Distribution, movement, growth and individual behaviours of a drift feeding stream fish in relation to food supply

Individuals within a species often compete for resources in both space and time. In dominance hierarchies individuals with the greatest competitive ability will occupy prime locations during optimal periods to increase efficiency in gathering a resource. Subdominant individuals with low competitive abilities may be forced to reside in habitats of poor quality relative to dominant individuals. In this study I examined the long term patterns of giant kokopu distribution, movement, growth, habitat use, and social interaction between fish in relation to invertebrate drift (food supply).
The habitat quality and abundance of food along a one km section of Alex�s Creek was monitored for a two year period. Though the physical structure of Alex�s Creek was relatively homogenous there were significant spatial differences in the density of drifting invertebrates sampled between riffles and pools over this long temporal period. In general, more drifting invertebrates were sampled in riffles of relatively long length and area.
Within Alex�s Creek the distribution of giant kokopu, Galaxias argenteus, was determined by patchy distributions of food supply, specific physical factors of pools, and interactions between fish in dominance hierarchies. Over the 20 month study period, the most important biotic factor determining fish biomass was the total number of drifting invertebrates within pools while the most important abiotic factor determining fish abundances within pools was the pool size (surface area). The growth rate of individual fish correspondingly varied between fish residing within pools of different quality. Growth rates were higher for individual fish residing in pools with a relatively high density of drifting invertebrates.
The differences in individual growth rates of giant kokopu may determine when fish leave a particular habitat patch (pool) and move to a new one. Fish that moved had lower growth rates (before moving) than fish that remained resident within home pools. Overall the movement of giant kokopu within Alex�s Creek was very restricted due to a relatively consistent distribution of food, however there were differences in the mobility of giant kokopu among different social ranks. The most dominant fish in pools were largely sedentary while fish ranked directly below fish 1 (i.e. fish 2 and 3 in social hierarchies) were relatively mobile.
The ability of dominant fish to exclude subdominant fish from the most preferred feeding positions during optimal feeding times had consequences for overall giant kokopu activity. Under normal food supply conditions dominant fish were predominantly nocturnal and maintained large home ranges at night. Conversely subdominant fish occupied large home ranges by day, but were generally not observed at night. When the food supply was limited the utilization of pools was determined by social rank. Dominant fish from each pool increased daytime activity, home range size, aggressiveness, and the capture of food items offered by day while simultaneously reducing the spatial and temporal activity and habitat use of subdominant fish. These results indicate that behavioral changes in large dominant fish influence and reduce the amount of resources available to subdominant fish.

Date January 2005
CreatorsHansen, Eric Allen, n/a
PublisherUniversity of Otago. Department of Zoology
Source SetsAustraliasian Digital Theses Program
Detected LanguageEnglish
Rightshttp://policy01.otago.ac.nz/policies/FMPro?-db=policies.fm&-format=viewpolicy.html&-lay=viewpolicy&-sortfield=Title&Type=Academic&-recid=33025&-find), Copyright Eric Allen Hansen

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