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Jämlikhet mellan givare och mottagare : En studie om jämlikhet i svensk biståndspolitik 1960-2000

<p>Abstract</p><p>Equality between donor and receiver, a study about equality in the Swedish aid politics 1960 – 2000.</p><p>Essay in political science, C-level, at Karlstads University, by Britt-Louise Orrmalm Karlsson. Spring 2006. Tutor: Hans Lödén.</p><p>Sweden has a history as an official aid donor since 1950. The development cooperation has changed through the years in accordance to the Swedish policy and the politics. Today the aid politics are called “development cooperation” and should be more like a partnership than a relation with a donor and a receiver. According to an article in the magazine Omvärlden, describes foreign aid project is dealing with a communication problem. The author of the article writes that this is a problem in attitude, that we in the west as a donor giver, still see us as those with knowledge and skills. The purpose with this essay is to examine in which extension the Swedish development cooperation has change to be a more equal relation between aid donor and aid receiver. This is conducted by help from John Lockes theory of equality as non-domination, as it is understood by R J Arneson. I have composed three components in order to apply equality in this study, this are dialogue, reciprocity and respect.</p><p>My study has focused on equality in Swedish aid politics between 1960 and 2000. The empirical material is examined and analysed according to these variables. In three aid projects where Sweden is a donor, initiated in 1977, 1995 and 2000, I have studied equality in the components dialogue, reciprocity and respect in order to see if there have been any changes.</p><p>The result in my study indicates that equality in the development cooperation has change between 1960 and 2000. All three variables, dialogue, reciprocity and respect have increased according to my findings. But my study is not enough to say something about equality in the communication and attitude in the actual meeting between people from the donor country and the country receiving aid. An essay with this intention needs a different approach with interviews with people from both countries.</p>
Date January 2007
CreatorsOrrmalm-Karlsson, Britt-Louise
PublisherKarlstad University, Faculty of Social and Life Sciences
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, text

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