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Commercial agriculture in the Swartland : investigating emerging trends towards more sustainable food production

Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this thesis was to determine whether or not examples exist of commercial grain farmers
in the Swartland region of South Africa moving away from high-external-input agricultural
production systems towards production systems based on ecologically restorative partnerships with
soils and other natural systems. The research also sought to understand why these farmers were
changing their approach to farming, as well as investigating the specific technologies and practices
they were implementing in order to achieve these changes. In addition, the thesis also considered
the theoretical implications of these changes on food security in the Western Cape.
Three research approaches were employed: qualitative case studies of seven progressive farmers in
the region; a literature review; and an analysis of secondary data. Throughout these three
approaches, Swilling and Annecke’s conceptualisation of a multifaceted global polycrisis was used as
a conceptual reference point. This was done with the intention of providing an agricultural analysis
which looks beyond the farm gate and takes cognisance of the broader socio-ecological issues which
affect and are affected by agriculture.
The research identified seven farmers who are shifting towards lower-external-input production
methods, which focus on enhancing beneficial partnerships with natural systems. The on-site
interviews and observations revealed that the degree to which these seven farmers were altering
their practices varied significantly. However, four key technologies and practices were identified as
being common to all seven farmers: the use of legume rotations, reduced tillage, new styles of
planters and increasing farm size.
With regard to food security, the research suggested that current changes in these farmers’
agricultural practices could assist in keeping food prices and food production levels more stable in
future, compared to production using high-external-input practices previously employed by the
farmers. The potential improvement in production stability was shown to result mainly from
improvements in soil health, as these improvements give crops increased resilience to unfavourable
weather conditions, greater disease-resistance and improved vitality. The potential improvement in
price stability stemmed predominantly from increased input-use efficiency and the utilisation of
natural fertility and pest-management practices which were less susceptible to monopolistic input
sales structures, international shortages and the increasing cost of fossil fuels.
Due to the small size of the case study sample and the fact that this research focussed specifically on
farmers who were considered progressive, the findings presented in this thesis cannot be viewed as
representative of the larger agricultural region. The intention was rather to establish the positive
changes currently underway, in order to provide useful pointers for similarly beneficial changes to be
implemented elsewhere. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie tesis was om vas te stel of voorbeelde bestaan van kommersiële graanboere in
die Swartlandgebied van Suid Afrika wat wegbeweeg van hoë-eksterne-inset produksie sisteme na
sisteme wat gebasseer is op vennootskappe met grond en ander natuurlike sisteme. Die doel van dié
vennootskappe isom ekologiese herstellingte bewerkstellig. Die navorsing het ook gepoog om te
verstaan hoekom hierdie boere hulle boerderytegniekeverander; spesifieke tegnologieë en praktyke
wat gebruik word om verandering mee te bringis ondersoek. Daarenbowe oorweeg hierdie tesis ook
die teoretiese implikasies van die veranderings op voedselsekuriteit in die Wes-Kaap.
Drie navorsings benaderings is te werk gestel: kwalitatiewe gevallestudies van sewe
vooruitstrewende boere in die area; ‘n literatuurstudie; en ‘n analise van sekondêre data. Swilling en
Annecke se konsepsualisering van die veelvoudig-gefasetteerde globale polikrisis is deurlopend
gebruik as ‘n konsepsuele verwysingspunt. Dit is gedoen om‘n boerdery analise daar te stel wat
verby die plaashek kyk na wyer maatskaplike en ekologiese kwessies wat ‘n wederkerige verhouding
met boerdery het.
Die navorsing het sewe boere geidentifiseer wat na laer-eksterne-inset produksie metodes beweeg.
Hierdie metodes fokus daarop om voordelige verhoudings met natuurlike sisteme te versterk.
Onderhoude en waarnemings op die plase het vasgestel dat die graad van praktykverandering
merkwaardig tussen die sewe boere verskil. Nietemin, vier gemeenskaplike sleuteltegnologieëenpraktyke
is geidentifiseer: die rotasie van peulgewasse, verminderde grondbewerking, nuwe
plantermodelle en die vergroting van plaasgroottes.
Met betrekking tot voedselsekuriteit vind die navorsing dat huidige veranderings in die wyse
waarop geboer word, in vergelyking met die voorafgaande hoe-eksterne-inset produksie praktyke,
kospryse en produksievlakke kan stabiliseer. Die navorsing wys daarop dat ‘npotensiële verbetering
in produksie stabiliteit ‘n uitkoms van gesonder grond is. Gesonder grond verhoog gewasse se
vermoëom effektief op ongunstige weerkondisies te reageer, bevorder hulle pes-afweringvermoë en
verbeter die lewenskragtigheid van gewasse. Die potensiele verbetering in die stabiliteit van pryse is
‘n nagevolg van meer effektiewe gebruik van insette en die gebruik van natuurlike vrugbaarheid en
pesbestuurpraktyke wat minder vatbaar is vir monopolistiese inset-verkoopstrukture, internasionale
tekorte en die prysverhoging van fossielbrandstowwe.
Na aanleiding van die klein skaal van die gevallestudies en die feit dat die navorsing spesifiek gefokus
het op vooruitstrewende boere, verteenwoordig die bevindings in hierdie tesis nie die omliggende
landbou area nie. Die veronderstelling was eerder om die positiewe veranderings wat tans
onderweg is vas te stel om sodoende bruikbare advies aan soortgelyke voordelige veranderings wat
elders geimplementeer kan word te verskaf.
Date03 1900
CreatorsMetelerkamp, Luke
ContributorsKelly, Candice, University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.
PublisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsUniversity of Stellenbosch

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