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Aspectos Cl?nicos e Patol?gicos da Intoxica??o Experimental por Pteridium arachnoideum (Dennstatiaceae) em Equinos. 2010. / Clinical and pathological aspects of experimental poisoning by Pteridium Arachnoideum (Dennstatiaceae) in horses. 2010.

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Previous issue date: 2010-02-10 / The administration of the aerial parts of Pteridium arachnoideum during 15 to 57 days in
proportions that varied from 50 to 75% of the supplied grass (Pennicetum purpureum) mixed
with hay of bracken fern, caused in 3 of the 4 experimental horses, a clinical and pathological
picture that can be attributed to the thiaminases, one of the poisonous principles of the plant.
The clinical picture consisted, in a progressive way, apathy, lethargy, sleepiness, hyporrexia
with evolution to anorexia, reluctance in moving, increase of heart frequency, arrhythmia and
sternal decubitus passing to lateral decubitus. The decubitus lasted at the most 48 hours. In
this phase, the clinical signs previously observed got more intense; additionaly the animals
refused water, made attempts of getting up without success, made intense intermittent
peddling movements, followed by dyspnoea, had muscular tremors, tonic muscle spasms of
limbs, opistotonus, intense sweating and finally death. The electrocardiographic analysis
showed hydropericardium and myocardial failure in the last 48 hours before
death. Post-mortem and histopathological examinations did not show significant lesions,
unless congestion in various organs, indicating congestive heart failure. Clinical pathology
revealed, in relation to the blood count, in one of the three horses, anemia in the final part of
the experiment, and trombocitopenia in only two. No changes were seen in the leucograma.
Parallel to a fall of serous thiamine, an increase the pyruvic acid was seen in the three
animals. One of the experimental horses developed a taste for the fern, and the other two only
consumed the P. arachnoideum-grass mixture with addition of sugar. / A administra??o das partes a?reas de Pteridium arachnoideum durante per?odos de 15 a 57
dias na propor??o que variou de 50 a 75% da mistura com capim (Pennicetum purpureum)
fornecida, causou em 3 dos 4 equinos do experimento um quadro cl?nico-patol?gico que
pode ser atribu?do a tiaminase, um dos princ?pios t?xicos da planta. No quadro cl?nico foram
verificados de forma progressiva apatia, letargia, sonol?ncia, hiporrexia com evolu??o para
anorexia, relut?ncia em se movimentar, aumento da frequ?ncia card?aca, arritmia e finalmente
dec?bito esternal passando para o lateral. O dec?bito era de no m?ximo 48 horas. Nesta fase
os sinais cl?nicos anteriormente observados se intensificaram, os animais, recusavam ?gua,
faziam tentativas de se levantar sem sucesso, movimentos de pedalagem intensos
intermitentes, seguidos de dispn?ia, tremores musculares, espasmos musculares t?nicos dos
membros, opist?tono, sudorese intensa e finalmente morte. As an?lises eletrocardiogr?ficas
indicaram hidroperic?rdio e insufici?ncia mioc?rdica nas ultimas 48 horas antes da morte. Os
achados de necropsia e os exames histopatol?gicos n?o revelaram altera??es significativas, a
n?o ser congest?o em diversos ?rg?os e efus?es cavit?rias de colora??o amarelo ocre, o que
est? relacionado com insufici?ncia card?aca congestiva. A patologia cl?nica revelou, em
rela??o ao hemograma, em um dos tr?s animais, anemia na parte final do experimento, e em
dois equinos trombocitopenia. O leucograma n?o apresentou altera??es. Paralelamente a
queda da tiamina s?rica, foi verificado um aumento do ?cido pir?vico nos tr?s animais. Um
dos animais experimentais desenvolveu um gosto pela samambaia, os outros dois consumiram
a mistura de capim com feno de samambaia mediante o acr?scimo de a??car.
Date10 February 2010
CreatorsSantos, Bruno Jos? Martini
ContributorsTokarnia, Carlos Maria Ant?nio Hubinger
PublisherUniversidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Curso de P?s-Gradua??o em Medicina Veterin?ria, UFRRJ, Brasil, Cl?nica e Cirurgia Veterin?ria
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRRJ, instname:Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, instacron:UFRRJ

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