application des connaissances afin de développer du contenu pertinent qui tienne compte de leurs besoins et de leur réalité en contexte de pratique; 2) la nécessité d’obtenir le soutien des directions des établissements pour faciliter le déploiement de ce type d’initiative dans leur environnement de soins; 3) l’importance de favoriser un climat d’ouverture et des espaces de discussion lors des formations interprofessionnelles pour faciliter l’appropriation de compétences en matière d’interprofessionnalisme, ainsi qu’un lieu propice au développement de réflexions critiques sur la pratique des participants en matière de DOS. Les faits saillants de la phase d’évaluation des retombées à court terme de la stratégie sur les pratiques mettent en lumière trois changements principaux observés par les participants sur leur pratique de DOS : 1) une appropriation d’un formulaire harmonisé pour discuter de la fin de vie avec les personnes malades; 2) une amélioration des pratiques de collaboration interprofessionnelle lors de situations complexes de DOS grâce à une meilleure affirmation de leur expertise et la reconnaissance de celle des autres professionnels dans ce processus décisionnel, ainsi que; 3) des rôles réaffirmés de défense des droits, d’accompagnement et de facilitateur auprès des patients et des proches en contexte de DOS. À la lumière de ces résultats, des recommandations sont émises. Une première vise à faciliter la capacité des personnes malades à prendre des décisions éclairées concernant leurs soins de fin de vie grâce au développement d’outils de réflexion préalable aux discussions avec les équipes soignantes. Une deuxième recommandation est liée à l’offre de services de soutien plus tôt dans la trajectoire de soins des personnes atteintes d’une maladie grave. Cette thèse se conclut par la proposition de pistes à explorer en recherche. / Goals of care conversation (GOCC), a process which consists in identifying with patients the appropriate care for their health condition in accordance with their life plan, is arguably one of the most difficult decisions patients with serious illnesses will face. GOCC implies discussion between the physician and the patient (or his Substitute Decision Maker). It is often complex, since the preferred care orientation for patients must consider their health situation while being consistent with their beliefs, preferences and values as well as those of their relatives. To address these complex situations, the contribution of an interprofessional team is required to support patients in their global perspective. There is, however, a gap that needs to be filled amidst interdisciplinary teamwork in order to integrate GOCC discussions in the routine of care teams so that GOCC no longer rely solely on discussions between the physicians and their patients. In order to reduce this gap, a knowledge transfer strategy aimed at optimizing interprofessional collaboration practices in GOCC situations with the participation of the patients and their relatives was proposed. Co-constructed and deployed in a clinical environment in collaboration with health and social services providers, the knowledge transfer strategy was evaluated in three successive phases, either at the time of its development, during its implementation and finally, after this in order to assess the impact on clinical practices. Twenty-six healthcare providers from different disciplines practicing at the CHU de Québec- Université Laval and at the CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale took part in the knowledge strategy, which main activity was the interprofessional training session held during Winter 2018. Analysis of collected data during development and implementation phases highlights : 1) relevance in mobilizing the various players targeted by the knowledge transfer strategy in order to develop relevant content that takes into account the needs and realities in practice context; 2) the need to obtain support from the management of establishments to facilitate the deployment of this type of initiative in health care and health services environments; 3) the importance of fostering a climate of openness and discussion spaces during interdisciplinary training session to promote the appropriation of interprofessional competencies, as well as a place conducive to the development of critical reflections on the participants' GOCC practice. The highlights of the short-term impact assessment phase of the strategy emphasized three main changes observed by the participants in their GOCC practice: 1) better appropriation of a harmonized level of care form for discussing end-of-life issues with patients; 2) improved IPC practices in complex GOCC situations through better affirmation of their expertise role along with recognition of other professionals’ role in this decision-making process, and 3) reaffirmed roles of advocacy, support and enabler with patients and families in GOCC context. In light of these results, recommendations are made to optimize the timely participation of sick people in informed decision-making processes about their end-of-life care, this in an interprofessional collaboration perspective. Recommendations related to the provision of earlier support services in the care trajectory of patients with serious illness, with a potentially fatal outcome in order to facilitate dialogue between patients and stakeholders in anticipation of end-of-life are also presented. This thesis concludes by proposing avenues to be explored in research.Goals of care conversation (GOCC), a process which consists in identifying with patients the appropriate care for their health condition in accordance with their life plan, is arguably one of the most difficult decisions patients with serious illnesses will face. GOCC implies discussion between the physician and the patient (or his Substitute Decision Maker). It is often complex, since the preferred care orientation for patients must consider their health situation while being consistent with their beliefs, preferences and values as well as those of their relatives. To address these complex situations, the contribution of an interprofessional team is required to support patients in their global perspective. There is, however, a gap that needs to be filled amidst interdisciplinary teamwork in order to integrate GOCC discussions in the routine of care teams so that GOCC no longer rely solely on discussions between the physicians and their patients. In order to reduce this gap, a knowledge transfer strategy aimed at optimizing interprofessional collaboration practices in GOCC situations with the participation of the patients and their relatives was proposed. Co-constructed and deployed in a clinical environment in collaboration with health and social services providers, the knowledge transfer strategy was evaluated in three successive phases, either at the time of its development, during its implementation and finally, after this in order to assess the impact on clinical practices. Twenty-six healthcare providers from different disciplines practicing at the CHU de Québec- Université Laval and at the CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale took part in the knowledge strategy, which main activity was the interprofessional training session held during Winter 2018. Analysis of collected data during development and implementation phases highlights : 1) relevance in mobilizing the various players targeted by the knowledge transfer strategy in order to develop relevant content that takes into account the needs and realities in practice context; 2) the need to obtain support from the management of establishments to facilitate the deployment of this type of initiative in health care and health services environments; 3) the importance of fostering a climate of openness and discussion spaces during interdisciplinary training session to promote the appropriation of interprofessional competencies, as well as a place conducive to the development of critical reflections on the participants' GOCC practice. The highlights of the short-term impact assessment phase of the strategy emphasized three main changes observed by the participants in their GOCC practice: 1) better appropriation of a harmonized level of care form for discussing end-of-life issues with patients; 2) improved IPC practices in complex GOCC situations through better affirmation of their expertise role along with recognition of other professionals’ role in this decision-making process, and 3) reaffirmed roles of advocacy, support and enabler with patients and families in GOCC context. In light of these results, recommendations are made to optimize the timely participation of sick people in informed decision-making processes about their end-of-life care, this in an interprofessional collaboration perspective. Recommendations related to the provision of earlier support services in the care trajectory of patients with serious illness, with a potentially fatal outcome in order to facilitate dialogue between patients and stakeholders in anticipation of end-of-life are also presented. This thesis concludes by proposing avenues to be explored in research.
Date27 January 2024
CreatorsFortin, Gabrielle
ContributorsDumont, Serge
Source SetsUniversité Laval
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typethèse de doctorat, COAR1_1::Texte::Thèse::Thèse de doctorat
Format1 ressource en ligne (xx, 218 pages), application/pdf

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