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Moving Object Trajectory Based Intelligent Traffic Information Hub

Congestion is a major problem in most metropolitan areas and given the increasingrate of urbanization it is likely to be an even more serious problem in the rapidlyexpanding mega cities. One possible method to combat congestion is to provide in-telligent traffic management systems that can in a timely manner inform drivers aboutcurrent or predicted traffic congestions that are relevant to them on their journeys. Thedetection of traffic congestion and the determination of whom to send in advance no-tifications about the detected congestions is the objective of the present research. Byadopting a grid based discretization of space, the proposed system extracts and main-tains traffic flow statistics and mobility statistics from the grid based recent trajectoriesof moving objects, and captures periodical spatio-temporal changes in the traffic flowsand movements by managing statistics for relevant temporal domain projections, i.e.,hour-of-day and day-of-week. Then, the proposed system identifies a directional con-gestion as a cell and its immediate neighbor, where the speed and flow of the objectsthat have moved from the neighbor to the cell significantly deviates from the histori-cal speed and flow statistics. Subsequently, based on one of two notification criteria,namely, Mobility Statistic Criterion (MSC) and Linear Movement Criterion (LMC),the system decides which objects are likely to be affected by the identified conges-tions and sends out notifications to the corresponding objects such that the numberof false negative (missed) and false positive (unnecessary) notifications is minimized.The thesis discusses the design and DBMS-based implementation of the proposedsystem. Empirical evaluations on realistically simulated trajectory data assess the ac-curacy of the methods and test the scalability of the system for varying input sizes andparameter settings. The accuracy assessment results show that the MSC based systemachieves an optimal performance with a true positive notification rate of 0.67 and afalse positive notification rate of 0.05 when min prob equals to 0.35, which is superiorto the performance of the LMC based system. The execution time of- and the spaceused by the system scales linearly with the input size (number of concurrently movingvehicles) and the methods mutually dependent parameters (grid resolution r and RTlength l) that jointly define a spatio-temporal resolution. Within the area of a large  city (40km by 40km), assuming a 60km/h average vehicle speed, the system, runningon a commodity personal computer, can manage the described congestion detectionand three-minute-ahead notification tasks within real-time requirements for 2000 and20000 concurrently moving vehicles for spatio-temporal resolutions (r=100m, l=19)and (r=2km, l=3), respectively.
Date January 2013
CreatorsRui, Zhu
PublisherKTH, Geodesi och geoinformatik
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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