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Evolution of the governance of projects within a program

In this thesis is discussed the evolution of the governance for the projects constituting a program. The different kinds of programs are first presented. A strong focus is given to the analysis of the actors of the governance and their role. A literature review of these characteristics for project and program governance shows the important role of the sponsor and the manager of the project. A case study of a global program in the luxury group LVMH has been realized for this thesis. This program, called Sapphire consists of the worldwide implementation of a Swiftnet platform in the affiliate of the group. This platform enables to realize secure payments and to receive account statements every day. One characteristics of the program implementation is that the mother houses implementation is handled by a project unit in the holding company. The implementations in the affiliates of the mother houses are then managed by the mother house itself. The main conclusions were: - The perspective of a first implementation is a governance one from the holding company toward the mother house. However, it shifts to a support perspective between the holding company and the mother house for the next implementation. - The project manager moves from the holding company to the mother house. The broker and the steward are thus in the mother house for the affiliate implementation. This practice enables LVMH to keep a small program team whose role becomes like the one of a program management office. - The project unit thus has first a managerial role which is transformed to a support role. However, it remains able to take decisions in case of potential failures The degree of generalizability of this study is finally addressed. This evolution of the governance could also be observed in other temporary programs like ERP implementations.
Date January 2013
CreatorsEnjalbert, Tiphaine
PublisherKTH, Organisation och ledning, Ecole Centrale Paris
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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