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Characterization of novel Hhex partners: SOX13 and c-Myc. New mechanism for the regulation of Wnt/TCF and c-Myc pathways

Hhex transcription factor is expressed in multiple endoderm-derived tissues, like the liver, where it is essential for proper development. The pleiotropic effect of Hhex in the embryo and its dual role as a transcriptional repressor/activator suggest the presence of different interaction partners capable of modulating its activity and function. In the current study we identified two new Hhex protein interactors: SOX13 and c-Myc.
We show that Hhex interacts directly with SOX13. By doing so, Hhex sequesters SOX13 from the SOX13•TCF1 complex, overturning SOX13-dependent repression of the Wnt pathway. On the other hand, Hhex induces proliferation of non-tumorigenic human fibroblast through a Myc-dependent mechanism. Hhex and c-Myc interact directly upregulating Cyclin D1, a c-Myc target gene involved in cell cycle progression and proliferation. Elevation of Cyclin D1 might be the final effector of Hhex capacity to regulate cell proliferation.
Date22 July 2010
CreatorsMarfil Vives, Vanessa
ContributorsBort, Roque, Real, Francisco X., Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Departament de Ciències Experimentals i de la Salut
PublisherUniversitat Pompeu Fabra
Source SetsUniversitat Pompeu Fabra
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Format184 p., application/pdf
SourceTDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
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