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Ligonių po nugaros smegenų pažeidimų funkcinės būklės ir sutrikusios veiklos korekcija, taikant ergoterapiją, ankstyvuoju reabilitacijos laikotarpiu / Correction of functional state and activity disorders of patients with spinal cord injury applying occupational therapy in early stage of rehabilitation


FIM - Functional Independence Measure.
P - Significance level.
CI - Confidence interval.
df -degrees of freedom
SD - Standard deviation.
OR - Odds ratio.
AOTA - American Occupational Therapy Association.
COPM - Canadian occupational performance measure.
NS - Not significant.
ASIA - American Spinal Cord Injury Association.

1. Introduction

About 140 – 150 people suffer from traumatic spinal cord injury in Lithuania annually. Also, there are frequent cases of non-traumatic spinal cord injury caused by hernia of intervertebral disc, tumours and disorders of spinal cord circulation. Spinal cord injury causes motor, sensor and autonomic dysfunctions, as well as bowel and bladder dysfunctions which are considered to be the main factors causing disability.
Patients after spinal cord injury face disorders of daily living, decrease of work and leisure possibilities. Reintegration after rehabilitation period is very important as more than 50 % of spinal cord injuries appear among people of 16 – 30 years. Rehabilitation period of such people is a long-lasting process which aims at readjustment of all activity areas. During rehabilitation process it is essential to foresee the aims which are influenced by the level and grade of injury, as well as age and gender of patients.
Occupational therapy, as a part of complex rehabilitation, is applied for the solution of problems of activity disorders of patients after spinal cord injury. Purposeful... [to full text]
Date11 January 2006
CreatorsMingaila, Sigitas
ContributorsSkirius, Jonas, Savickas, Raimondas, Lesauskaitė, Vita, Budrys, Valmantas, Dadonienė, Jolanta, Šeškevičius, Arvydas, Macijauskienė, Jūratė, Kaunas University of Medicine
PublisherLithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), Kaunas University of Medicine
Source SetsLithuanian ETD submission system
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeDoctoral thesis

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