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Crime as deterrent to sustainable tourism growth? : perspectives on the impact of crime on tourism in the Western Cape

Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study analyses the impact of crime on sustainable tourism growth in the Western
Cape. It investigates tourists' perceptions of crime in the province and the role of the
media in creating or influencing these perceptions. This study also provides an
overview of the most important government initiatives and policies that have been
undertaken and implemented at local, provincial and national levels. These policies
are discussed and evaluated to determine whether it has in fact brought or encouraged
sustainable tourism growth in the Western Cape.
A survey, with a sample size of 25 respondents was undertaken during the period of
April to June 2005 and comprised 13 tour operators, eight tourism bureaus and four
travel agencies, which are all based in the Western Cape. The aim of the study was to
gain insight into the travel motivations and patterns of the thousands of tourists that
visit the province every year and their perceptions regarding crime, from the
viewpoint of these primary producers (i.e. the travel intermediaries) in the tourism
production system.
Crime does not only affect residents, but also has an impact on tourist behaviour and
deters visitors from visiting a country, as most tourists are risk-aversive and consider
such factors when deciding on a destination. Only a small number of tourists are
disappointed with the crime situation when visiting the Western Cape, but the
majority of tourists still regard it as a serious problem, and possible deterrent, of the
province. These perceptions do have a tendency to change more positively once
tourists have visited the area. Nevertheless, respondents feel obliged to warn tourists
against crime or give them advice about their safety and security.
The various levels of government are committed towards improving safety and
security in South Africa and numerous policies and initiatives have been developed
and implemented. However, most do not specifically focus on crimes against tourists.
Safety and security is considered as a prerequisite for a successful tourism industry,
thus both local residents and tourists should receive equal attention with regards to
safety and security from the government. However, many respondents are unaware of
the existence of the government's initiatives to combat crime, which raises doubts about the effectiveness of these initiatives, their implementation and their intended
benefits. The government should formulate comprehensive and constructive
provincial policies in order to address the potentially detrimental impacts of crime on
sustainable tourism growth in the Western Cape. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie analiseer die impak van misdaad op volhoubare toerisme groei in die
Wes-Kaap. Dit ondersoek toeriste se persepsies van misdaad in die provinsie en die
rol van die media om hierdie persepsies te beinvloed. Die studie gee 'n oorsig oor die
belangrikste regeringsinisiatiewe en -beleide wat geimplimenteer is op plaaslike,
provinsiale and nasionale vlakke. Hierdie beleide word bespreek en geevalueer om
vas te stel of dit daadwerklik volhoubare toerisme groei in die Wes-Kaap
bewerkstellig en aanmoedig.
'n Opname met 'n steekproef van 25 respondente was onderneem gedurende April tot
Junie 2005. Die steekproef sluit in 13 toer operateurs, agt toerismeburo's en vier
reisagentskappe, almal gebasseer in die Wes-Kaap. Die doel van die studie was om
insig te kry oor die motivering en reispatrone van die toeriste wat jaarliks die
provinsie besoek, asook wat hul persepsies oor misdaad is soos waargeneem deur die
primere produsente (d.w. s. reisbemiddelaars) in die toerisme produksiesisteem.

Misdaad affekteer nie net inwoners nie, maar het ook 'n impak op toeriste se gedrag
en kan selfs toeriste weerhou daarvan om die land te besoek, want veiligheid en
sekuriteit is van die belangrikste oorwegingsfaktore wanneer daar besluit word om 'n
land te besoek. Slegs 'n paar toeriste is teleurgesteld met die misdaad situasie wanneer
hulle die Wes-Kaap besoek, maar die meerderheid beskou dit steeds as 'n ernstige
probleem, of selfs afskrikmiddel, in die provinsie. Hierdie persepsies is geneig om te
verander nadat die toeriste die area besoek het. Respondente beskou dit egter steeds as
hul plig om toeriste teen misdaad te waarsku.
Op verskeie vlakke van regering word daar voortdurend gestreef na veiligheid en
sekuriteit in Suid-Afrika te verbeter. Verskeie regeringsbeleide en inisiatiewe is al
ontwikkel en geimplimenteer, maar die meeste fokus nie spesifiek op misdaad teen
toeriste nie. Veiligheid en sekuriteit word beskou as 'n voorvereiste vir 'n suksesvolle
toerisme industrie, daarom moet beide inwoners en toeriste dieselfde aandag met
betrekking tot veiligheid en sekuriteit van die regering ontvang. Dis egter
kommerwekkend dat meeste van die respondente onbewus is van hierdie inisiatiewe
om misdaad te bekamp. Die regering moet fokus daarop om 'n omvattende en konstruktiewe provinsiale beleid te formuleer om sodoende die nadelige impak van
misdaad op volhoubare toerismegroei in die Wes-Kaap aan te spreek.
Date12 1900
CreatorsDalhousie, Landi
ContributorsCornelissen, S., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences. Dept. of Political Science .
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Formatxii, 111 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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