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Efekti menadžmenta znanja na zadovoljstvo poslom zaposlenih i finansijske performanse preduzeća / Effects of knowledge management on employee job satisfaction and financial performance of enterprises

<p>Osnovni cilj istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije je da se utvrde smerovi i intenziteti dve grupe efekata: menadžmenta znanja (KM) na zadovoljstvo poslom (JS) zaposlenih i finansijske performanse (FP) preduzeća, uz prikaz uticaja pojedinih kontrolnih varijabli (nacionalno poreklo preduzeća, vlasnička struktura preduzeća, veličina preduzeća, visina finansijskih performansi preduzeća) na dimenzije menadžmenta znanja, kao i utvrđivanje moderatornih odnosa (pol, godine starosti, vrsta radnog mesta i stepen stručne spreme ispitanika) na relacije KM na JS. Istraživanje je izvr&scaron;eno anketiranjem, na uzorku N=520 ispitanika (menadžeri svih nivoa) iz proizvodnih preduzeća u Srbiji. Statistička obrada podataka vr&scaron;ena je pomoću namenskog softvera IBM SPSS Statistics 21. Pri tome, kori&scaron;ćene su sledeće statističke metode: deskriptivna statistika, t-test, korelaciona analiza, regresiona analiza, analiza varijanse (ANOVA) i hijerarhijska regresiona analiza za analizu moderatornih dejstava. U radu su posmatrane dve grupe uticaja, menadžment znanja na zadovoljstvo poslom zaposlenih i menadžment znanja na finansijske performanse preduzeća. Prilikom analize relacija obe grupe, uočene su značajne razlike. Uticaj menadžmenta znanja na finansijske performanse preduzeća je jasan i nedvosmislen: statistički značajan i pozitivan. Međutim, uticaj menadžmenta znanja na zadovoljstvo poslom zaposlenih je znatno kompleksniji: uglavnom je statistički značajan i negativan, ali ima i statistički značajnih i pozitivnih uticaja.<span style="font-size: 12px;">Osnovno ograničenje istraživanja je činjenica da se rezultati istraživanja odnose na zemlje sa specifičnim tranzicionim uslovima privrede, tako i na prisutnost psiholo&scaron;kog stava ljudi koji je specifičan u ovakvim uslovima. S druge strane, mora se napomenuti da je značajan istraživački uzorak obuhvatio i strane kompanije koje posluju u Srbiji, &scaron;to može implicirati univerzalnost rezultata. S obzirom da se tranzicioni uslovi menjaju, značajno bi bilo pratiti te promene i u odnosu na njih postaviti nova istraživanja i komparirati rezultate i u skladu sa tim davati preporuke za dalji rad i unapređenje poslovanja.</span></p> / <p>The main goal of this doctoral dissertation is to determine the directions and intensities of two groups of effects: knowledge management (KM) on employee job satisfaction (JS) and enterprise financial performance (FP). In addition, the impact of individual control variables (national origin of the enterprise, ownership structure, the size of the enterprise, and the financial performance of the enterprise) on the dimensions of knowledge management (KM) is presented. Also the effects of the defined moderating relations (gender, age, type of job and level of education of respondents) on the relations of KM to JS are analyzed. The research was conducted via survey, on a sample of N = 520 respondents (managers of all levels) from manufacturing enterprises in Serbia. Statistical data analysis was conducted with the IBM SPSS Statistics 21 software. The following statistical methods were used: descriptive statistics, t-test, correlation analysis, regression analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and hierarchical regression analysis for analysis of moderator actions. Two groups of influences were observed: knowledge management on employee job satisfaction and knowledge management on enterprise financial performance. During the analysis of these relations, significant differences were noticed. The impact of knowledge management on financial performance is clear and unambiguous: statistically significant and positive. However, the impact of knowledge management on employee job satisfaction is much more complex: it is mostly statistically&nbsp;significant and negative, but it also has statistically significant and positive impacts. The main limitation of the research is the fact that the research results refer to countries with specific transition conditions of the economy, and to the presence of the psychological attitude of people, which is specific in such conditions. On the other hand, it must be noted that a significant research sample included foreign companies operating in Serbia, which may imply the universality of the results. Given that the transition conditions are changing, it would be important to monitor these changes and in accordance with them set new studies and compare the results and accordingly make recommendations for further research and business improvement.</p>
Date14 September 2020
CreatorsKavalić Mila
ContributorsNikolić Milan, Đorđević Dejan, Pečujlija Mladen, Slavić Agnes, Stanisavljev Sanja
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnički fakultet Mihajlo Pupin u Zrenjaninu, University of Novi Sad, Mihajlo Pupin Technical Faculty at Zrenjanin
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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